19th Regiment of Foot

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This page was part of the Family History in India website, which was designed to help people trace their European and Anglo-Indian family history in India by Cathy Day. Cathy has kindly allowed us to transfer this information onto our wiki. This particular page was compiled by Edward Nicholl of the U.K., whose ancestor served in the 19th Regiment of Foot.


19th Regiment of Foot (Green Howards)

This history has been abstracted principally from the reference given below. It should be noted that the grammar, especially the punctuation, has not been changed from the original 1911 publication. Details from this history are supplemented by known personal details of one of the soldiers in that Regiment.

The soldier, Patrick McNamara, was born in Askeaton near Limerick in Ireland. He joined the Nineteenth Foot at the beginning of 1847, when the great famine was at its height in Ireland. There are no records of him returning to Ireland. Over the next thirty or so years he was posted initially to various depots in Ireland itself, and then moved to Canada, England, the Crimea, and India. He took his wife and daughter(s) with him to India, but was sent home to England in 1867 without them, after being discharged from the army on health grounds. Two of his daughters remained in India, marrying the same man (the younger sister marrying her sister's husband after the elder sister died in childbirth).

Patrick McNamara is being researched by Edward and Michael Nicholl. Other family name interests include;- NICHOLL, ATKINSON, BLEWITT, McKILLOP. If you want to make contact with us about Patrick Mcnamara, any of the above family names, or the history of the Nineteenth, then why not drop us a line.

The history recorded below describes the movements of the regiment between 1847 and 1870. The period of service before India is listed, as there will be many other Irishmen whose lives will have followed the same pattern as Patrick McNamara, who will eventually have lived, married, fathered children, and died, in India. I have been given invaluable assistance in my research by the Green Howards Regimental Museum, Trinity Church Square, Richmond, North Yorkshire DL10 4QN. And, in particular, Steve Rarity, the Museum Attendant.

Attached to this history is a list of all the Officers of the Regiment who were involved with active service in India in 1868 in the Hazara Campaign.

Edward Nicholl has also compiled a list of casualties of the 19th Regiment of Foot in the Crimean War. This list is included, for many of these men may also have gone on to serve in India, afterwards. However, it must be borne in mind that the mortality rate for wounded men was extremely high during the Crimean War, and many listed as wounded will have subsequently died of their wounds.

Patrick McNamara is shown as having been wounded three times, although his discharge papers only record one occasion (a gunshot wound to the left thigh, which had him invalided out of service for nearly 10 months).

Patrick McNamara's known service record, and other personal details, are annotated in italics, where appropriate.


After nearly 3 years' service in the Ionian Islands the Nineteenth embarked on board the "Java" freightship for the West Indies once more, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Hay, and sailed on 5 December 1845.

1846 On 20 January 1846 the regiment disembarked at Barbados, and during the year had detachments quartered at Demarara and Trinidad. The establishment was augmented in March to 950 privates, making a total of ranks of 1118.

1847In February 1847, the headquarters and two companies moved to St Vincent, with detachments at Grenada and Barbados. 15 January 1847. P McNamara enlisted at Askeaton (Limerick), Ireland. Transferred to Depot at Boyle (Roscommon).

1848 The 19th left St Vincent in April 1848. The headquarters of the regiment left St Vincent on 1 April for Barbados, picking up the Grenada detachment on their way, and transhipping there, sailed with all the service companies for Canada, under the command of Major Robert Saunders.

After again transhipping at Quebec, the regiment arrived at Montreal on 20 May 1848.

Mid July 1848. P McNamara moved to depot at Castlebar (Co. Mayo).

1849 Early in 1849 the establishment was reduced to 730 privates, a total of 874 of all ranks. In the middle of July the regiment encamped on the island of St Helen's, owing to the prevalence of cholera at Montreal, and remained there for four months.

July -October 1849. P McNamara in detachment at Foxford (Co. Mayo). End November, P McNamara to depot at Mullingar (Westmeath).

1850 March, 1850. P McNamara moved to Cork, to join Service companies.

Service companies embarked at Cork on 4 May 1850, arriving in Quebec on 29 May 1850.


On 28 June 1851 the six service companies sailed for England, and on arrival at Plymouth on 25 July took over quarters at Devonport, sending out detachments to Pendennis Castle, Dartmoor, St Nicholas, and Market Heights.

P McNamara's military record showed him as being "at sea" from 25 April 1851, arriving Devonport 25 July 1851.

1852 The following year, on 8th May, the headquarters and four companies moved by rail to Exeter, from whence they marched to Winchester, being met there by the two outlying as well as the four depot companies.

Ellen McNamara, P McNamara's elder daughter was born in Winchester on 22 July 1852.

Between arrival in Devonport, 25 July 1851, and this date it is likely that P McNamara married Anna Connor. Therefore, marriage possibly October/November 1851 in Plymouth.

1852 Field Marshall the Duke of Wellington had died on 14 September, but his funeral did not take place until 18 November. The Nineteenth was one of the regiments ordered to attend, and it left Winchester by rail two days beforehand.

On arrival in London, the men were billeted in Boro' High Street, and on the day of the funeral the regiment marched to St Paul's. The next day the 19th returned to Winchester.

1853 On 5th January the Nineteenth moved by rail to Portsmouth.

1853 In the middle of May four companies were sent to Weymouth in relief of the 88th Foot. At the same time, the headquarters and six companies proceeded to Gosport to relieve the 65th and 88th Foot at Haslar and Fort Monckton.

1853 P McNamara to Guard Room on 27 May 1853. In confinement 27 May to 25 June 1853. Tried 3 June 1853, - sentenced to 42 days Hard Labour for disobeying orders.

1853 A further change of station came in July, when the regiment assembled for a few weeks at Chobham Camp, where it was brigaded with the 79th Highlanders and the 97th Foot, under the command of Colonel Lockyear, K.H. After this training, the headquarters and ten companies marched to Woking on 19 August, where they entrained for Deal and then marched to Walmer Barracks.

1853 P McNamara to Chobham on 13/14 July. To Walmer 19 August.

1854 On 4 February 1854, the Nineteenth entrained for London, and on arrival took up quarters in the Tower.

1854 P McNamara, - Walmer to London on 14 February 1854. On detachment at Deptford.

1854 Whilst the Nineteenth was stationed in London, the negotiations with the Emperor of Russia were brought to an abrupt conclusion. Owing to his unprovoked aggression against Turkey, and his rejection of the terms offered him by the principal European Powers, Her Majesty Queen Victoria was compelled to declare war.

On 24 March the band and drums together with two companies of the regiment, marched to the Royal Exchange, from the steps of which the Royal Proclamation was read by the Herald. At its conclusion, the band played the National Anthem and the men presented arms.

1854 The 19th was one of the regiments warned for service with the Eastern Expedition. The headquarters and six companies of the 19th embarked on 17 April 1854, at Blackwall, in the ss "Victoria" and sailed a week later for the East.

1854 P McNamara from Tower of London to embarkation for Crimea on 20 April.

1854 The total strength of the Nineteenth going out was 3 Field Officers, 8 Captains, 16 Subalterns, 6 Staff Officers, 47 Sergeants, 40 Corporals, 15 Drummers, 810 Privates.

Early in May the headquarters arrived at Malta, and leaving the next day, the "Victoria" anchored at Constantinople on the 10th of the month.

The regiment disembarked at Scutari and marched into camp there, being told off to the Light Division.

The Nineteenth was encamped with its right resting close to the wall of the Turkish cemetery.

The regiment remained at Scutari till the 29 May, when it embarked on the SS "Medway" for Varna, and disembarked the following day. There it remained for a week when the division marched to Alleydeyn, ten miles distant. This was a very trying march ..... there were many cases of heat apoplexy.

1854 There was little sickness amongst the men till the cholera appeared. It broke out on the 16 June, and soon spread with marvellous rapidity.

On 30 June the Division marched to Devna, over eight miles distant...it was the unhealthiest camp of all. Up to 19 July the health of the men had been very good on the whole, but as the heat increased so did the cholera. The Nineteenth, in common with other regiments, lost many men, - no less than twenty dying one day in the Division. Cholera attacked the French with the greatest severity, and they sank under it at the rate of sixty to eighty per day. To avoid further cholera the regiment moved on 24 July to Monastir. The men's time was employed in throwing up entrenchments and being trained in the use of gabions and fascines.

1854 On 27 August the regiment, with the rest of the brigade, marched from Monastir and encamped at Yursakova. Karagoli was reached on 28th and Varna on the 30th. The Crimea having been chosen as the scene of the operations against Russia, the regiment embarked there (Varna) on the "Courier", and on 3 September assembled with the rest of the fleet in Baltchik Bay. On 14 September, the Nineteenth disembarked early in the morning at the Old Fort, Crimea.

The strength on disembarking was 3 field officers, 6 captains, 12 subalterns, 5 staff, 49 sergeants, 43 corporals, 15 drummers, and 763 privates.

1854 On the morning of 19 September the allied armies commenced their march southwards towards Sebastopol, twenty seven miles distant. The Turks on the right were close to the sea, then the French 28000 strong, with the English 27000 in all, on the left.

The cavalry were on the extreme left. The English advance was in double column from the centre of the divisions, the Nineteenth and 23rd marching together. The whole of this moving mass covered several square miles.

1854 The Battle of the Alma took place on 20 September 1854.

The losses sustained by the regiment in the battle of the Alma were; -

Killed : 1 subaltern, 1 drummer, and 36 privates

Wounded : 2 Field Officers, 2 subalterns, 1 Staff, 6 Sergeants, 13 Corporals, 12 Drummers, 174 Privates, many of whom died afterwards of their wounds

1854 P McNamara was wounded (gunshot wound in the left thigh) at the Battle of the Alma. Sent to hospital in Scutari.

The Allied forces bivouacked on the ground they had won, and the Nineteenth were employed for the remainder of the day in collecting the dead and wounded.

The Light Division with the rest of the army moved forward on the 23 September. On all sides was evidence of the hasty flight of the Russians, as arms, accroutements and cooking utensils lay strewn about in every direction. The delay in not immediately advancing after the Alma was due to indecision and want of cohesion between the French and English commanders, and judging from the state of panic that the Russians were in, some vigorously concerted action might have brought about the fall of Sebastopol.

The next day the march was resumed, and there from the hills, half-way between Katcha and the Belbec, the men looked down on the town of Sebastopol, which they were not to enter for so many weary months.

Early on 25 September the flank march round the East side of Sebastopol was begun.

1854 Captain Lidwill and his company was placed in charge of Balaclava till the 29th September, when the division marched away, and the sickly men of each regiment were made up into a battalion and left there as a garrison.

The Light Division formed the line of investment on the South side of the fortress, where it bivouacked on the left of the position taken up by the Allies, and marched on the 30 September to the ground it occupied during the siege of Sebastopol.

On 17 October the first bombardment of the town took place.

Shortly after the battle of Balaclava which was fought on 25 October, the Russians concentrated an overwhelming force of 50000 men to attack the scanty British force on the plateau of Inkerman.

The Battle of Inkerman took place on 5 November. The casualties in the Regiment were;-

Captain Ker and 1 Private killed

Sergeant-Major Madden and 2 Privates wounded, all of whom afterwards died of their wounds.

1854 From 5 November the Nineteenth were on trench guard, advanced trench guard, and the Malakoff picquets up to Christmas. There were frequent sorties.

1855 Early in 1855 a French corps took over the Malakoff picquets, and the Light Division had then nothing but guards and working parties to finish.

After the battle of Inkerman, the regiment became so weak, not only numerically but also physically, that there was a considerable difficulty in finding men in sufficient numbers to do duty in the trenches.

1855 The 9 April saw the second bombardment of Sebastopol, which was continued until the close of the 18th ....... On 6 June the third bombardment commenced.

On 18 June the first assault on the Great Redan took place, the Light Division leading........ The British casualties were 100 Officers and 1444 Other ranks, but the Nineteenth formed part of the reserve and suffered no loss.

1855 P McNamara rejoined his regiment on 24 June 1855. He was listed in the "History of the .... Nineteenth...." as having been wounded during the Siege of Sebastopol.

1855 The second assault on the Redan took place on 8 September. In the Light Division 73 Officers and 904 men were killed or wounded. Of this the share of the Nineteenth was 192, or 45 per cent of its strength at the commencement of the action.

In the Green Howards, out of 18 Officers and 420 men engaged, there was 1 Officer, 3 Sergeants, and 25 rank and file killed, and 9 Officers, 9 Sergeants, 1 Drummer, 16 Corporals, and 124 Privates wounded. Many of the latter afterwards died of their wounds.

Missing, 4 Privates who were made prisoners, but were afterwards exchanged.

P McNamara is shown in the "History of the... Nineteenth..." as having been wounded, again, at this juncture.

Sir W Russell, in his History of the War, says;-

"....it will be seen that this gallant body (the Light Division), which behaved so well at the Alma, and maintained its reputation at Inkerman, suffered as severely as it did in gaining the former great victory, and an examination of the return will, I fear, show that the winter, the trenches, and a careless recruiting have done their work...."

The capture of the Malakoff by the French settled the war. Sebastopol was no longer tenable, further resistance was in vain, and the Russians silently and skilfully evacuated the town without the knowledge of the Allies. On the 9 September they retreated across the harbour by a bridge of boats to the forts on the northern side, after blowing up those on the southern side and sinking their fleet. The docks were soon afterwards destroyed by the Allies and the great Russian fortress reduced to absolute ruin.

1855 On the anniversary of the Alma (20 September) the regiment was inspected by Lieutenant-General Sir William Codrington, now commanding the Division, and was presented with medals for the Alma, Inkerman, and Sebastopol by Lord William Paulet.

After the siege the men kept very healthy, and drills, field days and inspections were common. In addition, they were very busy making roads in the Crimea.


On 28 February 1856 news arrived that an armistice had been arranged with the enemy until the 31 March. At the end of the month this was prolonged until further orders. On the 2 April notification was published of peace having been signed at Paris on 30 March.

A grand review of British troops took place on 17 April, when about 30000 men were under arms.

On 24 May the whole of the English army paraded in review order on the plain of Balaclava. Shortly after this, on the 11 and 15 June, the regiment, in two detachments, embarked at Balaclava and Kazatch on board the steam transport "Imperatrice" and HMS "Furious", and landed at Portsmouth on 28 June and 24 July. On arrival, they proceeded by rail to Farnborough, and thence by march to South Camp, Aldershot.

1856 On 8 July 1856, the headquarters and three companies were reviewed by Queen Victoria at Aldershot. In August, the depot companies consisting of 408 of all ranks, joined the battalion from Walmer, and were amalgamated. In October, a further change in the establishment was made and the battalion was divided into eight service and four depot companies, the former consisting of 800 men and the latter of 200.

1857 Early in 1857 the depot companies moved from Aldershot to Parkhurst, Isle of Wight, to form part of the battalion at that station.

On 16 June, the battalion moved to Portsmouth by rail, and took over quarters in Clarence Barracks.

1857 Consequent on the outbreak of mutiny amongst the native troops in India, the Nineteenth was warned for service in that country, the establishment at the same time being raised to 1140 non-commissioned officers and men.

Between 22 and 29 July the regiment embarked for India in 3 detachments, consisting of 45 officers and 1007 men.

After transhipping at Pointe de Galle, the last detachment reached Calcutta on 19 December, the others having arrived a few days earlier.

P McNamara sailed on the "Alnwick Castle" on 29 July. Arrived Calcutta 17 November.

To the great disappointment of the officers and men their services were not required up country, for during the few months they had been at sea affairs in India had begun to wear of a very different aspect, and the mutineers had been checked at all points. For the time-being, therefore, the regiment took up its quarters at Fort William, sending a detachment of 3 officers and 120 men to Alipore.

1858 On 5 February 1858 the Green Howards marched to Barrackpore for duty, sending out one company to Dum Dum and leaving two behind at Fort William.

In Barrackpore there were 6000 sepoys confined as prisoners, and the regiment had to find an outlying picquet over their camp and watch them closely.

At Fort William, the King of Oudh and his Prime Minister were under guard, with sentries placed over their quarters.

During the months of April and May there was a good deal of sickness amongst the men owing to the intense heat, and in June there were 15 deaths.

In July, eight officers and 230 men marched to Dacca and were joined a few days later by 54 more.

1858 P McNamara on Detachment at Dacca. Remained at Dacca until December 1860.

1858 Late in October the remainder of the regiment moved to Dinapore via Raneegunge, where they assembled on 24 November.

1859 On 22 January 1859 a detachment of 5 officers and 188 men marched from Dinapore to join Brigadier-General Douglas' column in pursuit of rebels in the Monghur district, rejoining headquarters a month later.

Another detachment, consisting of 7 officers and 311 non-commissioned officers and men, marched from Dinapore to join the Field Force on the Nepaul frontiers. They were followed at the end of March by the rest of the regiment with the exception of 3 officers and 130 men left at Dinapore.

1860 The latter having rejoined, the regiment marched from Dinapore to Benares in February 1860, where it arrived on 12 March. Whilst the Nineteenth was at Benares, a company was stationed at Raj Ghat, which was relieved every month.


On 11 December 1861, the headquarters and seven companies, the remaining three still being detached at Dacca, marched to Allahabad, where they arrived in eight days time.

1861 P McNamara on moved from Dacca to Darjeeling at the beginning of the year, and was then at Titallyah from January - March 1861. He was then on Detachment at Senchal, until December, rejoining the regiment at Mean Meer in April 1862.

1862 Proceeding by rail to Shikirbad, the march was continued thence to Mean Meer via Agra, Allyghur, Delhi, Umballa, Jullundur, and Amritsar, which was reached on 25 February 1862.

Early in April the three companies which had been left at Dacca, and more recently at Senechal, joined headquarters having been absent for three years and nine months.

From February until August a company was on detachment at Lahore Citadel.

Towards the end of August cholera broke out in the regiment, in consequence of which three companies, under the command of Major Chippindall, moved into camp at Shadra, three companies under Captain Moffatt, to Chubeel, and the remainder of the battalion, consisting of headquarters and four companies to Neaig Beg. Up to the 18 September when the regiment assembled again at Mean Meer, the admissions into hospital from cholera had been 131 men, 5 women, and 8 children, the deaths being 64 men, 2 women, and 5 children.

1862 P McNamara was promoted to Corporal on 4 September 1862.

1863 On the 19 March 1863, the headquarters and four companies marched from Mean Meer to Phillour, two companies being left to garrison the fort, the remainder proceeding to Kussowlie, where they arrived on 9 April. They were stationed there till the 4 October, when they left for Ferozepore.

The regiment now had detachments at Amritsar, Kangra, and Kussowlie.

1864 Early in 1864 these detachments marched to Jullundur, where they were joined by the headquarters on the 13 March, together with the remaining companies which had been at Ferozepore.

When stationed at Jullundur the officers acquired a pack of English foxhounds from the 51st Regiment, which showed excellent sport. They were kennelled at Murree in the hot weather.

1865 After being nearly two years at Jullundur the regiment marched for Peshawar on 1 November 1865 and arrived there on 8 December 1865.

A station pack of English foxhounds was established at Peshawar, - the origin of the present "Peshawar Vale Hounds".


Early in February 1867, the Green Howards moved to Nowshera (26 miles, 4 furlongs), sending out a detachment of two companies to Attock, a few days after arrival.

1867 P McNamara was discharged from the Army on grounds of ill health on 4 October 1867. The discharge papers were signed at Nowshera.

His daughter, Ellen McNamara, was married to Edward Nicholl at Mian Mir on 8 December 1867.

On the 27 January 1868, P McNamara embarked for England (Calcutta?)

His Final Discharge papers were signed, in England, on 11 March 1868.

1868 When the regiment had been at Nowshera for close on a year it was moved to Rawal Pindi, where it arrived on 4 February 1868.

On 1 May a detachment, consisting of seven companies, proceeded as a working party on the Murree roads, and rejoined headquarters in Abbotabad on 13 August. The latter had marched in the same day, accomplishing a distance of sixty five miles in fifty nine hours in the middle of the hot weather without any sick or a single casualty.

The reason for this move being that an expedition was shortly to be undertaken against the hill tribes on the Black Mountain. At the end of September the regiment at last got orders to move on through Soosul Pass to Oghee, where the whole force (about 10000 men) had been assembled. This was the Hazara Field Force.

On 3 October No 1 Brigade was ordered to commence the advance up the Black Mountain, 10200 feet high. This brigade consisted of the Nineteenth, the 20th Native Infantry, a Ghoorka regiment, and a mountain battery of artillery.

The battle resulted in a large number of tribesmen being killed, for the loss of 2 men killed and a dozen wounded (all native troops).

On 9 October peace was proclaimed and the Force was ordered to retire from the Black Mountain.

On 24 October the Hazara Field Force paraded before His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab, and the Nineteenth had the honour of furnishing the guard at the afternoon Durbar.

1868 The following day (25 October) the Force was disbanded, and by easy stages the regiment returned to Rawal Pindi, which was reached on 4 November.

Her Majesty was pleased to grant the Indian General Service Medal to all those who took part in the operations, with the clasp "North West Frontier".

1869 Towards the end of March 1869, a detachment, numbering 225 of all ranks, under command of Major Griffiths, proceeded to Allahabad, and arrived there on 3 April. The men were employed in making roads in the district and did not rejoin headquarters till the 2 November.

The regiment now got orders for Saugor, and a farewell inspection was made of it on 9 November.

1870 On 22 January 1870, the headquarters and ten companies, under the command of Colonel R O Bright C.B., arrived at Saugor, having left Rawal Pindi on 26 November.

During its stay in Saugor the battalion furnished a detachment of two companies at Jubbulpore, increased to three in June 1871.


Orders came for the return of the regiment to England after a service in India of fourteen years almost to a day. It accordingly marched from Saugor on 1 November, picking up the detachment at Jubbulpore, embarked in HMS "Crocodile" at Bombay on 24 November.

A total of 184 non-commissioned officers and men had volunteered for service with other regiments, so that altogether the battalion only mustered 561 of all ranks on board the transport.

The Hazara Roll - 1868

Officers of the Nineteenth Regiment who were involved with the Hazara Campaign.

Lieut-Col. Robert O Bright See "A History of the Services of the 19th Regiment, ..." by Major M L Ferrar.

Major Edward Chippindall See "A History of the Services of the 19th Regiment, ..." by Major M L Ferrar.

Major Edward St J Griffiths Retired as Lieut.- Col., half pay, 31 March 1877

Captain William F T Marshall Served in the Indian Mutiny. Retired 1 April 1870. Died 1872.

Captain Henry Edward Jerome Awarded the Victoria Cross, Indian Mutiny. Retired as Major-General 15 September 1870. Died at Bath 25 February 1901.

Captain Montgomery Williams Served in the Indian Mutiny. To 100th Foot, 15 March 1878.

Captain William Henry Moffatt Retired as Hon. Lieut.-Col. 19 March 1878. Military Knight at Windsor.

Captain Geoffrey Baldwin Retired as Hon. Lieut.-Col. 1 October 1878. Died at Limpsfield, Surrey, 3 February 1880.

Captain Alexander B Morgan To 9th Foot as Major, 7 August 1878. Later Sir A B Morgan, KCB. Died at Ilkley, Yorkshire, 13 August 1911

Captain Edward William Evans Brigade-Major to 1st Brigade. Mentioned in despatches. Retired as Hon. Lieut.-Col. 7 June 1879. Died in London 16 January 1910.

Lieutenant William Bennett "See Nile Roll"

Lieutenant John C Taylor Humfrey To Army Pay Department 8 August 1880. Died at Blackheath 28 January 1905.

Lieutenant Augustus M Handley Retired as Colonel, 29 September 1888. Died at Clifton, 27 February 1906.

Lieutenant Robert Gayer Traill Retired as Hon. Major, 20 March 1880. Died at Belfast, 5 March 1908.

Lieutenant James Francis Fraser Retired as Hon. Major, 27 April 1881. Died at Richmond, Yorkshire, 27 April 1910

Lieutenant Constantine C B Tribe To Army Pay Department 16 May 1879. Died May 1879.

Lieutenant Frederick S S Brind To Captain, Half Pay, 1 April 1870. Served in the Indian Mutiny. Orderly Officer to General Bright in the Hazara. mentioned in despatches. Later 17th Foot.

Lieutenant and Adjutant James Gordon Moir Retired 28 October 1871. Died in London 11 July 1903.

Lieutenant John Jameson Retired as Hon. Lieut.-Col. 19 July 1882. Died at Strathblane 4 Jnauary 1899.

Lieutenant Herbert Chas. Boulcott Retired 10 may 1870. Died at Upcross, Hants, 18 February 1909.

Lieutenant Lorn R H D Campbell To Indian Army 28 July 1869. Major-General and Colonel of the 38th Sogras.

Ensign John Francis J Miller To Indian Army 15 April 1869.

Ensign William G McClintock "See Nile Roll"

Ensign George E Langford To Army Pay Department 4 October 1878

Ensign William Alex. Curtis Retired in 1872.

Ensign John Henry Barnard Captain 101st Foot, 7 March 1877. Later, Colonel and ADC to Queen Victoria. Died in London 11 May 1891

Ensign William Augs. Burnett Transferred to 101st Foot 12 April 1879. Died at Mannamead, Plymouth 29 December 1897.

Ensign Charles Archd. Mercer To Indian Army 18 January 1870.

Quartermaster John Keating To 62nd Foot 19 September 1871. Served in Indian Mutiny. Died at Hazareebaugh, India, 21 March 1878.

Paymaster F Sargent-Openshaw Retired 12 September 1986

Surgeon Henry Bolton Hassard Took part in the Kaffir War 1851-3. Surgeon-General 20 November 1884. Died at Portsmouth 2 July 1892.

Asst.-Surgeon Francis Patrick Staples Retired as Brigade-Surgeon Lieut.-Col. 1 February 1888.

Asst.-Surgeon George Atkinson, MB Served in Bhootan Expedition, 1865. Died at Hafaizai, near Ghuzni, 25 April 1880.