Sudan Campaign

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Sudan Campaign
Chronological list of Wars and Campaigns
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Location: Sudan
British and Indians Egypt
Result: British victory
Egypt Medal 1882-89
Clasps: Alexandria 11 July 1882, Tel-El-Kebir 13 Sep 1882
Category: Egyptian Campaign
See our interactive map of
Egyptian Campaign 1882
locations and routes on Google Maps

The Egyptian Campaign 1882. Arabi Pasha led an uprising against the corrupt Khedive of Egypt declaring a new constitution in January 1882. Britain and France sent a combined fleet to Alexandria to protect their interests but domestic political events resulted in the French returning home. Admiral Beauchamp Seymour bombarded the city and occupied it. The British Expeditionary Force under Lieut Gen Sir Garnet Wolseley was prevented from advancing on Cairo at Kafr el Dawwar and then went by sea via the Suez Canal to Ismailia. Successful actions were fought at Kassassin and the Egyptians were finally defeated at the Battle of Tel el-Kebir. Cairo was captured, the Khedive restored and Urabi sent into exile.

British Expeditionary Force

(40,000+ troops)

1st Division (Lt Gen George Harry Smith Willis)

1st (Guards) Infantry Brigade (Maj Gen HRH Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught)

  • 2nd Battalion, Grenadier Guards
  • 2nd Battalion, Coldstream Guards
  • 1st Battalion, Scots Guards

2nd Infantry Brigade (Maj Gen Gerald Graham)

Divisional Troops

2nd Division (Lt Gen Sir Edward Hamley)

3rd (Highland) Infantry Brigade (Maj Gen Sir Archibald Alison)

4th Infantry Brigade (Maj Gen Sir Evelyn Wood VC)

Divisional Troops

  • 19th Hussars (2 Sqns)
  • 3rd Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps
  • I Battery, 2nd Field Brigade, Royal Artillery
  • N Battery, 2nd Field Brigade, Royal Artillery
  • 26 Field Company, Royal Engineers
  • 11 Company, Army Commissariat and Transport Corps
  • 2 Bearer Company, Army Hospital Corps (Half)
  • 4 Field Hospital, Army Hospital Corps
  • 5 Field Hospital, Army Hospital Corps

Indian Contingent (Maj Gen Sir Herbert Macpherson VC)

Cavalry Division (Maj Gen Drury Curzon Drury-Lowe)

1st (Heavy) Cavalry Brigade (Brig Gen Baker Russell)

2nd (Bengal) Cavalry Brigade (Brig Gen HC Wilson)

Division Troops

  • N Battery, 1 Horse Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery
  • Mounted Infantry Battalion (formed from Mounted Coys of line infantry battalions)
  • 17 Company, Army Commissariat and Transport
  • 6 Field Hospital, Army Hospital Corps

Army Troops

  • Naval Brigade
  • Battalion, Royal Marine Light Infantry
  • G Battery, 2nd Horse Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery
  • F Battery, 1st Field Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
  • H Battery, 1st Field Brigade, RFA
  • C Battery, 3rd Field Brigade, RFA
  • J Battery, 3rd Field Brigade, RFA
  • T Battery, 3rd Field Brigade, RFA
  • Royal Marine Artillery
  • 1 Battery, London Division, Royal Garrison Artillery
  • 4 Battery, London Division, RGA
  • 5 Battery, London Division, RGA
  • 5 Battery, Scottish Division, RGA
  • 6 Battery, Scottish Division, RGA

Army Train

  • A (Bridging) Troop, Royal Engineers
  • C (Telegraph) Troop, RE
  • Railway Troop, RE
  • 8 Field Company, RE
  • 17 Field Company, RE
  • 18 Field Company, RE
  • A Company, Queen’s Own Madras Sappers and Miners
  • I Company, QOMS&M
  • 8 Company, Army Commissariat and Transport Corps
  • 15 Company, ACT Corps
  • Auxiliary Company, ACT Corps
  • 2 Bearer Company, Army Hospital Corps
  • 1 Field Hospital, AHC
  • 3 Field Hospital, AHC
  • 7 Field Hospital, AHC
  • 8 Field Hospital, AHC

External Links

Egyptian Campaign 1882 British Empire website
1882 Anglo-Egyptian War Wikipedia
Wolseley's Conquest of Egypt Google Books

Historical Books on-line

Frontier and Overseas Expeditions from India Vol VI - Egyptian Campaign 1882