Railway system abbreviations

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Abbreviation System
ABR Assam-Bengal Railway
AKR Ahmadpur-Katwa Railway
AR&TC Assam Railways and Trading Company
B&AR Bengal and Assam Railway
B&NWR Bengal and North-Western Railway
BB&CIR Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway
BDR Bengal Dooars Railway
BDRR Bankura-Damoodar River Railway
BGJPR Bhavnagar-Gondal-Junagad-Porbandar Railway
BkSR Bikaner State Railway
BLR Barsi Light Railway
BNR Bengal-Nagpur Railway
BPR Bengal Provincial Railway
BR Burma Railway
BKR Burdwan-Katwa Railway
BSR Bhavnagar State Railway
CPCR C.P.C Railway - not identified
CPR Central Provinces Railway Co Ltd
DBLR Dholpur-Bari Light Railway
DHR Darjeeling-Himalayan Railway
DhSR Dhar State Railway
DKR Delhi-Umballa-Kalka Railway
DRLR Dehri-Rohtas Light Railway
EBR Eastern Bengal Railway
ECSR East Coast State Railway
EIR East Indian Railway
GBSR Gaekwar's Baroda State Railway
GDR Gaekwar's Dabhoi Railway
GIPR Great Indian Peninsula Railway
GLR Gwalior Light Railway
GoI-PWD Government of India - Public Works Department
GoI-RB Government of India - Railway Board
GoI-SR Government of India - State Railways
HDR Hoshiarpur Doab Railway
IMR Indian Midland Railway
IRCA Indian Railway Conference Association
J&DR Jamnagar and Dwarka Railway
JBR Jodhpur-Bikaner Railway
JJR Jessore-Jhenidah Railway
JPSR Jorhat (Provincial) State Railway
JSR Jodhpur State Railway
JunSR Junagadh State Railway
KFR Kalighat-Falta Railway
KSR Kalka-Simla Railway
LBSR Lucknow-Bareilly State Railway
M&SMR Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway
McLR McLeod's Light Railways
MLR Martin's Light Railways
MR Madras Railway
MRWR Morvi Railway
MSR Mysore State Railway
NGSR Nizam's Guaranteed State Railway
NSR Nizam's State Railway
NWR North Western Railway
O&RR Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway
PNSR Punjab Railway
R&KR Rohilkund and Kumaon Railway
RMSR Rajputana-Malwa State Railway
SIR South Indian Railway
SMR Southern Mahratta Railway
SP&DR Scinde, Punjaub & Delhi Railway
SPR Southern Punjab Railway
TSR Tirhoot State Railway
UCR Udaipur-Chitor Railway
