7th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Rajput Regiment of Bengal Infantry

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Known as 7th Rajputs


In the Indian Mutiny the 47th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry did not rebel and, in the ensuing disbandment of Bengal Army regiments, the 47th became the seventh most senior.

  • 1861 became the 7th Bengal Native Infantry
  • 1883 became 7th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Bengal Native Infantry
  • 1893 became 7th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Rajput Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
  • 1903 became 7th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Rajput Infantry
  • 1922 became 3rd Battalion 7th Rajput Regiment
  • 1947 allocated to India on Partition and renamed the Rajput Regiment

Battle Honours

  • Pekin 1900

Regimental history

  • History of the Rajput Regiment by Mustasad Ahmad published from 1977.
Contents: v. 1 Heritage : 1778-1947 -- v. 2 Living up to heritage : 1947-1970 -- v. 3. Bejewelled heritage : 1970-2005 by Anil Shorey.
Available at the British Library UIN: BLL01008834694
  • Also see Historical books online, below.

External links

Historical books online

"Covers the period from 1778 to 1940. The principal campaigns described are - First Sikh War (1845-7), Second China War (1860), Egypt (1882), Third China War (1900), and then Aden and Mesopotamia in WWI."[1]
