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76th Regiment of Foot
- 1758 raised for duty in India as the 76th Regiment of Foot
- 1881 amalgamated with the 33rd Regiment of Foot to become 2nd Battalion of The Duke of Wellington's Regiment
- 2006 amalgamated with the Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire and The Green Howards, all Yorkshire-based regiments in the King's Division, to form the 2nd Battalion Yorkshire Regiment
This section was part of the Family History in India website, which was designed to help people trace their European and Anglo-Indian family history in colonial India by Cathy Day. This particular page is a history of the 76th Regiment of Foot and was extracted by Roger Capewell from H.M. 76th Regiment of Foot’s Regimental Digest. |
The 76th Regiment was raised in 1787 for service in India, and accordingly proceeded to India in the following year, that is, in 1788. It remained in India until 1806, nearly 20 years. During that protracted period the Regiment was almost constantly in the field, constantly in camps, repeatedly in front of the enemy, and always found zealously anxious to do its duty like good soldiers, anxious for the honour of their King, anxious for the honour of their country, jealous of their own honour and character. And in those days, comrades, soldiering in India was not what it has been in later times ; then there were few roads, no maps, troops had to penetrate tractless wastes and deserts, often guided only by the compass, often regulated as to its halts by where they could procure water, to force through almost impenetrable jungles only keenly anxious to meet the enemies of their country and when met to conquer them. And besides in those days we were at war with one of the most powerful nations of Europe, and that nation to damage us, sent out of its best Generals to organise and discipline the native forces against us. In all those years the 76th was always found doing its duty.
It was particularly distinguished at the siege of Aligarh†, one of the strongest forts in India, fortified and commanded by a first-rate French General, General Perron. The contest was terrific in the ditches and intricate gateways of this fort, but the 76th were not to be deterred, were not to be denied; steadily, silently, resolutely, they forced their way through fire, steel, and blood, and never ceased until with a shout of victory the Colours of the 76th Regiment floated over the highest pinnacle of the fortress. This great success, of course, cost many valuable lives. The 76th Regiment had five officers killed; namely, Captain Cameron, Lieutenants Fleming, Brown and Campbell, the Adjutant Lieutenant St. Aubin, and a great many men. I wish I could remember their names. The names of such men, dying in such services, are deserving of going down to history. Besides the killed, the 76th had on this occasion many officers and men wounded, not by distant shots at long bowls, but hand to hand fight. The Colonel was stabbed while forcing the last gate. The 76th was also engaged at the siege of Deig, where it was lead to the assault by the gallant Commander-in-Chief himself, Lord Lake. It was engaged at the battle of Agra, the battle of Delhi, and most particularly did it distinguish itself at the battle of Leswarree, where a terrible fight took place. The enemy were astonished at the onset, they fought nobly, but nothing could withstand the 76th, with Lord Lake at their head ; the enemy were first checked, staggered, then turned and fled, pursued with terrible slaughter by the infantry, led by Lord Lake at the head of the 76th Regiment. For these and other services in India, the King was graciously pleased to confer upon the 76th the word "Hindoostan" to be worn on its Colours and appointments, and also the badge of the Elephant, the elephant being in Asia the emblem of power, strength, and grandeur, as the lion is esteemed by us at home. And besides, the East India Company presented the Regiment with a stand of embroidered Colours ; and not only so, but when these Colours were worn out, that Honourable Body sent the Regiment another stand of Colours, so strong was their sense of the valuable services of the corps.
† Commanded by Colonel the Hon. William Monson
I have said the 76th returned to England in 1806, but not to inglorious idleness.
In 1807 it was sent to Jersey. We were then unfortunately at war with France, and Jersey is in sight of France, so that it may be said to have been an outpost towards the enemy. With the garrisoning of this port the 76th was entrusted, and here as ever, it performed its duty.
In 1808 the 76th went to the north of Spain, and was engaged in the campaign there under the brave Sir John Moore, who was killed at the battle of Corunna. In the campaign of Galicia, again the Regiment was ever found to do its duty.
In 1809 the 76th was engaged in Holland, exchanging its duty in the bleak inhospitable mountains of Galicia for the pestilential swamps of Holland. here again the corps performed its duty as soldiers ought.
In 1813 the 76th again went to Spain, and took part in the closing campaign of the Peninsular war under the immortal Duke of Wellington, and was particularly distinguished at the battle of the Nive, which name is proudly emblazoned on its colours to this day.
When the Peninsular War was over, part of our army went to America, where we were then unfortunately at war with the United States, and the 76th was selected to form part of this force. On arrival in America, the force was divided into two divisions ; one went southward to operate at Baltimore, at Bladensburg, and in the Gulf of Mexico ; the other proceeded northward to operate north of New York, and towards the St. Lawrence. With this latter division the 76th marched, and here again it was found ever at its post, and always did its duty.
When the war with the United States ended in 1815, the 76th Regiment was left in Canada to assist the other troops to observe a long unsettled line of frontier, and in this arduous duty continued until 1827, when it was recalled to England, after an almost continuous course of active service abroad for forty years, in all climates, facing numerous and different enemies. and always found fulfilling its duty.
After 1827 we had, as you know, a long peace, and the 76th took its regular turn of colonial duty with the rest of the British infantry. It was quartered in Canada again, at Bermuda, in the West Indies, in Nova Scotia, in New Brunswick, in the Mediterranean, in Corfu, one of the Ionian Islands, and in Malta; and although in these years it had no war to record, its soldier-like, orderly, and valuable services are not unrecorded. Go to Halifax, there you will find in the archives of that colony a record of a most honourable address presented by the inhabitants to the 76th Regiment, on its departure from among them, thanking them for their courtesy and good conduct, and bidding God Bless them in their future career. Go to Fredericton, New Brunswick, there you will find a similar compliment paid them, and another in the West Indies, I think. Whilst at, home they were equally respected. Part of the 76th were employed in suppressing bread riots in Scotland some years ago, and they received the high praise of the General Officer Commanding for their exemplary conduct at Caithness, where they performed their duty with steadiness for the maintenance of law and order, whilst at the same time they were most merciful and considerate towards the misguided inhabitants.
In South Wales too, in 1842, the 76th were employed in quelling some serious riots, partly political and partly local, and here again they performed their duty in such a manner as to elicit the strongest praises of the General in command. Colonel Smyth, when one sees the high state of the 76th at this moment, the gentleman-like-tone of the officers the active, anxious, intelligent conduct of the sergeants ; the manly bearing and admirable esprit de corps of the soldiers when one sees the splendid appearance of the regiment on parade its happy interior economy ; its quickness, steadiness, and perfection in the field ; its orderly and respectable conduct in quarters, it is impossible not to acknowledge you are an officer fully qualified to command such a corps.
On the occasion of the visit of the King of France to this country (England) in October, the Regiment assisted to line the streets of Portsmouth, the grenadier company forming part of the Guard of Honour which received His Majesty and Prince Albert at the railway station.
In January, Sir Robert Arbuthnot applied to the Commander-in-Chief for H.M.'s sanction that the Regiment should bear on its colours the word "Nive". This sanction was obtained, and the following notice appeared in the "London Gazette" of January 24th :
"Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to permit the 76th Regiment to bear on its Regimental Colours and appointments the word "Nive" in commemoration of the gallantry displayed by the Regiment in the passage of that river in the month of December, 1813."
Lieutenant-General Sir R. Arbuthnot also received a letter from the Adjutant-General, officially notifying this permission, in which he states that Colonel Wardlaw then commanding the Regiment, received a medal for his services on that occasion.
In 1847, while the Regiment was stationed in Edinburgh Castle, it was divided into two battalions, one under the senior, and the other under the junior, Lieutenant-Colonel. The two battalions were again consolidated in 1850, while stationed at Corfu.
In March, the Regiment left Malta, where it had been stationed since 1860, for St. John, New Brunswick. The headquarter division arrived at that place on 26th April, disembarked on the 27th, and re-embarked on the same day for Fredericton. Here it was joined by the other division, when 3 companies were detached to St. John and one to Prince Edward's Island.
In the month of September, the Regiment proceeded to Halifax, leaving one company at Fredericton. New Brunswick; and the following address, signed by the magistrates, clergy, and inhabitants, was presented to the Regiment To Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel Joseph Clarke and to those officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the 76th. Regiment, about to leave this province,
We, the magistrates, clergy, and others, inhabitants of the of Fredericton, cannot suffer you to depart from our city without expressing our sincere regret. Since your Regiment has been stationed among us, it has been peculiarly distinguished by the gentlemanly deportment of its officers, by the sober habits and orderly conduct of the men, the result of that perfect state of discipline and subordination which is the soldier's best praise, not only in time of peace, but when called into action. This we more fully appreciate in this year of pestilence, as the sober habits of the men in abstaining from intemperate indulgence in ardent spirits have probably tended, to preserve the community from an increased liability to the contagion of cholera. We are deeply impressed with the importance of your exertions in the cases of fire which have occurred since you have been stationed in this garrison; always first on the ground, even in those intensely cold nights of the late rigorous winter, your well directed efforts have been continued with unflinching and untiring labour. On the late disastrous conflagration we attribute to these efforts the check of the further spread of those fatal ravages which laid waste so large a portion of our city. In thus taking leave, we wish you the fullest meed of honour that can attend the military career of a British Regiment.
(signed) B. Wolhaupter, Sheriff, etc.
To the Magistrates, Clergy, &c., Of the city of Fredericton,
Gentlemen, On receiving your address, I sincerely thank you for the expression of good feeling towards myself, the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of the 76th Regiment. It is a source of much gratification on leaving the city of Fredericton to bear with us the esteem and goodwill of its inhabitants, which we fully reciprocate. It is with much regret we leave your province, and we beg to offer our sincere thanks for the kindly feeling evinced during our residence with you, and the manner which you acknowledge the assistance we were enabled to afford on the late occasions of conflagration, etc., which visited your city. Accept our most cordial wishes for the prosperity of your city, and welfare of its community, in which we, will ever feel the deepest interest.
(signed) Joseph Clarke, Col. and Lieut.-Col.,
76th Regiment,
21st September, 1854.
The company stationed at Prince Edward's Isle embarked at Charlottetown on the 21st, and arrived at Halifax on September 23rd, making a total of headquarters and ten companies at Halifax, one company at Fredericton, and one at St. John.
In January, the Regiment was organised into ten service and two depot companies, this arrangement being altered in April to 8 service and 4 depot companies, the depot at this time being in Jersey.
In April, the coatee was abolished in favour of the tunic, and in the same year it was supplied with the new Enfield Rifle Musket. In July, the regiment arrived at St. John, New Brunswick, where it remained until September, 1857, where it embarked in the steamship Jura for Cork, proceeding thence by rail to Dublin. It reached Dublin on October 13th and occupied quarters in Beggar's Bush and Ship Street Barracks.
On the 12th August, Brevet-Colonel Joseph Clarke retired on half-pay, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Lloyd being gazetted to the command of the regiment; and on the 17th August, Colonel Clarke issued the following address in regimental orders "On resigning the command of the 76th Regiment after a period of service in it of 47 years, 23 of which have been either in command of it or of its depot, Colonel Clarke cannot leave without expressing, to the Regiment generally, his high sense of that ready obedience to his authority, as commanding officer, so necessary and conducive in carrying on the various and responsible duties of that office. He has always endeavoured by his best and undivided efforts to uphold the regulations of Her Majesty's service ; and in the maintenance of that discipline so essential to good order it has always been his desire to promote the well-being and condition of those under his charge ; these views he was materially enabled to carry out by the support and co-operation of those under his command. He cannot but intimate to them that the high character and estimation the 76th Regiment has borne, and its present efficient state, encourage a hope that they will ever be continued, and that the opinion lie has given to the highest authorities of its perfect efficiency and good conduct will be borne out in its future career. Sincere interest for its welfare and happiness by no means ceases with his command, but it will ever be a constant and great source of satisfaction to him to know that the creditable and meritorious spirit of subordination and good discipline now existing will continue to distinguish the corps under all circumstances, and that, in the event of being called into active service, the name which it had obtained for bravery and valour will be revived, and that the glory gained on its former campaigns may be emulated. In bidding farewell, as their commanding officer, to the Regiment in which his life has been passed, and to which his warmest interests are still attached, Colonel Clarke wishes that prosperity and good fortune may attend it, in whatever clime or country its services may be required."
On the Regiment leaving Fredericton in September, it was again presented with an address, as follows : "To Lieutenant-Colonel Lloyd, and to those officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of the 76th Regiment about to leave this province.
The Mayor and Councillors of the city of Fredericton in common council for this purpose specially convened, on behalf of themselves and the citizens universally, cannot allow you and the Regiment you command to leave our shores without expressing our regret at the sudden departure, from among us, of those who by their urbanity and uniform soldier-like conduct have endeared the name of a British soldier, and especially the soldiers of Her Majesty's 76th Regiment, to us all. Stationed in this garrison for some time prior to the Crimean war, the address of the citizens of Fredericton on the departure of the Regiment then testified their respect for the many virtues of your Regiment, and I feel happy in saying that their reappearance and stay among us have tended to strengthen the good opinion then so justly expressed. You are now called away, not as then to guard a post far from the seat of war, but to enter the very field of strife in a land where in other days that emblem, the "Elephant", worn by your Regiment, was won by the gallantry and heroism of the 76th, and we feel that that emblem will need no other watch-word to inspire them with like heroism to bear away from England's enemies even prouder trophies. We cannot omit in this address the name of the gallant Colonel Clarke, the late commander of the 76th, during his command ever ready and ever willing, as well to do his duty as extend acts of kindness; and through you, sir, we beg to assure Colonel Clarke that his truly honourable and noble conduct will always be remembered by the citizens of Fredericton, and, go where he may, he will be followed by the good wishes and earnest desire of us all for his health and prosperity, feeling well assured if anything can add to his regret on leaving New Brunswick, it is that he cannot accompany his gallant Regiment to the enemy's front, and lead them to battle and to victory. SEVENTY-SIXTH, 'Go where glory waits thee,' and remember, as we know you will when in the field of battle, that to you is entrusted the honour of old and beloved England, and England's beloved Queen ; and forget. not that you carry with You, officers and men, the warm feelings and sincere wishes of Her Majesty's loyal subject, for your happiness, prosperity, and every honour that can fill a soldier's heart with joy. SEVENTY-SIXTH, FAREWELL.
On behalf of the Corporation and citizens of Fredericton.
Fredericton, (signed) W. H. Needham, Mayor, 23rd Sept. 1857. G. N. Tegee, City Clerk."
The Regiment was expecting to be sent to India, a hope of it was disappointed.
Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen,
Permit me, in the name of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of the 76th. Regiment which I have the honour to command, to assure you that those kind sentiments and feelings which you have conveyed us in such handsome terms are fully appreciated on our own part by all ranks. The address which you were pleased to make to the Regiment on its departure from this province, at the commencement of the struggle in the Crimea, is still fresh in the minds of us all ; and its renewal on the present occasion, couched in still more affectionate language, is a convincing proof we have not fallen in your good opinion during our late sojourn among you and further that courtesy and soldier-like conduct on the part of the British soldier is ever sure to meet with its full estimation from those with whom he may be associated. In leaving these peaceful and tranquil scenes where we have passed so many happy days, it is more than probable we shall quickly be removed to the stern realities of strife, bloodshed, an revenge, in a far distant land ; a land, where more than fifty years ago, the 76th Regiment acquired no common reputation for gallantry and daring. Should the orders of our Sovereign and Country summon us again to the same battlefields, I trust we shall strengthen, if possible, our present good name, and preserve untarnished the proud badge of the "Elephant" accorded for bravery and gallant conduct at those very spots, where now the blood runs cold in reading, unheard of atrocities and cruelties, unsurpassed in tile annals of savage life. In conclusion, gentlemen, allow me to say that in whatever part of the world we may be placed, or whatever see lies we shall have to pass through, the pleasing recollections and associations of our long stay in this province, and the many friendships we have formed in Fredericton, will ever be uppermost in our minds ; their remembrance will tend to cheer and enliven us ill those dreary hours of peril and hardship inseparable from a soldier's life. Again, I offer you in the name of the 76th. Regiment, Mr. Mayor and, Gentlemen, Our most cordial thanks and god wishes for Your future welfare and happiness.
(signed) R. C. Lloyd, Lieut.-Col.
Fredericton, N.B.,
25th Sept. 1857.
Commanding 76th Regiment."
On October 26th the appellations of "grenadier" and "light" companies were abolished in compliance with instructions.
In November, the regiment moved from Dublin to the Curragh Camp, returning to Dublin in September of the following year. Here it was joined by Colonel H. Smyth, C.B., from the 68th Foot, he having exchanged with Colonel Lloyd.
On the 2nd and 3rd October three companies under Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Brewster proceeded to Kilkenny, and two under Captain Lacy to Duncannon Fort, while the headquarters, under Colonel Smyth, C.B., moved to Waterford.
Previous to the departure of the Regiment from Waterford, the following address was presented to it :- "City of Waterford
At the quarter assembly of the Town Council of the city of Waterford, holden on the sixth day of February, 1861, It was, on the motion of Mr. Councillor Mackeay, J.P. and M.D. seconded by Mr. Councillor Johnson, Unanimously resolved that the marked thanks of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors of this Corporation be, and are hereby, presented to Colonel Smyth, C.B., Lieutenant-Colonel Dennis, the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the 76th Regiment, for the uniform good conduct, discipline, and orderly demeanour of the corps while in this garrison; as also for the kind liberality with which the splendid band of the Regiment was at all times given for the amusement of the citizens generally. The Corporation express regret at the early departure of the Regiment, and assure Colonel Smyth that he carries the wishes of the citizens for the future -welfare and happiness of himself and the 76th Regiment.
(signed) John O'Brien, Town Clerk."
Waterford, 14th January, 1861.
Sir, I beg you will convey to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors of the Corporation of Waterford my acknowledgements, and those of Lieutenant-Colonel Dennis, the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of the 76th Regiment, for the very kind manner in which they have mentioned the discipline and good conduct of the Regiment while it has been quartered in this garrison, and also for the good wishes for its future welfare. The Resolution of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors of this ancient city will be highly valued and faithfully preserved with the records of the Regiment. Wishing, in the name of the 76th Regiment, all prosperity to the city of Waterford, and desiring to express our warm thanks for all the kindness which we have received here, and the regret which we feel at our removal from this station.
I have., &c., &c.,
(signed) H. Smyth, Colonel.
Commanding 76th Regiment"
The following address was also presented by the Magistrates of the city Moved by Captain Newport, seconded by Mr. Feelan, and passed unanimously. Resolved, that we, the Magistrates of the city of Waterford, in petty sessions assembled, cannot allow the 76th Regiment to leave this city without expressing our high sense of the very excellent conduct of that Regiment during its stay in Waterford, and that the Mayor is hereby requested to convey our sentiment to Colonel Smyth commanding that Corps. Waterford, February 16th, 1861.
(signed) Peirce Cose
Mayor of Waterford
Chairman of the Bench of Magistrates."
"76th Regiment, Waterford,
Sir, 18th February, 1861. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your highly complimentary address which I have communicated to the Regiment under my command. It will be preserved with the regimental records, and I beg to express to yourself and brother Magistrates the feelings of regret that are felt by all ranks on our departure from your city.
I have, &c., &c.,
(signed) H. Smyth, Colonel,
Lieut.-Colonel, Commanding 76th Regiment"
On February 19th, 1861, the Regiment embarked in two divisions for Glasgow, arriving on the 21st; 6 companies and headquarters remained in Glasgow, three companies went to Ayr, and one to Paisley.
In 1862 the Regiment moved in three divisions to Aldershot, travelling by sea to Liverpool and thence by rail to Aldershot.
On Wednesday, 29th April, 1863, the Regiment was presented with a new set of Colours by Sir J. L. Pennefather, K.C.B., commanding the division at Aldershot. The following officers of the regiment under the command of Lieut.-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel Henry Smyth, C.B., were present on the occasion :-
Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel H. Smyth, C.B.
Major and Lieut.-Colonel H. C. Brewster.
Major T. W. Cator.
Captains H.H. Lacey, C. O'Donoghue , J.C. Clarke, J. Gedde, C.T. Caldecott. J.H. Tripp, E.W.F. Acton, J.A. Palliser, W. Banks.
Lieutenants J.McD. Allardice J. H. Linto. R. W. Beachey T. T. Hedges E. Harridan E. Le Berton Butler G. T. Faussett A. E. Pearse A. G. West
Ensigns J. Talbot. G.D. Cookson. C.H. R. Gossett. B. Porter W.T. Durham G.D. Sampson
Paymaster J. Barclay.
Surgeon A. Bell.
Quarter-Master R. Davies.
Assistant-Surgeon Fraser, M.D.
Lieutenant and Adjutant L. E. O'Connor.
At 12 o'clock noon, the Regiment being formed in three sides of a square, the ceremony commenced by the Reverend Hugh Hulleat consecrating the Colours with the following, Prayers:
(1).-The Lord's Prayer.
(2) Almighty and most Merciful Father, without whom nothing is Strong, nothing is Holy, we come before Thee in a deep sense of Thine exceeding Majesty and our own unworthiness, praying Thee to shed upon us the light of Thy countenance, and to hallow and sanctify the work in which we are this day engaged. We beseech Thee to forward with Thy blessing the presentation to this Regiment of the Colours which are henceforth to be carried in its ranks, and with all lowliness and humility of spirit we presume to consecrate the same in Thy great Name to the cause of peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety. We humbly pray that the time may come when the sound of war shall cease to be heard in the world. But for as much as to our own mortal vision that blessed consummation seems still far distant ; we beseech Thee so to order the course of events that these Colours shall be unfurled in the face of an enemy only for a righteous cause, and in that dark hour may stain and disgrace fall upon them never, but being, borne aloft as emblems of loyalty and truth, may the brave who gather round them go forward conquering for the right ; and maintaining, as becomes them the honour of the British Crown, the purity of our most Holy faith, the Majesty of our laws, and the influence of our free and happy constitution. Finally, we pray that Thy servants here present (not forgetting Thy exceeding mercies vouchsafed to their Regiment in time gone by) and that all the forces of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, wherever stationed and however employed, may labour through Thy grace to maintain a conscience void of offence towards Thee and towards man ; always remembering that of a soldier and a civilian the same account shall be taken, and that he is best prepared to do his dirty and to meet death let it come from what source it may, who in the integrity of a pure heart is able to look to Thee as God, reconciled to him through the blood of the atonement. Grant this, 0 Lord, for Thine only Son Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.
(3).- The Prayer for the Queen's Majesty.
(4).- The Benediction.
After these Prayers, Sir J. L. Pennefather, K.C.B., addressed the regiment as follows :
"Colonel Smyth,
In the first place let me thank you for having invited me, to present your new Colours. It is an honour, bearing in mind the character of the 76th Regiment, of which any officer of however more exalted rank than myself, might be justly proud. 76th, on an occasion such as this it is customary, and I think, very fitting, to make some references to the former character and career of the Corps ; it gratifies old and tried soldiers to know that brave conduct and steady endeavours to do their duty are not forgotten ; and it is an incitement to the young soldier to endeavour by steady obedience and anxiety to do his duty, to emulate the gallant deeds done in former days, by, the brave men who stood in the same ranks and under the same Colours that he does today. There follows Pennefather's description of the history of the 76th Regiment from 1787 to 1842, which, for this webpage, I have moved up to the beginning. You, sir, an experienced officer, often having seen the enemy before you, your breast covered with honourable badges, I say emphatically, are worthy of your fine Regiment, and your Regiment is worthy of you. Such being my opinion, in the name of our Gracious Mistress, the Queen, and of the country, I place these Colours in your hands with the utmost confidence, that whenever they are unfurled in war, they will sink deeply into the ranks of your enemy. Whenever that day occurs, soldiers, keep silent, quick, ready look to your officers, feel to these Colours, and I am persuaded that with God's blessing you will be sure of victory, and I hope most fervently it may be so.
I shall always watch your future career with the deepest interest in your welfare. This day's proceedings has made me more intimately interested in you, and I do, from the bottom of my heart, wish You one and all every possible honour and happiness."
Colonel Smyth then made a short reply thanking the General for his kindness, after which the ceremony was concluded as laid down in her Majesty's Regulations. In September, the Regiment received orders to prepare for embarkation to India, but before this was effected Colonel H. C. Brewster took over command of the regiment from Colonel Smyth, the latter having been granted leave of absence, pending his retirement on half-pay. Before leaving, the regiment Colonel Smyth published the following Regimental order :
"Colonel Smyth, on taking leave of the Regiment, is happy to be able to say that, during the time he has commanded it, he had every reason to be satisfied with all under his command, and wishes good luck to the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of the 76th Regiment."
On Wednesday, 29th April, 1863, the Regiment was presented with a new set of Colours by Sir J. L. Pennefather, K.C.B., commanding the division at Aldershot. The following officers of the regiment under the command of Lieut.-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel Henry Smyth, C.B., were present on the occasion :-
Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel H. Smyth, C.B.
Major and Lieut.-Colonel H. C. Brewster.
Major T. W. Cator.
Captains H.H. Lacey , C. O'Donoghue , J.C. Clarke, J. Gedde , C.T. Caldecott. J.H. Tripp, E.W.F. Acton, J.A. Palliser, W. Banks.
Lieutenants J.McD. Allardice J. H. Linto R. W. Beachey T. T. Hedges E. Harridan E. Le Berton Butler G. T. Faussett A. E. Pearse A. G. West
Ensigns B. Porter W.T. Durham G.D. Sampson J. Talbot. G.D.Cookson. C.H. R. Gossett.
Paymaster J. Barclay. , Surgeon A. Bell, Quarter-Master R. Davies.
Assistant-Surgeon Fraser, M.D., Lieutenant and Adjutant L. E. O'Connor.
The Regiment was stationed in Fort St George, Madras, until November, 1865. During this period it had the misfortune to lose the following officers by death Captain J. PALLISER. Lieut. E. HARDING. Surgeon J. W. MOSTYN.
In November half the Regiment moved by rail to Bangalore en route to Bellary the left wing following in December. From Bangalore the regiment marched to Bellary, a distance of over 190 miles, divided into 19 stages.
Here it remained until January 1868, when it was ordered to British Burmah. On January 24th headquarters and the right wing embarked on the Alnwick Castle, which was towed across the Bay of Bengal by the Dacca, which carried the left wing. Arrived in Burmah the Regiment was divided into two detachments, the right -wing moved up the Irrawaddy to THAYETMYOO, while the left wing embarked in country boats and moved by the Pegu and Setang rivers to Tounghoo, arriving on the 24th February, 1868. In these stations the Regiment remained for 3 Years, except the right wing.
The Regimental Digest mentioned above does not appear to be a published book. The account may be derived from regimental orderly room records.
External links
- 76th Regiment of Foot Wikipedia
- Duke of Wellington's Regiment Wikipedia
- Yorkshire Regiment Wikipedia
- 76th Regiment of Foot including deployments, now an archived website.
- Yorkshire Regiment Family Tree, now an archived webpage.
- "A Soldier’s Life – the memoir of William Young 76th Regiment of Foot" British Library Untold lives blog. The memoir was written for his family in 1871 whilst stationed in Bangalore. The British Library catalogue reference is MSS Eur F698. Includes comments about his marriage in India without Army permission, one of the reasons for refusal being there was no vacancy for a wife to be taken on the strength. There is also a comment about the uncouth behaviour of the women of the regiment.
Historical books online
- "Report of an Epidemic of Cholera at Thayetmyo, British Burmah in 1869, especially with reference to its appearance in the head-quarters and right wing of Her Majesty’s 76th Regiment" by Surgeon WA Thomson, M.B. 76th Regiment, page 392 Army Medical Department Report for the year 1869 Google Books
- Historical record of the 76th "Hindoostan" Regiment : from its formation in 1787 to 30th June, 1881 compiled and edited by F.A. Hayden 1908
- History of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, 1st and 2nd Battalions, 1881-1923 by Brigadier-General C D Bruce 1927 HathiTrust Digital Library. Also available