Battle of Maiwand

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Battle of Maiwand
Part of 2nd Afghan War 1878-80
Date: 27 July 1880
Location: Meivand Kariz, Afghanistan
Presidency: Bengal
Co-ordinates: 31.733066°N 65.138988°E
Result: Major British defeat
British & Indians Various Afghan tribes
Maj-Gen George Burrows Ayub Khan
Malalai of Maiwand
2,500 British & Indian troops
12 guns
3,000 cavalry
9,000 infantry
36 guns
21 officers & 948 men killed
8 officers & 169 men wounded
approx 3,000


Ayub Khan advanced from Herat with a force of 25,000. Brigadier-General George Burrows set out from Kandahar to oppose him with 2,500 British and Indian troops expecting the support of 6,000 friendly tribesmen. The supposed allies deserted and left Burrows to face the enemy at Maiwand. There followed one of the worst defeats ever suffered by the British army in India.

Victoria Cross

Sergeant Patrick Mullane and Gunner James Collis of the Royal Horse Artillery won the VC and both survived the action.

British Forces

British Army

Indian Army

External Links

2nd Afghan War 1878-80 The British Empire
Battle of Maiwand
Battle of Maiwand Garen Ewing
Battle of Maiwand British Empire
Battle of Maiwand Wikipedia
The Last Stand: The Journal of the Maiwand Files Project Contains many articles about Maiwand
List of 30th Bombay Native Infantry killed
Malalai - Afghan Heroine Garen Ewing
Battle of Khushk-i-Nakhud Garen Ewing
Map showing Khushk-i-Nakhud Garen Ewing
That Day by Rudyard Kipling
Article: "The amazing story of Bobbie, the bravest dog of war, as told in a British soldier's diary of a bloody battle in Afghanistan 130 years ago" by Geoffrey Wansell 19 November 2009 Describes letters written by Captain John Slade of the Royal Horse Artillery about the Battle of Maiwand

Recommended Reading

"Road to Kabul" by Brian Robson 1986 ISBN 1862271968

General Roberts' March from Kabul to Kandahar

Actions fought on this march:
Maiwand – Baba Wullee (Kandahar)

General Browne's March from Peshawar to Gandamak – General Roberts' March to Ali Kheyl – General Stewart's March to Kandahar
General Roberts' March to Kabul – General Stewart's March to Kabul – General Roberts' March from Kabul to Kandahar
Part of the 2nd Afghan War