Bengal Civil Establishments 1870 - 1877

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Date range Record details
Large ‘A’ forms entitled ‘Detailed statement of Salaries and Establishment of all staff including Covenanted, Uncovenanted Staff, including Indians, and others’ at junior levels; details include dates of appointment, names, posts and monthly salaries. Some ages are shown. An Index lists offices and localities related to the page nos of the ‘A’ forms. In general it is assumed Supernumerary posts disappeared post 1870.
1 Apr 1870 L/F/10/53 IOR Neg 57093
C/S &Unc/S
General (Branch). Includes Accountant General, Hackney Carriage, Botanical Gdns, Asylums, Calcutta Gazette, etc.
Hospitals and Dispensaries, graded as 1, 2 & 3, Ecclesiastical, Education, Schools and Colleges
1 Apr 1870 L/F/10/54 IOR Neg 57093
C/S &Unc/S
Revenue. Presidency and Misc Offices Supt of Stamps, of Stationery, Collectors, Deputy Commissioners, Customs, Salt, Canal Tolls, Surveys, Opium, Marine (including Senior Branch and Branch Pilots, Master and Mate Pilots)
1 Apr 1870 L/F/10/55 IOR Neg 57094
C/S &Unc/S
Judicial. Index of offices and locations relative to the 'big' 'A' Detailed Statements of Salaries and Establishment.
Presidency & Misc.Offices - Commissioner of Police, Calcutta, Inspector Generals, Commissioners, Judicial Comm\'rs, Judges, Additional Judges, Magistrates, Jails, Small Cause Courts (pp385-434), [Police], Registration Dept (pp 435- 507)
N.B. Index shows Police as pp508-1268 but actual pages are filed per se in Vol 56.
1 Apr 1870 L/F/10/56 IOR Neg 57094-5
C/S &Unc/S
Police (see also Vol 55). Lists, salaries & establishment; including age at last birthday (rarely shown)
1 Apr 1872 L/F/10/57 IOR Neg 57095
C/S &Unc/S
General as above - L/F/10/53
1 Apr 1872 L/F/10/58 IOR Neg 57095-6
C/S &Unc/S
Revenue as above - L/F/10/54
1 Apr 1872 L/F/10/59 IOR Neg 57096
C/S &Unc/S
Judicial as above - L/F/10/55
(includes Chief Justice, Puisne Judge, Magistrates, Jails & Police including 5th grade constables @ 5R p.m.)
1 Apr 1874 L/F/10/60 IOR Neg 57096-7
C/S &Unc/S
General as above - L/F/10/53
(includes Chief Clerk & Acct. @ 330R p.m.)
1 Apr 1874 L/F/10/61 IOR Neg 57097
C/S &Unc/S
Revenue as above - L/F/10/54
1 Apr 1874 L/F/10/62 IOR Neg 57097-8
C/S &Unc/S
Judicial as above - L/F/10/55
1 Apr 1875 L/F/10/63 IOR Neg 57098-9
C/S &Unc/S
General as above - L/F/10/53
1 Apr 1875 L/F/10/64 IOR Neg 57099
C/S &Unc/S
Revenue as above - L/F/10/54
1 Apr 1875 L/F/10/65 IOR Neg 57099
C/S &Unc/S
Judicial as above - L/F/10/55
1 Apr 1877 L/F/10/66 No film
C/S &Unc/S
Revenue as above - L/F/10/54
Expanded headings quoted as - G.O. creating post; Date of Appt to present post, promotion to post, name of post, age of incumbent on birthday last before 1 Apr 1877, Name of incumbent, pay of post and pay of present incumbent.
1 Apr 1877 L/F/10/67 No film
C/S &Unc/S
Judicial as above - L/F/10/55
1 Apr 1877 L/F/10/68 IOR Neg 57100
C/S &Unc/S
Police as above - L/F/10/56
Abstract of numbers in each location, e.g 30,081 police in Bengal, 3,144 in Calcutta
1 Apr 1877 L/F/10/69 IOR Neg 57100-1
C/S &Unc/S
Provincial / Imperial. [Numbers within brackets below indicate 'Heads of Revenue & Expenditure']. Subdivided as:-
1. General or Provincial. Marine(18), Education(19), Eccles.(20) Medical(21), Printing(22) branches - abstract indicates data is Provincial: Form 'A' and Detailed statement, etc.
Index of names relates offices to pp1-253
2. Imperial. Land Revenue(4), Opium(9), Admin. (14) (Acct.Gen'l Bengal), Minor Dept(15), Law & Justice(16), Marine(18), Eccles.(20),Stationery (22), Political & Agencies (23). Index plus 'A' forms ranging from 1 to 189