7th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry

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Also known as the Burra Crawford Battalion


  • 1759 raised - location unknown
  • 1763 ranked as 17th Battalion
  • 1764 ranked as 5th Battalion
  • 1765 posted to the 1st Brigade under Captain M'Pherson
  • 1768 named the Burra Crawford Battalion after Captain James Crawford Snr
  • 1775 renumbered the 4th Battalion of Bengal Native Infantry
  • 1781 became the 4th Battalion of Bombay Native Infantry
  • 1784 became the 4th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
  • 1786 became the 4th Battalion of Bengal Native Infantry
  • 1796 became the 1st Battalion 4th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
  • 1824 became the 7th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
  • 1857 mutinied at Dinapore 25 July

External links

List of officers in 1829 Google Books