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:*[http://www.garenewing.co.uk/angloafghanwar/database/main.php The Afghan War Database Project] - a searchable database of 900+ soldiers who took part in the war.  Many entries include biographical details, some have photographs.
:*[http://www.garenewing.co.uk/angloafghanwar/database/main.php The Afghan War Database Project] - a searchable database of 900+ soldiers who took part in the war.  Many entries include biographical details, some have photographs.
:*[http://www.garenewing.co.uk/angloafghanwar/waroffice/maproom.php Map of Afghanistan] - showing the principal locations in 1880
:*[http://www.garenewing.co.uk/angloafghanwar/waroffice/maproom.php Map of Afghanistan] - showing the principal locations in 1880
*[http://maiwandjournal.victorianwars.com/ The Last Stand: The Journal of the Maiwand Files Project] Victorianwars.com. Contains many articles about Maiwand
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20170630132410/http://maiwandjournal.victorianwars.com/ The Last Stand: The Journal of the Maiwand Files Project] July 2009. Victorianwars.com, now archived. Originally contained many articles about Maiwand but the only articles which have been archived are
**[https://web.archive.org/web/20170606100626/http://maiwandjournal.victorianwars.com/an_account_of_maiwand.htm "An Account Of Maiwand. A Letter written by Lieutenant Manus L. O’Donel 66th (Berkshire) Regiment"]
**[https://web.archive.org/web/20170424184541/http://maiwandjournal.victorianwars.com/its_a_dogs_life_in_the_army.htm "It’s A Dogs Life In The Army"] by Richard J Stacpoole-Ryding
**[https://web.archive.org/web/20180713134909/http://maiwandjournal.victorianwars.com/maiwand_medal_news.htm "Maiwand Medal News"] by Andy Chaloner
**[https://web.archive.org/web/20110307050517/http://maiwandjournal.victorianwars.com/book_review.htm "Book Review"]
*[http://history.farmersboys.com/Battles/afghanistan_1879-80.htm 66th Berkshires in the Campaign] history.farmersboys.com
*[http://history.farmersboys.com/Battles/afghanistan_1879-80.htm 66th Berkshires in the Campaign] history.farmersboys.com
*[http://maiwandday.blogspot.co.uk Maiwand Day] Blog by 'Mad Guru' includes
*[http://maiwandday.blogspot.co.uk Maiwand Day] Blog by 'Mad Guru' includes
**[http://maiwandday.blogspot.co.uk/p/some-newspaper-illustrations-of-2nd.html Many illustrations from ''The  Graphic'' and ''The Illustrated London News'']
**[http://maiwandday.blogspot.co.uk/p/some-newspaper-illustrations-of-2nd.html Many illustrations from ''The  Graphic'' and ''The Illustrated London News'']
** [http://maiwandday.blogspot.co.uk/p/a-most-villainous-cavalcade-ian-heaths.html "A Most Villainous-Looking Cavalcade": Uniforms of the Afghan Army] by Ian Heath with illustrations,  originally published in the June to September 1995 issues of ''Wargames Illustrated''  
** [http://maiwandday.blogspot.co.uk/p/a-most-villainous-cavalcade-ian-heaths.html "A Most Villainous-Looking Cavalcade": Uniforms of the Afghan Army] by Ian Heath with illustrations,  originally published in the June to September 1995 issues of ''Wargames Illustrated''  
*[http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/LeisureAndCulture/LocalHistoryAndHeritage/SuffolkRecordOffice/ContactUsLocations/BuryStEdmundsBranch.htm Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds] has many photographs and documents relating to the time the Suffolk regiment were serving in India during the 2nd Afghan War. Details of what is held in the Suffolk Regiment Archive can be found in their  [http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/2E9FB0AC-F44C-43FD-B31B-72E83378A413/0/12SuffRegtRevisedJES.pdf Suffolk Regiment Archives leaflet] and their [http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/24AED075-D7F2-465E-B7F4-57DB2BBCBF02/0/14photo.pdf Photographic Collections leaflet]<br>
*[https://www.suffolkarchives.co.uk/planning-your-visit/suffolk-record-office-branches/ Suffolk Record Office, Bury St Edmunds] has many photographs and documents relating to the time the [[12th Regiment of Foot|Suffolk Regiment]] was serving in India during the 2nd Afghan War.  
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mohammad_Yaqub_Khan_with_British_officers_in_May_of_1879.jpg Photo of Amir Yakub Khan and Major Cavagnari] Wikipedia
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mohammad_Yaqub_Khan_with_British_officers_in_May_of_1879.jpg Photo of Amir Yakub Khan and Major Cavagnari] Wikipedia
*[http://www.acepilots.com/medals/brit-victorian1.html British Victorian War Medals] www.acepilots.com
*[http://www.acepilots.com/medals/brit-victorian1.html British Victorian War Medals] www.acepilots.com
*[http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelpregion/asia/afghanistan/afghanistancollection/1878to1880/sources1878to1880.html Afghanistan 1878-1880: Sources in the India Office Records] British Library
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20160404174152/http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelpregion/asia/afghanistan/afghanistancollection/1878to1880/sources1878to1880.html Afghanistan 1878-1880: Sources in the India Office Records] British Library, page now archived.
*[http://www.angelfire.com/mp/memorials/afsl1.htm  Memorials: Afghanistan 1878-1880] from Stephen Lewis’ [http://www.angelfire.com/mp/memorials/memindz1.htm Soldiers Memorials]
*[http://www.angelfire.com/mp/memorials/afsl1.htm  Memorials: Afghanistan 1878-1880] from Stephen Lewis’ [http://www.angelfire.com/mp/memorials/memindz1.htm Soldiers Memorials]
*[http://www.naval-military-press.com/second-afghan-war-1878-1880.-casualty-roll..html ''Second Afghan War 1878-1880 Casualty Roll''] by Anthony Farrington is published by Naval and Military Press. The source of the data is unknown but possibly has been compiled from the Medal Rolls.
*[https://www.naval-military-press.com/product/second-afghan-war-1878-1880casualty-roll/ ''Second Afghan War 1878-1880 Casualty Roll''] by Anthony Farrington is published by Naval and Military Press. The source of the data is unknown but possibly has been compiled from the Medal Rolls.
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20080624223754/http://www.parsonsfamily.co.uk/acton/afghan1.php Diary and  Letters: The Afghan War by Colonel Charles Ball-Acton] of the [[51st Regiment of Foot]]  from the Parsons Family website now archived.  He commanded the 51st in the second phase of the war (second-in-command during the first phase).
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20080624223754/http://www.parsonsfamily.co.uk/acton/afghan1.php Diary and  Letters: The Afghan War by Colonel Charles Ball-Acton] of the [[51st Regiment of Foot]]  from the Parsons Family website now archived.  He commanded the 51st in the second phase of the war (second-in-command during the first phase).
*[http://www.simonnorfolk.com/burkenorfolk/conversation.html  Burke and Norfolk: Photographs from the War in Afghanistan by John Burke and Simon Norfolk: Conversation with Simon Norfolk]. John Burke (1843?-1900) was the first ever photographer to make pictures in Afghanistan. www.simonnorfolk.com
*[http://www.simonnorfolk.com/burkenorfolk/conversation.html  Burke and Norfolk: Photographs from the War in Afghanistan by John Burke and Simon Norfolk: Conversation with Simon Norfolk]. John Burke (1843?-1900) was the first ever photographer to make pictures in Afghanistan. www.simonnorfolk.com
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*[http://www.phototheca-afghanica.ch/index.php?id=111 Set of photographs 1878-1880] titled "Royal Engineers Museum, Library and Archive"  from Phototheca Afghanica:  Historical Images
 of Afghanistan. A  project of Foundation Bibliotheca Afghanica, CH-4416 Bubendorf.
*[http://www.phototheca-afghanica.ch/index.php?id=111 Set of photographs 1878-1880] titled "Royal Engineers Museum, Library and Archive"  from Phototheca Afghanica:  Historical Images
 of Afghanistan. A  project of Foundation Bibliotheca Afghanica, CH-4416 Bubendorf.
*[http://www.gettyimages.com.au/detail/news-photo/photograph-of-afghan-soldiers-dressed-in-kilts-taken-by-news-photo/90767128 Photograph: The Amir’s Highlanders, 1879]. (gettyimages.com). A photograph of Afghan soldiers dressed in kilts, taken by John Burke in 1879. This photograph is from an album entitled ''The Afghan War, Attock to Jellalabad, Gandamak and Surkhab''. The Afghans were very impressed with the ferocity and fighting skills of the British Highland regiments. In imitation, Afghan troops were dressed in kilts in an attempt to instil them with similiar martial qualities.The soldiers were known as the Amir’s Highlanders, the Highlanders of Amir Yaqub, or Yaqub Khan's Highlanders. An [http://www.prints-4-u.com/store/image3/J3331832/J3331832707.jpg image] from the Illustrated London News.
*[http://www.gettyimages.com.au/detail/news-photo/photograph-of-afghan-soldiers-dressed-in-kilts-taken-by-news-photo/90767128 Photograph: The Amir’s Highlanders, 1879]. (gettyimages.com). A photograph of Afghan soldiers dressed in kilts, taken by John Burke in 1879. This photograph is from an album entitled ''The Afghan War, Attock to Jellalabad, Gandamak and Surkhab''. The Afghans were very impressed with the ferocity and fighting skills of the British Highland regiments. In imitation, Afghan troops were dressed in kilts in an attempt to instil them with similiar martial qualities.The soldiers were known as the Amir’s Highlanders, the Highlanders of Amir Yaqub, or Yaqub Khan's Highlanders. An [http://www.prints-4-u.com/store/image3/J3331832/J3331832707.jpg image] from the Illustrated London News.
*[http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/onlineex/apac/photocoll/m/019pho0000430s3u00023000.html Plan of Kabul City, drawn by the Guides March 1880], and photographed by John Burke 1880.  Click on “zoomable image” to enlarge. British Library Online Gallery.
====Historical books online====
====Historical books online====
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/secondafghanwar00brangoog#page/n4/mode/2up ''The Second Afghan War, 1878-80: Abridged Official Account''] produced in the Intelligence Branch Army Headquarters, India 1908 (archive.org)
*''The Second Afghan War Official Account 1907'' [https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.282349 Archive.org mirror version], originally from Digital Library of India. Illustrations are of poor quality. Also available [https://dspace.gipe.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10973/39738  Digital Repository of GIPE (Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics [Pune India<nowiki>]</nowiki>)]
:The same content was issued under the title [http://www.archive.org/stream/secondafghanwar00brangoog#page/n4/mode/2up ''The Second Afghan War, 1878-80: Abridged Official Account''] produced in the Intelligence Branch Army Headquarters, India 1908 Archive.org. Note: Part of the latter filming is unsatisfactory, with text missing from the sides of some pages, and some of the illustrations have not been filmed.  Also available as a pdf download [http://pahar.in/wpfb-file/1908-the-second-afghan-war-1878-80-abridged-official-account-by-army-hq-s-pdf/ PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset]. [https://archive.org/details/dli.pahar.1826/mode/2up Archive.org mirror version], however all appear to be the same digital file.
:[https://archive.org/details/dli.ministry.06221/page/n5/mode/2up Another file, Archive.org] from Ministry of Culture/Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad.
: The six volume ''The Second Afghan War''  compiled and collated by and under the orders of Sir C. M. MacGregor, published 1885-1886 as  "Strictly confidential", on which the ''Abridged Official Account'' was based, is available at the British Library UIN: BLL01012490881, or  IOR/L/MIL/17/14/29 (parts 2-6 only).
*[https://archive.org/details/warinafghanistan0000macg/page/n5/mode/2up ''War in Afghanistan, 1879-80 : the personal diary of Major General Sir Charles Metcalfe MacGregor''] edited by William Trousdale 1985 Archive.org Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
*''The Second Afghan War, 1878-79-80 its causes, its conduct and its consequences'' by Colonel H.B. Hanna. Archive.org [http://www.archive.org/stream/secondafghanwar101hann#page/n5/mode/2up  Volume 1] 1899, [http://www.archive.org/stream/secondafghanwar102hann#page/n3/mode/2up  Volume 2] 1904
*''The Second Afghan War, 1878-79-80 its causes, its conduct and its consequences'' by Colonel H.B. Hanna. Archive.org [http://www.archive.org/stream/secondafghanwar101hann#page/n5/mode/2up  Volume 1] 1899, [http://www.archive.org/stream/secondafghanwar102hann#page/n3/mode/2up  Volume 2] 1904
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/afghanwar02hensgoog#page/n4/mode/2up ''The Afghan War of 1879-80'']  by Howard Hensman Second Edition 1882 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/afghanwar02hensgoog#page/n4/mode/2up ''The Afghan War of 1879-80'']  by Howard Hensman, Special Correspondent of ''The Pioneer'' (Allahabad) and ''The Daily News'' (London).  Second Edition 1882 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/afghanwars18394200forbuoft#page/n5/mode/2up ''The Afghan Wars 1839-42 and 1878-80''] by Archibald Forbes 1892 (archive.org)
*[https://archive.org/details/historyofafghani031122mbp ''A History of Afghanistan Volume II''] by Brig-Gen Sir Percy Sykes 1940 Archive.org. Includes the 2nd Afghan War. [https://archive.org/stream/historyofafghani031122mbp#page/n11/mode/2up Contents]
*[https://archive.org/details/historyofafghani031122mbp ''A History of Afghanistan Volume II''] by Brig-Gen Sir Percy Sykes 1940 Archive.org. Includes the 2nd Afghan War. [https://archive.org/stream/historyofafghani031122mbp#page/n11/mode/2up Contents]
*[https://archive.org/details/frontieroverseas03indi ''Frontier and Overseas Expeditions from India: Volume III Baluchistan, and the First Afghan War'']. Compiled in the Intelligence Branch, Army Headquarters India. 1910 Archive.org  Includes expeditions which were side issues of the 2nd Afghan War.
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/afghanwargoughs00swyngoog#page/n10/mode/2up ''The Afghan War: Gough's Action at Futtehabad''] by Charles Swinnerton  1880 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/afghanwargoughs00swyngoog#page/n10/mode/2up ''The Afghan War: Gough's Action at Futtehabad''] by Charles Swinnerton  1880 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/kandaharin02messgoog#page/n4/mode/2up ''Kandahar in 1879: The Diary of Major Le Messurier R.E., Brigade Major R. E. with the Quetta Column''] 1880 Archive.org
*[http://www.kingscollections.org/servingsoldier/collection/kabul-under-attack Kabul Under Attack]  Handwritten online letter from Gen Sir Montagu Gilbert Gerard, with detailed account of the capture of Kabul  1880 King’s College London Collections: The Serving Soldier
*[https://archive.org/stream/withkurramfield00colqgoog#page/n6/mode/2up ''With the Kurram Field Force, 1878-79''] 
by Major J. A. S. Colquhoun, R.A. With illustrations by the author. 1881 Archive.org (Maps are not copied)
*[https://archive.org/stream/withkurramfield00colqgoog#page/n6/mode/2up ''With the Kurram Field Force, 1878-79''] 
by Major J. A. S. Colquhoun, R.A. With illustrations by the author. 1881 Archive.org (Maps are not copied)
*[https://archive.org/stream/tocaubulwithcava00mitf#page/n7/mode/2up ''To Caubul with the Cavalry Brigade: 
A narrative of personal experiences with the force under General Sir F.S. Roberts 
with map and illustrations from sketches by the author''] by Major R C W Mitford XIVth Bengal Lancers 1881 Archive.org  (Map may be extended out )
*[https://archive.org/stream/tocaubulwithcava00mitf#page/n7/mode/2up ''To Caubul with the Cavalry Brigade: 
A narrative of personal experiences with the force under General Sir F.S. Roberts 
with map and illustrations from sketches by the author''] by Major R C W Mitford XIVth Bengal Lancers 1881 Archive.org  (Map may be extended out )
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*[http://www.archive.org/stream/personalrecords01ashegoog#page/n4/mode/2up ''Personal records of the Kandahar campaign by officers engaged therein'']. Edited by Major Ashe 1881 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/personalrecords01ashegoog#page/n4/mode/2up ''Personal records of the Kandahar campaign by officers engaged therein'']. Edited by Major Ashe 1881 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/kurumkabulkandah00roberich#page/n9/mode/2up ''Kurum, Kabul & Kandahar being a brief record of impressions in three campaigns under General Roberts''] by Charles Gray Robertson, Lieutenant 8th (the King’s) Regiment 1881 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/kurumkabulkandah00roberich#page/n9/mode/2up ''Kurum, Kabul & Kandahar being a brief record of impressions in three campaigns under General Roberts''] by Charles Gray Robertson, Lieutenant 8th (the King’s) Regiment 1881 Archive.org
*[https://books.google.com.au/books?id=QXYIAAAAQAAJ&pg=PP5 ''Transport in Southern Afghanistan, between Sukkur and Quetta, 1878-1880''] by Lieut. S S Parkyn (The Royal Irish) late Assistant Superintendent and Paymaster of Transport, Southern Afghanistan. 2nd edition 1882. Google Books. Rawalpindi edition  had title ''Transport Southern Afghanistan : Sukkar-Quetta 1878-1880''. Full name Samuel Spence Parkyn.
*[https://books.google.com.au/books?id=fKIW_IkolzcC&pg=PA281 "The March from Kabul to Kandahar in August, and the Battle of the 1st September 1880"] by Lieut.-Colonel E F Chapman RA page 282 Vol 25 1882 ''Journal of the Royal United Service Institution''. Google Books.
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/recollectionska00dukegoog#page/n12/mode/2up ''Recollections of the Kabul campaign 1879 & 1880''] by Joshua Duke, Bengal Medical Service 1883 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/recollectionska00dukegoog#page/n12/mode/2up ''Recollections of the Kabul campaign 1879 & 1880''] by Joshua Duke, Bengal Medical Service 1883 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/kandaharin02messgoog#page/n4/mode/2up ''Kandahar in 1879: The Diary of Major Le Messurier R.E., Brigade Major R. E. with the Quetta Column''] 1880 Archive.org
*[http://archive.org/stream/kohatkuramandkh00thogoog#page/n8/mode/2up ''Kohat, Kuram, and Khost; Or, Experiences and Adventures in the Late Afghan War''] by Richard Gillham-Thomsett, Surgeon, Army Medical Department 1884 Archive.org
*''The Death March Through The Khyber Pass'' by G J H Evatt  1891.  [https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.285135 Archive.org version], mirror from Digital Library of India.  More complete title details are ''Personal Recollections of the Afghan Campaigns of 1878-79-80. The “Death-march” through the Khyber Pass in the Afghan Campaign 1878-79''  by Surgeon-Major G. J. H. Evatt, A M D. Reprinted from “Journal of the United Service Institution of India,” 1890.
*[https://books.google.com.au/books?id=u8JMAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA125 "Brief Account of the Return March to India of the Army in Afghanistan, Under General Sir Donald Stewart ... in 1880"]  by Lieut.-Colonel Walter J Boyes, late DAAG, N [North] Afghanistan Field Force, page 125 Vol 37 1893  ''Journal of the Royal United Service Institution''. Google Books.
*[https://archive.org/details/indianborderlan00holdgoog  ''The Indian Borderland, 1880-1900''] by Colonel  Sir T  Hungerford  Holdich 1901 Archive.org. Contains two chapters on the Afghan War  of 1879- 1880. The author worked  as a military surveyor.
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/fromkabultokumas00will#page/10/mode/2up Afghanistan service], page 11 ''From Kabul to Kumassi: Twenty-four years of soldiering and sport'' by Brig. Gen. Sir James Willcocks 1904 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/fromkabultokumas00will#page/10/mode/2up Afghanistan service], page 11 ''From Kabul to Kumassi: Twenty-four years of soldiering and sport'' by Brig. Gen. Sir James Willcocks 1904 Archive.org
*[http://archive.org/stream/cu31924023004264#page/n61/mode/2up Afghanistan service] page 57 '' My Service Days: India, Afghanistan, Suakim '85, and China'' by Maj.-Gen. Sir Norman Stewart 1908 Archive.org The author’s father was commander of the Mooltan Division
*[http://archive.org/stream/cu31924023004264#page/n61/mode/2up Afghanistan service] page 57 '' My Service Days: India, Afghanistan, Suakim '85, and China'' by Maj.-Gen. Sir Norman Stewart 1908 Archive.org The author’s father was commander of the Mooltan Division
*[https://archive.org/stream/vestigia00repiuoft#page/50/mode/2up "The Khaibar Pass"] Chapter V page 51 ''Vestigia'' by Lieut.-Colonel Charles à Court Repington 1919. Archive.org. The author  was an officer with the 4th Battalion [[Rifle Brigade]]. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_à_Court_Repington Charles à Court Repington] 1858-1925. Wikipedia.
*[https://archive.org/details/myserviceinindi00vauggoog  ''My service in the Indian Army – and after''] by  General Sir John Luther Vaughan 1904 Archive.org. He joined the Bengal Army in 1841 and had to retire c 1870 as there was no position for him. At the start of the 2nd Afghan War  he became special military correspondent for the war for ''The Times''  
*[https://archive.org/details/myserviceinindi00vauggoog  ''My service in the Indian Army – and after''] by  General Sir John Luther Vaughan 1904 Archive.org. He joined the Bengal Army in 1841 and had to retire c 1870 as there was no position for him. At the start of the 2nd Afghan War  he became special military correspondent for the war for ''The Times''  
*[https://archive.org/details/indianborderlan00holdgoog  ''The Indian Borderland, 1880-1900''] by Colonel  Sir T  Hungerford  Holdich 1901 Archive.org. Contains two chapters on the Afghan War  of 1879- 1880. The author worked  as a military surveyor.
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/afghanwars18394200forbuoft#page/n5/mode/2up ''The Afghan Wars 1839-42 and 1878-80''] by Archibald Forbes 1892 (archive.org)<br />
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/professionalpap02brangoog#page/n395/mode/1up "Excerpta from Notes on the Transport by Rail of Troops, Horses, Guns and War Material for the Army in Afghanistan during 1878-79"] from ''Professional papers on Indian engineering Second Series Volume 8 1879'' (archive.org)<br />
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/professionalpap02brangoog#page/n395/mode/1up "Excerpta from Notes on the Transport by Rail of Troops, Horses, Guns and War Material for the Army in Afghanistan during 1878-79"] from ''Professional papers on Indian engineering Second Series Volume 8 1879'' (archive.org)<br />
*''History of the Corps of Royal Engineers Vol II by Maj-Gen Whitworth Porter 1889'' [http://www.archive.org/stream/historycorpsroy00watsgoog#page/n61/mode/1up 2nd Afghan War] archive.org<br />
*''History of the Corps of Royal Engineers Vol II'' by Maj-Gen Whitworth Porter 1889 [http://www.archive.org/stream/historycorpsroy00watsgoog#page/n61/mode/1up 2nd Afghan War] archive.org<br />
*''Colburn's United Service Magazine and Naval and Military Journal 1880 Part 3'' Archive.org
*''Colburn's United Service Magazine and Naval and Military Journal 1880 Part 3'' Archive.org
**[http://www.archive.org/stream/unitedservicema02pollgoog#page/n90/mode/1up "Our Blunders in Afghanistan"]  by M Laing Meason page 79  
**[http://www.archive.org/stream/unitedservicema02pollgoog#page/n90/mode/1up "Our Blunders in Afghanistan"]  by M Laing Meason page 79  
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*[http://www.archive.org/stream/bulletinsandoth17unkngoog#page/n67/mode/2up  "Operations  10 September 1879 until the entry to Kabul on 13 October 1879"] pages 52- 128  ''Bulletins and Other State Intelligence Compiled and Arranged from the Official Documents Published in the London Gazette  for the Year 1880: Part 1 January to June'' Originally from the London Gazette 16 January 1880 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/bulletinsandoth17unkngoog#page/n67/mode/2up  "Operations  10 September 1879 until the entry to Kabul on 13 October 1879"] pages 52- 128  ''Bulletins and Other State Intelligence Compiled and Arranged from the Official Documents Published in the London Gazette  for the Year 1880: Part 1 January to June'' Originally from the London Gazette 16 January 1880 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/bulletinsandoth17unkngoog#page/n571/mode/2up/search/  "Operations at Kabul 8-24 December 1879"], pages 556- 672  ''Bulletins and Other State Intelligence Compiled and Arranged from the Official Documents Published in the London Gazette  for the Year 1880: Part 1 January to June'' Originally from the London Gazette 4 May 1880 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/bulletinsandoth17unkngoog#page/n571/mode/2up/search/  "Operations at Kabul 8-24 December 1879"], pages 556- 672  ''Bulletins and Other State Intelligence Compiled and Arranged from the Official Documents Published in the London Gazette  for the Year 1880: Part 1 January to June'' Originally from the London Gazette 4 May 1880 Archive.org
*[http://www.kingscollections.org/servingsoldier/index.php?id=704 Kabul Under Attack]  Handwritten online letter from Gen Sir Montagu Gilbert Gerard, with detailed account of the capture of Kabul  1880 King’s College London Collections: The Serving Soldier
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/afghanwarspeechd00cran#page/n3/mode/2up  ''The Afghan War a speech delivered in the House of Lords by the Right Hon. Viscount Cranbrook, (Secretary of State for India), on Monday, December 9th, 1878'']
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/afghanwarspeechd00cran#page/n3/mode/2up  ''The Afghan War a speech delivered in the House of Lords by the Right Hon. Viscount Cranbrook, (Secretary of State for India), on Monday, December 9th, 1878'']
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/causesafghanwar00commgoog#page/n8/mode/2up ''Causes of the Afghan War: Being a Selection of The Papers Laid Before Parliament with a Connecting Narrative and Comment''] 1879 Archive.org. Note that some of the pages appear to be missing. A complete copy of this book is available to read online on the  [[Online books#Digital Library of India| Digital Library of India]] website Index commences computer page 336 . (Catalogued as ''Causes Of The Afghan War'' with barcode 99999990171736)
*''The Eastern question from the Treaty of Paris 1836 to the Treaty of Berlin 1878 and to the Second Afghan War'' by the Duke of Argyll 1879 Archive.org [http://www.archive.org/stream/easternquestionf01argyuoft#page/n7/mode/2up  Volume 1], [http://www.archive.org/stream/easternquestionf02argyuoft#page/n9/mode/2up  Volume 2]
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/causesafghanwar00commgoog#page/n8/mode/2up ''Causes of the Afghan War: Being a Selection of The Papers Laid Before Parliament with a Connecting Narrative and Comment''] 1879 Archive.org. Note that some of the initial pages appear to be missing. A complete copy of this book is available [https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.278634 Archive.org version], mirror from Digital Library of India, but probably the first book file is better overall.
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/lordlyttonafghan00east#page/n5/mode/2up    ''Lord Lytton and the Afghan War''] by Captain W. J. Eastwick Third Edition 1879 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/lordlyttonafghan00east#page/n5/mode/2up    ''Lord Lytton and the Afghan War''] by Captain W. J. Eastwick Third Edition 1879 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/ourafghanpolicyo00bdbdrich#page/n3/mode/2up ''Our Afghan policy and the occupation of Candahar''] by D.B. 1880 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/ourafghanpolicyo00bdbdrich#page/n3/mode/2up ''Our Afghan policy and the occupation of Candahar''] by D.B. 1880 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/lifecareerofmajo00deykrich#page/n3/mode/2up ''The life and career of Major Sir Louis Cavagnari, C. S. I., K. C. B., British envoy at Cabul with a brief outline of the Second Afghan War'']. Compiled by Kally Prosono Dey 1881 Archive.org
*[http://www.archive.org/stream/lifecareerofmajo00deykrich#page/n3/mode/2up ''The life and career of Major Sir Louis Cavagnari, C. S. I., K. C. B., British envoy at Cabul with a brief outline of the Second Afghan War'']. Compiled by Kally Prosono Dey 1881 Archive.org
*''The Eastern question from the Treaty of Paris 1836 to the Treaty of Berlin 1878 and to the Second Afghan War'' by the Duke of Argyll 1879 Archive.org [http://www.archive.org/stream/easternquestionf01argyuoft#page/n7/mode/2up  Volume 1], [http://www.archive.org/stream/easternquestionf02argyuoft#page/n9/mode/2up  Volume 2]
*''The Victoria Cross in Afghanistan and on the frontiers of India during the years 1877, 1878, 1879 & 1880 : how it was won'' related by W.J. Elliott 1882. Part of the series ''Deeds of Daring Library''. [https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.80165/page/n3    Archive.org version], missing map. [http://pahar.in/wpfb-file/1882-the-victoria-cross-in-afghanistan-and-on-the-frontiers-of-india-by-elliott-s-pdf/ Pahar version], link to a pdf download, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If download does not display, locate under Books/Afghanistan/1882. [https://archive.org/details/dli.pahar.1014 Archive.org mirror version]. All appear to be the same digital file.
*[http://archive.org/stream/kohatkuramandkh00thogoog#page/n8/mode/2up  ''Kohat, Kuram, and Khost; Or, Experiences and Adventures in the Late Afghan War''] by Richard Gillham-Thomsett, Surgeon, Army Medical Department 1884 Archive.org
*[http://archive.org/stream/afghanistanasho00walkgoog#page/n8/mode/2up ''Afghanistan: a Short Account of Afghanistan, its History, and our Dealings with it. In Two Volumes. Second Edition with a Map and Additional Volume, bringing the History of the Afghan Question down to 1885''] by Philip F Walker (Barrister-At-Law, late 75th Regt) 1885 Archive.org. [https://archive.org/stream/afghanistanasho00walkgoog#page/n172/mode/2up  Volume 2, same digital file]. [http://archive.org/stream/afghanistanasho00walkgoog#page/n166/mode/2up Index to Volume 1][http://archive.org/stream/afghanistanasho00walkgoog#page/n240/mode/2up Index to Volume 2] (numbered separately)
*[http://archive.org/stream/afghanistanasho00walkgoog#page/n8/mode/2up ''Afghanistan: a Short Account of Afghanistan, its History, and our Dealings with it. In Two Volumes. Second Edition with a Map and Additional Volume, bringing the History of the Afghan Question down to 1885''] by Philip F Walker (Barrister-At-Law, late 75th Regt) 1885 Archive.org [http://archive.org/stream/afghanistanasho00walkgoog#page/n166/mode/2up Index to Volume 1] [http://archive.org/stream/afghanistanasho00walkgoog#page/n240/mode/2up Index to Volume 2] (numbered separately)
*  ''Through the Khyber Pass'' by Rev J. Gregson 1883. Full title: ''Through the Khyber Pass to Sherpore Camp, Cabul. An account of Temperance Work among our soldiers in the Cabul Field Force''.  [https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.91465 Archive.org version], mirror from Digital Library of India.
*[https://archive.org/details/in.gov.ignca.43264/page/n5 ''With Lord Roberts Through the Khyber Pass''] by David Ensor 1963 Archive.org.  A volume in the ''Adventures in Geography'' series. Probably intended as a book for school students.
*[http://pahar.in/wpfb-file/1979-my-god-maiwand-operations-of-the-south-afghanistan-field-force-1878-80-by-maxwell-s-pdf/  ''My God - Maiwand!: Operations of the South Afghanistan Field Force 1878-80''] by Leigh Maxwell 1979. Link to a pdf download, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If the download does not display, look under Books/Afghanistan.
*[http://pahar.in/wpfb-file/1986-the-road-to-kabul-the-second-afghan-war-1878-1881-by-robson-s-pdf/ ''The Road to Kabul : the Second Afghan War 1878-1881''] by Brian Robson 1986.  Link to a pdf download, PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. If the download does not display, look under Books/Afghanistan. [https://archive.org/details/dli.pahar.3596 Archive.org mirror version]. Robson also wrote ''Crisis on the Frontier: the [[3rd Afghan War|Third Afghan War]] and the Campaign in Waziristan 1919-1920'' (2004)
*[http://pahar.in/pahar/2002-from-kashmir-to-kabul-the-photographs-of-john-burke-and-william-baker-1860-1900-by-khan-pdf/  ''From Kashmir to Kabul: The photographs of John Burke and William Baker 1860-1900''] by Omar Khan 2002. Download from Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset (MCADD). Includes chapters and photographs about the [[2nd Afghan War| Second Afghan War]],  [[Peshawar]], [[Murree]], [[Kashmir]], [[Lahore]].
=====''London Gazette'' and the ''Gazette of India''=====
The ''[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/ London Gazette]'' may be searched online for official correspondence relating to operations in Afghanistan. As  examples, the following correspondence been noted for 1880 (there may be other correspondence).
*[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24801/page/209  Publication date: 16 January 1880] Issue:24801 Page:209
*[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24838/page/2719 27 April 1880] Issue:24838 Page:2719
*[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24841/page/2836 4 May 1880] Issue:24841 Page:2836
*[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24869/page/4197 30 July 1880] Issue:24869 Page:4197
*[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24892/page/5283 15 October 1880] Issue:24892 Page:5283
*[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24894/page/5377 22 October 1880] Issue:24894 Page:5377
*[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24903/page/5799 19 November 1880] Issue:24903 Page:5799
*[http://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24909/page/6519  3 December 1880] Issue:24909 Page:6519 contains correspondence relating to events from approximately 28 July 1880 including the siege of Kandahar and the sortie made by the garrison on 16 August 1880.
*[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24919/page/7003 31 December 1880] Issue:24919 Page:7003
The ''Gazette of India'' also contains some official correspondence relating to operations in Afghanistan which is not mentioned in the London Gazette. See  [[Newspapers and journals online# Gazette of India| Newspapers and journals online-Gazette of India]] for some online editions. Also available at the [[British Library]] . As an example, the ''Gazette of India '' for the period September-December 1880 has an entry  dated 11 September 1880 concerning Major W Jacob of the 19th Bombay Native Infantry and the march to Chaman 29-30th July 1880.
This account is now available at [https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.24050/2015.24050.The-Gazette-Of-India-1880-September---December#page/n148/mode/1up Archive.org], pages 440-442.

=====''London Gazette'' and the ''Gazette of India''=====
The ''[https://www.thegazette.co.uk/ London Gazette]'' may be searched online for official correspondence relating to operations in Afghanistan. As an example, the ''London Gazette'' dated [http://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/24909/page/6519 Friday 3 December 1880] contains correspondence relating to events from approximately 28 July 1880 including the siege of Kandahar and the sortie made by the garrison on 16 August 1880.
*''The Far Pavilions'' by M.M. Kaye 1978. "...a 1,000 page epic of war and romance set in 19th century India; the book sold in its millions and was adapted for television in 1984..."
:[https://archive.org/details/MMKayeTheFarPavilionsBookFi/page/n3 Archive.org version]; Archive.org Lending Library edition in two volumes: [https://archive.org/details/farpavilions01kaye/page/n5  Volume 1], [https://archive.org/details/farpavilionsvolu02kaye/page/n5 Volume 2]
:[https://web.archive.org/web/20180618130112/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/1453069/M-M-Kaye.html Obituary: ''The Telegraph''] 31 January 2004, archived.
*[https://archive.org/details/roadtokandahar0000wilc/mode/2up ''The Road to Kandahar''] by John Wilcox 2005. Extra wording on cover ''A Simon Fonthill Novel''. Archive.org Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
*[https://archive.org/details/redrunshelmand0000merc ''Red runs the Helmand''] by  Patrick Mercer 2011. [https://archive.org/details/redrunshelmand0000merc_u1r6/mode/2up 2nd file] 2012 edition. Archive.org Books to Borrow/Lending Library.

The ''Gazette of India'' also contains some official correspondence relating to operations in Afghanistan which is not mentioned in the London Gazette. See  [[Newspapers and journals online# Gazette of India| Newspapers and journals online-Gazette of India]] for some online editions. Also available at the [[British Library]] . As an example, the ''Gazette of India ''from the Digital Library of India website for the period September-December 1880 has an entry on computer page 150 from the ''Gazette of India'' dated 11 September 1880 concerning Major W Jacob of the 19th Bombay Native Infantry and the march to Chaman 29-30th July 1880.

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Latest revision as of 05:32, 14 November 2022

2nd Afghan War
Chronological list of Wars and Campaigns
[[Image:|250px| ]]
Location: Afghanistan
British and Indians Afghanistan
British took control of Afghan foreign relations
Border areas ceded to Britain
The Afghanistan Medal 1878-1880
Clasps: Ali Musjid, Peiwar Kotal, Charasia, Ahmed Khel and Kandahar
Kabul to Khandahar Star 1880
Category: 2nd Afghan War
General Browne's March from Peshawar to Gandamak
General Roberts' March to Ali Kheyl
General Stewart's March to Kandahar
General Roberts' March to Kabul
General Stewart's March to Kabul
General Roberts' March from Kabul to Kandahar
See our interactive map of
2nd Afghan War: First Phase
locations and routes on Google Maps
See our interactive map of
2nd Afghan War: Second Phase
locations and routes on Google Maps
See our interactive map of
2nd Afghan War: Third Phase
locations and routes on Google Maps

The 2nd Anglo-Afghan War 1878-80 came about because the British were concerned over Tsarist Russian expansion and tried to get the Afghan Amir Sher Ali to agree to a diplomatic mission to Kabul. When this was refused but a Russian mission admitted, the British invaded from three directions. With the country occupied, Sher Ali's son Yakoub Khan signed the Treaty of Gandamak in May 1879. The British forces withdrew but an uprising in Kabul led to the murder of the British Resident Sir Pierre Cavagnari. This provoked a second invasion by the British under Major General Sir Frederick Roberts and the occupation of Kabul following the Battle of Charasia in October 1879. The Afghans were again defeated at the Siege of Sherpur Cantonment in December. A further revolt led to the defeat of the British at the Battle of Maiwand in July 1880 following which Kandahar was besieged. Roberts led a force from Kabul to defeat the Afghans under Ayub Khan at the Battle of Baba Wullee. The Treaty of Gandamak was confirmed and the British withdrew.

Chronology of events


Entries in the Dictionary of Indian Biography 1906 and Dictionary of National Biography 1912
Henry Abadie (1841-1915)
Ayub Khan (1849-?)
Thomas Baker (1837-1893)
Robert Onesiphorus Bright (1823-1896)
Samuel Browne (1824-1901)
Pierre Cavagnari (1841-1879)
Mortimer Durand (1850-1924)
Charles Gough (1832-1912)
Herbert Taylor Macpherson (1827-1886)
William Godfrey Dunham Massy (1838-1906)
Charles Palliser (1830-1895)
Frederick Roberts (1824-1914)
Robert Sandeman (1835-1892)
Sher Ali (1842-1872?)
Donald Stewart (1824-1900)

Also see

External Links


Historical books online

The same content was issued under the title The Second Afghan War, 1878-80: Abridged Official Account produced in the Intelligence Branch Army Headquarters, India 1908 Archive.org. Note: Part of the latter filming is unsatisfactory, with text missing from the sides of some pages, and some of the illustrations have not been filmed. Also available as a pdf download PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. Archive.org mirror version, however all appear to be the same digital file.
Another file, Archive.org from Ministry of Culture/Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad.
The six volume The Second Afghan War compiled and collated by and under the orders of Sir C. M. MacGregor, published 1885-1886 as "Strictly confidential", on which the Abridged Official Account was based, is available at the British Library UIN: BLL01012490881, or IOR/L/MIL/17/14/29 (parts 2-6 only).
London Gazette and the Gazette of India

The London Gazette may be searched online for official correspondence relating to operations in Afghanistan. As examples, the following correspondence been noted for 1880 (there may be other correspondence).

The Gazette of India also contains some official correspondence relating to operations in Afghanistan which is not mentioned in the London Gazette. See Newspapers and journals online-Gazette of India for some online editions. Also available at the British Library . As an example, the Gazette of India for the period September-December 1880 has an entry dated 11 September 1880 concerning Major W Jacob of the 19th Bombay Native Infantry and the march to Chaman 29-30th July 1880. This account is now available at Archive.org, pages 440-442.

  • The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye 1978. "...a 1,000 page epic of war and romance set in 19th century India; the book sold in its millions and was adapted for television in 1984..."
Archive.org version; Archive.org Lending Library edition in two volumes: Volume 1, Volume 2
Obituary: The Telegraph 31 January 2004, archived.
  • The Road to Kandahar by John Wilcox 2005. Extra wording on cover A Simon Fonthill Novel. Archive.org Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
  • Red runs the Helmand by Patrick Mercer 2011. 2nd file 2012 edition. Archive.org Books to Borrow/Lending Library.