8th (The King's Royal Irish) Hussars

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Also known as 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars


  • 1693 raised in Derry as Henry Conyngham's Regiment of Dragoons and ranked as the 8th Dragoons
  • 1751 formally titled the 8th Regiment of Dragoons
  • 1775 renamed the 8th Regiment of Light Dragoons
  • 1777 renamed the 8th (The King's Royal Irish) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons
  • 1822 renamed the 8th (The King's Royal Irish) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons (Hussars)
  • 1861 renamed the 8th (The King's Royal Irish) Hussars
  • 1921 renamed the 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars
  • 1958 amalgamated with the 4th Queen's Own Hussars, to form the The Queen's Royal Irish Hussars
  • 1993 amalgamated with The Queen's Own Hussars to form The Queen's Royal Hussars (The Queen's Own and Royal Irish)

Service in British India

Regimental Journal

The Crossbelts,The Journal of the VIII King's Royal Irish Hussars. The British Library has Vol. 1. no. 1-Vol. 5. no. 2. 1927-1952/53.. Not published from 1940 to 1944.

External Links

8th King's Royal Irish Hussars www.regiments.org
8th King's Royal Irish Hussars Wikipedia
Queen's Royal Irish Hussars Wikipedia
History, 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars qrh.org.uk
Naval and Military Press have published a two volume history of the regiment, a reprint originally published in 1928