
From FIBIwiki
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Major locations


  • The Opium Wars:


  • See General Register Office, UK. Also included are references to records at Lambeth Palace Library, London, and London Metropolitan Archives.
  • China Families, previously called China Coast Family History, (and part of the Chinese Maritime Customs project, University of Bristol, refer External links below). The website provides "a growing body of information about men and women of many different nationalities, professions and ages, who lived and worked in China between the 1850s and 1940s. These records have been drawn from government department lists, legal and diplomatic records, cemetery lists, and during research undertaken for a number of projects on the history of modern China and of the foreign relations of China". There is a Search facility and links to a number of online Directories.
  • FamilySearch: Indexed Historical Records: China. See FamilySearch for more about this free website.
There are some records for China [1] in the "World Miscellaneous" records on FamilySearch (source unspecified) which may be accessed through the following links: World Miscellaneous Births and Baptisms, World Miscellaneous Marriages, World Miscellaneous Deaths and Burials.
Additionally, Search the FamilySearch Catalog for microfilm/digitised microfilm records relating to China by using keywords such as China, and selecting Availability Online. Sign in to FamilySearch before you begin searching, as at times in the past if you were not signed in, the Search results could be affected. As examples
"Births, deaths, marriages from Canton and Hong Kong newspapers, arranged chronologically, 1828-1862" catalogue entry microfilm 1208508, item 13. Digitised microfilm which may be viewed on your home computer.
"Europeans - China Coast : [card file]" “Individual cards for Europeans residing in Hong Kong and China during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries”. Digitised microfilm which may be viewed on your home computer.
"Cemetery records of old and new cemetery, 1859-1899 and Seaman's cemetery, Pootung, in Shanghai, China, 1859-1879" catalogue entry microfilm 418134 has been digitised. Currently (2021/04/15) the catalogue shows that these records may be viewed at a FamilySearch Centre or FamilySearch Affiliate Library, see FamilySearch Centres, (although at times the advice has been the records are only viewable if a microfilm can be located), but note the Society of Genealogists, London appears to have this microfilm.
This database was filmed from records at Lambeth Palace, London. See General Register Office for more information about this source, including records from China.
There are some FamilySearch [British] Foreign Office Consulate records which may be also available elsewhere, in a more accessible way, on Findmypast or Ancestry. See General Register Office.
  • Ecclesiastical Returns: Baptisms, Marriages and Burials at the British Library - Macao and Whampoa [Canton] 1820-1833, IOR N/9. These records are now available on the pay site findmypast
  • Refer online Hong Kong newspapers for possible birth, marriage and death notices, available both free and pay websites.
  • The American pay website has editions of the North China Herald 03 August 1850 to 31 December 1926, (details of issues available). Previously this database was also available on Findmypast, but it was withdrawn from Findmypast c 2 August 2021, as a licence was not renewed.
There is also North China Herald Collection 1850-1941 on, see Historical books online below.
  • For those with access, (refer below) there may be birth, marriage and death notices in online newspapers which are part of ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspapers Collection and Japan Times Archives.
  • British and Indian Armies on the China Coast 1785-1985 by Alan Harfield 1990 is available at the British Library UIN: BLL01009472436 . Includes lists such as “List of Known Recipients of the Hong Kong Plague Medal 1894” and “List of Officers who served with the Hong Kong Regiment 1892-1902”. This link lists some “Military Commanders of Hong Kong and China” from the book (pages 483-484).
  • Names of burials 1842-1857 in the British cemetery on Zhoushan Island [Chusan Island] off the East coast of China, but not specific dates of death, are included in "Monument to the Westmoreland Regiment The 55th Regiment of Foot in Dinghai City on Zhoushan Island" by Keith Stevens and Jennifer Welch Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol. 38 (1998), page 383 (12 pages). From Hong Kong Journals online version.
  • China: Sources in the India Office Records Guide to records at the British Library, now an archived webpage.
  • Refer Historical books online, below.


  • Book: The Story of the Takow Foreign Cemetery by David Charles Oakley 2016. Published by Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government, Taiwan. ISBN 9789860511130 . Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01018867231 . In English and Chinese. Details of the author and the book.[2] Takow/Takao is present day Kaohsiung.


  • British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia (BACSA) has published
Gaijin Bochi : the Foreigners' Cemetery, Yokohama, Japan by Patricia McCabe BACSA, 1994.
Inscriptions including biographical details of over 4000 graves from 1854. Over 41 nations are represented in the last 140 years.
BACSA have put indexes to the majority of their cemetery books online, including it is believed this book, and these indexes are free to browse. For more details, see the Fibiwiki page British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia.
Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01009539962
  • The American pay website has editions of the Japan Advertiser 01 January 1920 to 16 September 1922.(details of issues available). Previously this database was also available on Findmypast, but it was withdrawn from Findmypast c 2 August 2021, as a licence was not renewed.
  • Also see Historical books online below, for some English language Japanese newspapers available on


  • Yanghwajin Seoul Foreigners' Cemetery, Korea an informal history, 1890-1984 : with notes on other foreign cemeteries in Korea by Donald N. Clark published 1984 in Seoul, Korea, searchable but not viewable at Google Books. Available, according to Library Hub Discover, at the Society of Genealogists, London and at Oxford University, also Sheffield and Durham Universities.
"Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery" The cemetery is also known as Hapjeong-dong International Cemetery. "On Walkabout at: Yanghwajin Foreigners Cemetery, South Korea"

British Army and Navy

The British Army leased for a time Wei-hai-wei (a fine natural harbour) on the mainland and Liu Kung Tao island. There was a garrison of British Troops. A naval depot serviced the Royal Navy's China Squadron,[3] whose main base was at Hong Kong. Wei-hai-wei was the summer port for the Submarine Flotilla.[4]

Following the fall of the Manchu dynasty China was plunged into civil war and Japanese intervention, and international forces were sent to preserve foreign interests. The 30th, 34th, 47th, 55th, 59th, and 81st, all served there in the 1920s and 30s, guarding the legations in Peking and defending international settlements at Tientsin, Canton, and most importantly Shanghai.[5]The Shanghai Defence Force was established by the British Government during a period of tension in 1927, see Shanghai for more details. An additional regiment known to have been in China in the 1920s is the Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment - there may be others.

Also see "Historical Books online", below for information about Wei-hai-wei, and the fictional account, based on personal experience, Yangtze Skipper. The author served on HMS "Scarab" (river gunboat) in 1919-1920.

Also see

Information about the English language Chinese newspaper database ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspapers Collection; databases for The North-China Herald and North China Daily News; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: South China Morning Post—1903-1998 (published in Hong Kong); and Japan Times Archives.
See above, The North-China Herald to 1926 is available on the American pay website Editions to 1941 are also available on, see below.

External links

British Military Operations 1919-1939 by Graham Watson is a selection of orders of battle of various operations carried out by the British Army in the years between the wars. Scroll to the section "Shanghai 1927"., now archived.
Possibly there may be a current website, but it could not be located (at 2021/06/11).
Nagasaki: The British Experience, 1854-1945 by Brian Burke-Gaffney 2009 Sample pages Google Books
Treaty Port Society and the Club in Meiji Japan: Clubbism, Athleticism and the Public Sphere by Darren Lee Swanson, Direct pdf 2016 PhD thesis, School of Languages and Cultures University of Sydney.
  • Foreigners' Great War Memorial, Yokohama, Japan (Details.[6])

Historical books online

  • Article in the Asiatic Journal, Volume 13, January-June 1822. "A Succinct Historical Narrative of the East India Company’s Endeavours to Form Settlements and to Extend and Encourage Trade in the East and of the Causes by which those Endeavours have been Frustrated":
    • Section 1 Sumatra, Borneo, Java, the Eastern Islands, etc . pages 1-11
    • Section 2 The continental kingdoms of Siam, Cochin-China [Southern Vietnam], Tonquin [Northern Vietnam], Pegu [Burma], and Ava [Burma]. pages 11-20,
    • Section 3 Japan and China pages 105-118
    • Section 4 China pages 209 -220 Google Books.
  • Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series edited by W Noel Sainsbury. and HathiTrust Digital Library.
Volume 2 East Indies, China and Japan 1513-1616 1862; Volume 3 East Indies, China and Japan 1617-1621 1870; Volume 4 East Indies, China and Japan 1622-1624 1878; Volume 6 East Indies, China and Persia 1625-1629 1884.
  • Chronicles of the East India Company trading to China, 1635 to 1834 by Hosea Ballou Morse 1926. Five Volumes. Vol. I, Vol. II, Vol. III, Vol. IV, All, originally from Digital Library of India. Also Volume 5, Supplementary, 1742-74 HathiTrust Digital Library. All volumes are also available as pdf downloads from GIPE Digital Books-Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune. Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. All volumes are also available online from the The University of British Colombia, including Volume V, but note these may be slow to load, and you may need to use a browser such as Chrome, (there being problems with Safari) - downloads available.
The International Relations of the Chinese Empire by Hosea Ballou Morse. I The Period of Conflict, 1834-1860. II. The Period of Submission, 1861-1893. III. The period of Subjection, 1894-1911. Published 1910 to 1918.
Volume I (probably 2nd edition), Vol. I, 2nd file, but missing title page (appears to have been author/publishing decision); Volume II; Volume III All
The Trade and Administration of China by Hosea Ballou Morse, sometime Commissioner of Customs 3rd Revised edition 1920
An Outline History of China Part II From the Manchu Conquest to the Recognition of the Republic A D 1913 by Herbert H Gowen 1913

Directories etc

This publication had many titles over time and with different publishers: The China Directory (1862, 1863, 1874). The Chronicle & Directory for China, Japan & the Philippines (1864, 1868, 1869, 1873, 1879). In 1889 included Corea, Cochin-China, Annam, Tonquin, Siam, Borneo, Straits Settlements, Malay States. In 1889 included Indo-China (replacing Cochin-China, Annam, Tonquin). In 1899 included Netherlands India. By 1905 the title had changed to The Directory & Chronicle…. Published by Hongkong Daily Press.
Editions are mostly available to read online on the HathiTrust Digital Library, on Google Books, or on
In addition,
The digital collection of the University of Macau, Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century, contains various titles for 1859 (Hong Kong), 1862, 1863, 1870, 1874 and 1875, using the Search term Directory.
Directories from China Families may have years additional to the table below.
The Asia Directories Database 1863-1941. Nearly a complete sequence. Missing 1866, 1867, 1872, 1875, 1884, 1915, but 1875 and 1915 are available . For details see further below.
1862 GB

1862 HT

1863 GB

1863 HT

1864 GB

1865 GB

1868 GB

1869 GB

1870 GB


1873 GB

1873 HT

1874 HT

1874 FamilySearch Must be signed in to FS to view.

1875 GB


1876 GB 1877 GB
1879 HT


1882 GB

1884 Shanghai only

1885 from the file following

1885 Wellcome Collection.
If you cannot access the images, try changing browsers.

1888 GB 1889 HT

1889 GB
1889 FamilySearch
Must be signed in to FS to view.

1890 GB 1892 GB

1892 File 2 GB
1892 File 2
1892 FamilySearch, see
1889 FamilySearch

1894 HT

1894 GB

1895 GB 1896 GB
1897 GB 1898 GB 1899 GB

1899 HT


1902 HT

1902 GB

1903 GB

1903 University of Santo Tomas, Philippines

1904 GB 1905 HT

1905 GB

1906 GB 1907 GB
1908 HT

1908 GB

1909 GB 1910 GB Some pages poor quality


1912 GB 1913 GB
1914 GB 1915


1917 GB

1917 HT


National Library of

Scotland Collection
See below.

1920 GB


1921 GB 1922 HT

1922 GB

1938 GB
The Asia Directories Database 1863-1941. Nearly a complete sequence. Missing 1866, 1867, 1872, 1875, 1884, 1915, but 1875 and 1915 are available . From The Institute For European Global Studies, the University of Basel. (More details[7])
There is a Search Person function “Search the Database” (across the top of the webpage). The quality of the Search results will be dependent on how good the transcription (presumably by OCR) has been.
To browse individual volumes: Click on “Discover the Asia Directories”. Then click on “All years are selected” and there will be a drop down menu from which you can select the year. Then click on filter, near the Right hand side of the webpage. As an example 1919
To read online, click on the title page shown. For ease of navigation you may find it convenient to click on the book icon, top right hand corner, and select Thumbnails bottom.
To download, go back a step to where you have selected the year you require. Click on View souce. Currently (2023/01) it says Needs Login, but that does not appear to be a requirement. Click through to a page for 1919. There may be several versions of the page available. Click on the latest. You can download from this page. You can also read on line from this page, but the book reader is smaller than that reached by the first quoted method. There is however a full screen option. For 1919 the originating library is Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, however this volume does not appear to be available online on that Library’s website.
Alternative access to the database (A University of Basel page.)
National Library of Scotland Collection "Asian directories and chronicles" 23 editions of the above title The Directory & Chronicle... 1917-1941, missing 1919 and 1923. Published by Hongkong Daily Press.

This database is also available on Ancestry as Asia, Directories and Chronicles Relating to Government Agencies and Foreign Nationals, 1917-1941, added 17 July 2023.

Findmypast, pay website, database Asia, Far East Directories & Chronicles 1833-1941, with a Publication list, introduced 2021/12/10. The database is searchable by name. An examination of a sample of three volumes indicated they were all digitised by others (2 by Google Books and one by National Library of Scotland) and were available elsewhere, and it is suspected that the whole database is similar, and does not include any "new" digitisations. The Findmypast viewer for this database is slow, and it would be quicker to view a volume elsewhere.
Collection on, uploaded by China Families
  • The North China Herald Collection 1850-1941. Published in Shanghai as the weekly edition of the North-China Daily News. Searchable as a collection. There perhaps may be additional editions available outside of this collection, also on
  • The London and China Express, published in London, with target readership those outside the Indian Empire, is available on Findmypast, category "Newspapers & periodicals"/"British newspapers", with the same contents also available on the British Newspaper Archive, both pay websites. The date range is from November 25, 1858 to July 2, 1931. For more details see Newspapers and journals online.
  • The London & China Herald published in London, "on departure of the mails for China and Japan" is available on Findmypast, category "Newspapers & periodicals"/"British newspapers", with the same contents also available on the British Newspaper Archive, both pay websites. The date range is from October 10, 1867 to June 17, 1870. For more details see Newspapers and journals online.
  • The London and China Telegraph. Published in London. Covers China, Hong Kong, Japan, Straits Settlements (Singapore, Penang), Batavia and perhaps a wider area. There are two series of digitisations, both on Google Books, one from the Bavarian State Library, the other from Cornell University, the latter labelled A. Links for both series are provided, in case the digitisation quality varies. From February 2022, this title is also available on the pay websites Findmypast and British Newspaper Archive.
1860 1861 1863 1864 1865
1866 1867

1867 A


1868 A


1869 A

1870 A

1871 A


1872 A


1873 A

1874: Jan-June

1874: July-Dec

1874 to Dec. A

1875 to Dec.

1875 to Oct. A

In addition, there is a collection of individual issues of London and China Telegraph on which includes editions for 1877.
From February 2022 The London and China Telegraph is also available on Findmypast, category "Newspapers & periodicals", with the same contents also available on the British Newspaper Archive, both pay websites. The date range is 1858-1921. For more details see Newspapers and journals online.


  • Also see the main cities in China, particularly Shanghai.
  • The voyages and adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto ... during his travels for the space of one and twenty years in the kingdoms of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchin-China, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan, and a great part of the East-Indies. Done into English by H C [Henry Cogan] 1663 edition, 2nd edition, corrected and amended 1663 First Portuguese edition 1614.
The voyages and adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto, the Portuguese (done into English by Henry Cogan) with an Introduction by Arminius Vambery. A volume in The Adventure Series. Abridged and Illustrated edition 1891, Popular edition 1897 All
The Travels of Mendes Pinto Edited and translated by Rebecca D Catz 1989. Books to Borrow/Lending Library
Fernão Mendes Pinto Wikipedia. He made three voyage 1537-1558.
  • The Portugues Asia: Or, The History of the Discovery and Conquest of India by the Portugues; Containing All Their Discoveries from the Coast of Africk, to the Farthest Parts of China and Japan; All Their Battels by Sea and Land, Sieges and Other Memorable Actions; a Description of Those Countries, and Many Particulars of the Religion, Government and Customs of the Natives, &c. ... by Manuel de Faria e Sousa, a Portuguese historian. Translated into English by Cap. John Stevens 1695
Volume I Google Books; Volume II mirror from Kerala State Central Library Rare Books Online; Volume II, Volume III Qatar Digital Library. Transcribed version, Tomes [Volumes]I-III, note however, the contents of some of the various Tomes (Volumes) are listed out of chronological order. There was a three volume reprint edition published in 1971.
In addition, Volume II of the this title contains the following
A Voyage to Suratte, China &c by Olof Toreen, Chaplain of the Gothic Lion East Indiaman, page 153 Volume II. A voyage from 1st April 1750 to 26th June 1752.
A Short Account of the Chinese Husbandry by Captain Charles Gustavus Eckeberg, page 267 Volume II. Carl Gustaf Ekeberg Wikipedia.
Faunula Sinensis, Flora Sinensis page 319 Volume II.
Also see Fairbank's autobiography below Chinabound : a fifty-year memoir, published 1982.
British Parliamentary Papers: Mortality of Troops in China 1863 and 1866 Reprinted 1915
Twenty Years in the Far East : Sketches of Sport, Travel and Adventure by William Spencer Percival 1905
The I.G. in Peking : letters of Robert Hart, Chinese Maritime Customs, 1868-1907, Volume Two [1891-1907] edited by John King Fairbank, Katherine Frost Bruner, Elizabeth Macleod Matheson 1975. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Volume One does not appear to be available online currently (2021/05).
In the Chinese Customs Service : a Personal Record of Forty-Seven Years by Paul King 1924 HathiTrust Digital Library. He commenced in 1874 and retired October 1920, most of it spent in China, but some years were in the London office, including from 1914. He had issues with the Inspector General Robert Hart, who did not regard King favourably.
China: The Maritime Customs. IV- Service Series, No 69. Documents illustrative of the Origin, Development, and Activities of the Chinese Customs Service. Published at Shanghai by the Statistical Department of the Inspectorate General of Customs.
Volumes I-V Inspector General's Circulars Vol. I: 1861-1892 1937; Vol. II 1893 to 1910 1938;Vol. III 1911 to 1923 1938; Vol. IV 1924 to 1931 1939; Vol. V 1932 to 1938 1939; Vol. VI Despatches, Letters, Memoranda etc 1842 to 1901 1938; Vol. VII Despatches, Letters, Memoranda etc Index 1940 including "Index", page 413. Note catalogued title varies. All, mirror versions from Digital Library of India.
Recent Events and Present Policies in China by J. O. P. Bland 1912
China, Japan and Korea by J. O. P. Bland 1921
John Otway Percy Bland (Wikipedia) was a British writer and journalist, who lived in China for most of the period 1883–1910.
Wei-Hai-Wei c 1900 page 165 Fifty Years in the Royal Navy by Admiral Sir Percy Scott 1919.
"Negotiations relating to Wei-Hai-Wei and Corea 1904-5" page 112 British documents on the origins of the war, 1898-1914, Volume IV: The Anglo-Russian Rapprochment, 1903-7 edited by G P Gooch and Harold Temperley 1929.
The Log of H.M.S. "Sutlej", Pacific and China stations, 1904-1906 by G H Gunns 1906
"The Chinese Stations" page 99, and Photograph: Naval Hospital Liukungtao, facing page 113 The Sea Road to the East, Gibraltar to Wei-hai-wei; six lectures by Arthur John Sargent 1912
Fiction based on personal experience: Yangtze Skipper, by Thomas Woodrooffe 1937. HathiTrust Digital Library. Set in 1919 Shanghai, Toby Warren is First Lieutenant on the "Beetle", a (fictious) Royal Navy river gunboat. The author served on HMS "Scarab" (river gunboat) in 1919-1920, and it is stated elsewhere, in respect of another book, that he wrote about things actually seen and experienced.
Note, this title may be the American title as it appears to be the same book as River of Golden Sand by Thomas Woodrooffe. A review of River of Golden Sand [8]
Bless our Ship by Captain Eric Wheler Bush, Royal Navy 1958. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Biographical details He became a Naval Cadet at age 12 in 1912 and served in the Navy to 1948, including East Indies Station from 1922, and China Station late 1920s and again early 1930s.
The True Glory : the Royal Navy, 1914-1939 by Max Arthur 1996 Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Personal accounts.
We Dive at Dawn by Lt.-Com. Kenneth Edwards 1941. HathiTrust Digital Library. About Submarines. Missing Contents page, but includes a description of the Illustrations, which gives some idea of the Contents. Includes "Chapter XX" pages 347-360 (digital page 391) about China Station in the 1920s. version.
Far China Station : the U.S. Navy in Asian Waters, 1800-1898 by Robert Irwin Johnson 2013, first published 1979. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
Sample pages Yangtze Patrol: The U.S. Navy in China by Kemp Tolley 2013. Google Books
Sample pages The Royal Navy, China Station 1864 - 1941: As seen through the lives of the Commanders in Chief‬ by Jonathan Parkinson. 2018. Title on title page is The China Station, Royal Navy: A History as seen through the lives of the Commanders in Chief, 1864-1941.
  • A naturalist in Western China : with vasculum, camera, and gun, being some account of eleven year's travel, exploration, and observation in the more remote parts of the flowery kingdom by Ernest Henry Wilson 1913. Volume I, Volume II
Ernest H. Wilson Plant Hunter [1876-1930] by Edward I Farrington 1931., Digital Library of India Collection.
Cook’s Guide to Peking, North China, South Manchuria and Korea Published by Thos. Cook & Son 1924
Report giving the history of the Chinese Labour Corps used behind the lines in France 1917-19 British Library Mss Eur F288/110. Part of the family papers of Sir Leslie Fry, Mss Eur F288, (so possibly written by a family member?) British Library Digital.
Other books by Carl Crow
I Speak For The Chinese by Crow Carl 1938 Japanese infringements on China from 1915.
My Friends, the Chinese by Carl Crow. Decorations by G Sapojnikoff (Sapajou) 1938 Published in London.
The Chinese Are Like That by Carl Crow 1938 American edition of the previous book with an extra chapter. Illustrations differ.
Carl Crow Wikipedia
For more books by Kotenev, see Shanghai - Historical books online.
  • I Sailed with Chinese Pirates by Aleko E. Lilius 1931, first published 1930. HathiTrust Digital Library. Aleko Lilius Wikipedia. Lilius was a journalist. The book was reprinted at least twice, in 1991 and 2010, the latter with a Foreword by Paul French, see French's books further below.
  • Journey to the Beginning by Edgar Snow 1958. File 2: 1972 reprint. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Edgar Snow Wikipedia. Snow was an American journalist who lived in China for many years from 1928, best known for his book, Red Star Over China (1937), an account of the Chinese Communist movement from its foundation until the late 1930s.
Red Star Over China - The Rise Of The Red Army by Edgar Snow c 1938.
2nd file Catalogued 2013, and the longer title perhaps implying it is a reprint edition, although this is not stated. Both Books to Borrow/Lending Library. 1944 edition with 1944 Preface titled Red Star Over China. Note however, initial digital pages are either duplicated, or out of order. Further file, catalogued 1938. Both
Midnight In Peking by Paul French. BBC Radio Reading audio May-June 2012.
Paul French on Midnight in Peking 2013 podcast by Radio Television Hong Kong on One way to listen online is to click on the "Source_url".
Paul French is the author of many books on the "old" period in China, including The Badlands: Decadent Playground of Old Peking (2013) Sample pages Google Books and Bloody Saturday: Shanghai’s Darkest Day, published 2017 Sample pages Google Books. The day was Saturday, August 14, 1937, when the Japanese bombed the city. For a further book by French, see Shanghai.
Battle Hymn of China by Agnes Smedley 1944, mirror from DLI.
Agnes Smedley Wikipedia. American journalist.
  • Far Eastern War 1937-1941 by Harold S. Quigley 1942, mirror from DLI.
  • China to Me : a Partial Autobiography by Emily Hahn 1944. 2nd file, 3rd file 1944 Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Hahn became a New Yorker magazine writer. The latter half of the book covers her experiences in Hong Kong under Japanese control. About the book "classic memoir of her years in China remains remarkable for her insights into a tumultuous period and her frankness about her personal exploits. A proud feminist and fearless traveler, she set out for China in 1935 and stayed through the early years of the Second Sino-Japanese War..."
The Soong Sisters by Emily Kahn 1941 Mesdames Kung, Sun and Chiang, the wives of famous Chinese men.
Hong Kong Holiday by Emily Hahn 1946. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
Also see Second World War
All HathiTrust Digital Library unless otherwise indicated, possibly may not be viewable in regions such as North America.
  • The Chinese Repository published in Canton 1832-1851. Some of the online editions are part of a volume only, which is listed on the page for that volume, but cannot be determined from the title in the List version. However, by switching to the Thumbnail version, the exact title can generally be read. Index of the Twenty Volumes
  • Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. North appears to have been dropped from the title for a period.
  • Notes and Queries on China and Japan, four volumes 1867 to 1870. Published in Hong Kong. HathiTrust Digital Library. editions consisting of 1867, which also contains 1868 (from digital page 198), and 1869. Volume 4, Issues 1-8 [1870] Google Books.
  • The China Review, or notes & queries on the Far East. Published in Hong Kong. Multiple volumes from Volume 1, 1872 to Volume 21 1894-5 catalogued full view, but Vols. 22 and 23 also noted, cataloged incorrectly. HathiTrust Digital Library A, B and C. From an individual book file, it is generally possible to click on "Find at Google Books" for the Google Books file. volumes.
  • Things Chinese being Notes on various subjects connected with China by J Dyer Ball H M Civil Service, Hong Kong.
1892 edition; 2nd edtion, revised and enlarged 1893; 3rd edition revised and enlarged 1900; 4th edition 1904 with title Things Chinese: Or, Notes Connected with China. All
  • The Far Eastern Review Collection at Published between 1904 and 1941, it was initially published in Manila but later was based in Shanghai. Engineering - Commerce - Finance were three key words on the cover of the journal and in addition to politics many articles were related to technology, trade and infrastructure in the broader region.
  • The China Weekly Review Collection at Various titles from 1917 to 1940, published as Millard's Review of the Far East - 1917-1921.6 then The Weekly Review of the Far East - 1921.6-1923 and The China Weekly Review 1923 onward.
  • Digital Initiatives from the University of Hong Kong Libraries. Some databases are restricted to members of the University. For those databases which are freely available, click on Browse to see the titles available.
DigitalRepository@HKUL This appears to be a more recent website from the same source The University of Hong Kong Libraries, which includes the collections as above, and perhaps additional collections/material.

Journeys, and Central Asia

The Roof of the World : being a narrative of a journey over the high plateau of Tibet to the Russian Frontier and the Oxus Sources on Pamir by Lieutenant-Colonel T E Gordon, Honorary Aide-De-Camp to the Viceroy of India, lately attached to the Special Mission to Kashghar 1876 Includes Kashghar.
  • Across Chrysê, being the narrative of a journey of exploration through the South China border lands from Canton to Mandalay by Archibald R Colquhoun, Executive Engineer, Indian Public Works. Volume I 3rd edition 1883 (probably first published also 1883), Volume II 1883 Also available Volume I, Volume II 1883 British Library Digital Collection with rotatable images. Chryse (Chrysê) is the Greek short name of gold-producing Chryse Chersonesos (The Golden Peninsula) in the East Indies (Wikipedia)
Report on the Railway Connexion of Burmah and China ... with account of exploration-survey by H. S. Hallett. Accompanied by surveys, vocabularies and appendices by Archibald R Colquhoun 1888
Macartney’s wife Catherine wrote of her time at Kashgar in An English Lady in Chinese Turkestan first published 1931. Link to a pdf download PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. mirror version.
A later biography is The Diplomat of Kashgar: A Very Special Agent. The Life of Sir George Macartney, 18 January 1867-19 May 1945 by James McCarthy.
Through Deserts and Oases of Central Asia by Ella Sykes and Percy Sykes, 1920 Covers the brief period in which Percy Sykes relieved Macartney at Kashgar while the latter was on leave in 1916 but is really Percy's sister Ella Sykes’s travel account and says little about consular affairs.
  • Includes a Map, in two sections.
Chinese Central Asia by C P Skrine. Indian Civil Service, British Consul General in Chinese Turkistan 1922-1924. First published 1926 Index.Hathi Trust Digital Library version where images are rotatable. The Consulate was at Kashgar. Clarmont Percival Skrine Wikipedia.
Also see Norperforce for more about the Kashgar Mission during WW1 prior to 1922.
The Antique Land by Diana Shipton 1950. Lending Library. Another version, mirror from Archaeological Survey of India at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. A memoir by the wife of Eric Shipton, the last British consul in Kashgar before the consulate closed in 1947.
  • Diary of a Journey from Srinagar to Kashgar via Gilgit by H I Harding of the British Consular Service in China, 1922., mirror from PAHAR: Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset.
  • Moved On! From Kashgar To Kashmir by P S Nazaroff . Rendered into English from the Russian Manuscript of the Author by Malcolm Burr. 1935., mirror from PAHAR: Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset.
  • The Old Burma Road 1945., Public Library of India Collection. Full title: The Old Burma Road. A journey on foot and muleback. From the diary, notes and reminiscences of Doctor N. Bradley. The author spent many years in China as a medical missionary. This is an account of a journey taken in March, 1930 on the granite slab road along which, 650 years earlier, Marco Polo had ridden with his escort of Kublai Khan's horsemen from Yunnan-Fu to Bhamo.
  • Where China Meets Burma. : Life and Travel in the Burma-China Border Lands by Beatrix Metford 1935. Link to a pdf download PAHAR Mountains of Central Asia Digital Dataset. (If download does not display, located in Books/Tibet And China). A description of the book elsewhere indicates the author accompanied her husband, who was a British official. They lived for several years in the Shan States, Burma and then in Yunnan, southern China. From elsewhere, it appears she was the second wife of Stanley Wyatt-Smith of Britain's China Consular Service.


  • The "Japan Gazette" Hong List and Directory, for 1874 Note: some of the text is missing- it is not clear whether this relates to the filming, or the original publication.
  • A History of Japan by James Murdoch. v. 1. From the origins to the arrival of the Portuguese in 1542 A.D. -- [v. 2.] During the century of early foreign intercourse (1542-1651) / in collaboration with Isoh Yamagata. -- v. 3. The Tokugawa epoch, 1652-1868 / rev. and ed. by Joseph H. Longford. Volume I 1910; Volume II 1903; Volume III 1926.
  • The history of Japan, giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of that empire : of its temples, palaces, castles and other buildings, of its metals, minerals, trees, plants, animals, birds and fishes, of the chronology and succession of the emperors, ecclesiastical and secular, of the original descent, religions, customs, and manufactures of the natives, and of their trade and commerce with the Dutch and Chinese : together with a description of the kingdom of Siam by Engelbert Kaempfer [1651-1716], translated by John Gaspar Scheuchzer. Published 1727. Volume I, Volume II
Reprint edition The history of Japan, together with a description of the kingdom of Siam, 1690-92, published 1906. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III
Engelbert Kaempfer, also Engelbert Kämpfer or Engelbertus Kaempferus. C 1685 Kaempfer joined the fleet of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the Persian Gulf as chief surgeon and in September 1689, arrived in Batavia. In May 1690 he set out for Japan as physician to the VOC trading post in Nagasaki. He was also the author of Amoenitatum exoticarum (Latin language) concerning Japan, published 1712 in (modern) Germany.
More Queer Things about Japan by Douglas Sladen and Norma Lorimer. 1904
Shades of the Past: Indiscreet Tales of Japan by Harold S Williams 1972, first published 1958. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
Foreigners in Mikadoland Harold S Williams 1972, first published 1963. Books to Borrow/Lending Library.
Harold S. Williams Wikipedia.
Gai-Jin : a novel of Japan by James Clavell 1993 More editions Set in 1862. Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Gai-Jin means foreigner.
James Clavell Wikipedia.
  • The Ginger Tree: A novel by Oswald Wynd 1988 edition, first published 1977. Other book files. Set in the period 1903 to 1942, the novel follows a young Scottish woman who at the start of the book, travels to Manchuria to join her fiancé.
The Ginger Tree by Christopher Hampton. 1989. The story of the filming of the 1989 television production and the television script.
All Books to Borrow/Lending Library
The Ginger Tree Wikipedia. The Ginger Tree (TV series) Wikipedia.


  1. World Miscellaneous Births and Baptisms, Coverage Table (FamilySearch Historical Records) FamilySearch Wiki. Retrieved 18 January 2020.
  2. "David Charles Oakley Shines a Light on Kaohsiung’s Past" by Jason Hsu tr. by David Mayer January 2017, now archived.
  3. Great War Forum thread Wei-hai-wei and Liu Kung Tao, then and now by Bushfighter 15 April 2008. (retrieved 7 July 2018). Log-in to the Great War Forum is required if you cannot see the images, see Mailing lists.
  4. 1926 Submarines and HMS Titania, comment at the bottom by Nashie on 2013-11-07.
  5. The Regimental History of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, now an archived webpage.
  6. Bryn et al. Foreigners' Great War Memorial, Yokohama, Japan Great War Forum 3 February 2009 et al. Retrieved 23 October 2022.
  7. Global Information at a Glance: Power, Law, and Commerce through the Lens of Asia Directories Europainstitut, Universität Basel.
  8. Books of the Week: Morning Tribune, 28 January 1937, Page 16
  9. Kiautschou Bay concession Wikipedia.
  10. The Diary of a Shanghai Physician by Victor Smolnikoff page 10 of the sample pages available in "Look inside".