Central Provinces Civil Establishments and Uncovenanted Servants 1867-1900

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Central Provinces Civil Establishments

Date range Record details
1 Apr 1870 L/F/10/182 IOR Neg 57183
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial Services: ' A' forms read as follows: 'Detailed Statement of Salaries and Establishment of, say, the Nagpore District’ and run from 1- 157 broken down as 1-49 Revenue; 50-57 Forests; 58-77 Abkarry; 78-85 Customs; 86-94 Administration and Public Dept; 95-97 Law and Justice; 98-116 Registry; 117-138 Criminal Court; 139-157 Jails.
Provincial Services: the abstract or index shows 158-199 Police; 200-221 Education; 222-236 Eccles; 237-267 Medical.
It is of interest to note that Jails normally shown as Provincial are here shown as Imperial.
1 Apr 1872 L/F/10/183 IOR Neg 57183-184
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial Services: 160 'A' forms. The following locations are mentioned on the 'Revenue' abstract which relates these places to 'A' forms 1-40:-
Balaghat, Betul, Bhandara, Bilaspur, Chanda, Chhiudmark, Damoh, Hoshangabad, Jajappur, Mandla, Nagpur, Narsinghpur, Nimar, Raipur, Sagar, Sambalpur, Seoni, Upper Godavari, Wardha.
Other abstracts cover the Abharry Est. 41-63; Customs 64-74; Admin. 75-82; Minor 83; Judicial 84-134; Ecclesiastical 135-141; Med.142-160
Provincial Services: 167 'A' forms. Jail 1-22; Registration (branch) 23-42; Police 43-80; Educ 81-110; Med. 111-144; Printing 145; Misc. 146-167
1 Apr 1874 L/F/10/184 IOR Neg 57184
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial Services. No index or abstract. 'A' forms not numbered
Typical 'A' form headings:- Date of G.O., Date of appt of each incumbent, Name, Appt, Mthly Salary
Provincial Services. No index and no 'A' nos shown
1 Apr 1876 L/F/10/185 IOR Neg 57184-185
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial Services- no index or abstract. 34 'A' nos shown.
Typical 'A' form headings:- Date of G.O creating post, date of Appt to present post and to promotion to present pay, Post, Age, Name, Min/Max salary, Pay of present incumbent.
Provincial Services. No index and no 'A' nos shown.
1 Apr 1877 Imperial Services. No index and no 'A' nos shown
Provincial Services. No index and no 'A' nos shown.

Central Provinces Uncovenanted Servants

Date range Record details
1867-1880 L/F/10/186 IOR Neg 57185
1 Apr 1867 ‘C' forms only, listing 'Uncovenanted Civil Servants (E & EI) in the office of, say, Dy Commissioner Nagpore'. To locate details of Unc/S that may be of use, it is necessary to search through 'C' forms to locate relevant office. Forms numbered 1-240. Headings are
Name, Description of Appt, Salary, Period of Residence in India.
1 Apr 1868 C' forms only, not numbered and there is no index.
1 Apr 1870 Tab 1870-71 but forms are dated 1 Apr 1870. 'C' forms numbered 1-121 but there is no index
1 Apr 1872 C' forms not numbered and there is no index
1 Apr 1874 C' forms not numbered and there is no index
1 Apr 1876 First introduction of 'E' forms, entitled List of Gazetted & Ministerial European & E Indian Unc/S. Headings:-
Name, Name of Post, Pay of Post, Period in India while in Govt employ. No form numbers and no index.
1 Apr 1880 Unnumbered 'E' forms. No index.
1883-1892 L/F/10/187 IOR Neg 57186
1 Apr 1883 Unnumbered 'E' forms. Gazetted and Ministerial. No index.
1 Apr 1885 As above
1 Apr 1887 Now labelled 'VB' forms, Gazetted and Ministerial; others labelled ‘III’ but same as 'E' forms. No numbers and no index.
Later labelled C.A Code Chapter 4-4. Europeans to be highlighted by use of a red E suffix. Gazetted and Ministerial to end of Volume.
1888-1892 Dated 1 Apr each year except 1890 which is absent. As 1887, C.A. No index and no form numbers.
1893-1900 L/F/10/188 IOR Neg 57186-187
1893-1896 Dated 1 Apr each year. As 1887 C.A. No index and no form numbers. Still shown as Gazetted and Non-Gazetted with red E suffix for Europeans.
1 Apr 1897 As 1887 C.A. No index and no form numbers. Also 'VB' 'Nominal Roll of European & E.I.Employés (sic) of the Indian Services. Europeans at top of form, East Indians below.
1 Apr 1898 Back to C.A forms. No index and no form numbers. Headed; 'List of Gazetted and Non- Gazetted E & E.I. Uncovenanted Civil Servants Employés’
1 Apr 1899 C.A forms. No index and no form numbers.
01-Apr-1900 C.A forms. No index and no form numbers. Europeans indicated by red E suffix