Beitkal Harbour to Hyderabad Railway Proposal 1858

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Beitkal Harbour to Hyderabad Railway Proposal 1858

The “Bombay Minutes of the Members of Council on a railway from Beitkal Harbour to Hyderabad” dated 13th September 1858 [1] indicate that a full scale railway was under consideration to be built. Colonel Arthur Thomas Cotton had been asked to provide an expert opinion. His estimate on page 28 of the submission gave that for the proposed 400 miles of railway at 80,000Rs per mile the cost would be over three million pounds. His conclusion was that this investment was unjustified and would place financial restrictions on the Madras Presidency.

At about same time in 1858 proposals were being considered for a Light Railway/River link. This would connect the cotton producing area of Dharwar by light railway and river to the port town of Karwar where Beitkul Harbour would be developed. A comprehensive report was published – see Dharwar Light Railway/River link to Karwar Proposal, 1858 for details and references.

In the event neither of these two proposals were adopted and Karwar was not connected by rail to the interior, although a small port at Beitkal Harbour was constructed.

Further Information

See Early Railway Experiments and Proposals for more information and background.
