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Vetdoc (talk | contribs)
Created page with 'After reviewing the Abbreviations page, I found it to be lacking. Below are some additions that I recommend adding. A.C.T.- I.A.V.C. Animal Clipping Teams-Indian Army Veterinar…'
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Revision as of 03:34, 9 January 2011

After reviewing the Abbreviations page, I found it to be lacking. Below are some additions that I recommend adding.

A.C.T.- I.A.V.C. Animal Clipping Teams-Indian Army Veterinary Corps A.D.V.R.S. Assistant Director Veterinary & Remount Services A.D.V.S. Assistant Director Veterinary Service; Advanced Depot Veterinary Stores A.MULE.DEPOT Army Mule Depot A. MULE DEPOT. Indian Army Mule Depot attd. Military abbreviation, meaning attached A Vet Hpl Army Veterinary Hospital A Vet Hpl Army Veterinary Hospital A.V.M.D. Army Veterinary Medical Department A.V.S. Army Veterinary Service B. Smith Indian Army abbreviation for blacksmith BAH. I.S.C. CPS. Bahawalpur Imperial Service Camel Corps B.C.C. Bikanir Camel Corps, raised in India, provided troops, mounted on camels, for the British in World War 1 Bde. Brigade, in the infantry, a military organisational unit commanded by a Brigadier General, usually three battalions in strength; whereas, in the artillery, it refers to a regiment B.D.V.S. Base Depot Veterinary Stores, collecting depot for veterinary supplies and equipment BENGAL KNOT a pattern of officer’s braided sleeve decoration used in some regiments of the Indian Army B.I.A. British Indian Army, the army in India in the time of the British Raj (1858–1947). The Indian Army served both as a security force in India itself and, particularly during the World Wars, in other theatres. Between 1903 and 1947 the Army of India consisted of two separate entities: the Indian Army and the British Army in India. The former consisted of Indian Army regiments originating in India, while the latter were British Army regiments originating in the United Kingdom which were sent to India on a tour of duty. B.O.R.I.A.V.C. British Other Ranks Indian Army Veterinary Corps, British O.R.s serving in the British Indian Army Veterinary Corps. B.R.D. Base Remount Depot Bchy Butchery, a building where animals are butchered; the killing of animals for food B.V.H. Base Veterinary Hospital; Branch V.H CHDAVC Convalescent Horse Depot Army Veterinary Corps CML.CPS. Camel Corps, A.I.F. C.H.D. Convalescent Horse Depot, a Depot where horses and mules are sent to recover from wounds and illness

C.V.D. Civil Veterinary Department, in British colonies, this Department was established as a research service to investigate indigenous diseases and to search for cures

CWGC Commonwealth War Graves Commission: a joint governmental organisation responsible for marking and maintaining the graves of members of the Commonwealth of Nations' military forces that died in the two World Wars, to build memorials to those with no known grave, and to keep records of the war dead. The CWGC changed its name in 1960 from the Imperial War Graves Commission, which was formed in 1917 following the earlier work of the Graves Registration Commission.

D.D.V.S. Deputy Director of Veterinary Services D.-G., A.V.D. Director-General, Army Veterinary Department E.V.O. Executive Veterinary Officer FAR. CPL. British Army abbreviation for Farrier Corporal FAR. CPL. MJR. British Army abbreviation for Farrier Corporal Major FAR SERGT Farrier Sergeant FAR. S. MJR. British Army abbreviation for Farrier Serjeant Major

Fld Butch Field Butchery, an Army Service Corps unit that slaughtered and dressed animals as food while in the field F.Q.M.S. Farrier Quartermaster Sergeant F.R.C.V.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, to practice as a veterinarian in the United Kingdom, the graduate veterinarian must first register with the RCVS. Eligibility for registration is based either on having a recognised qualification or by passing the RCVS statutory membership examination. After registration, the veterinary surgeon is entitled to use the letters MRCVS (Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) or FRCVS (Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) after his name. F.R.D. Field Remount Depot F.-S. Farrier-Sergeant F.W.A.V.S. Farriery Wing Army Veterinary School (Indian) G.R. Georgius Rex (King George) H. KPR. Indian Army abbreviation for horse keeper I.A. Indian Army I.A.F.V.H. Indian Advanced Field Veterinary Hospital I.A.V.C. Indian Army Veterinary Corps I.A.V.C.C.& R. Indian Army Veterinary Corps Centre & Records I.A.V.S. Indian Army Veterinary Service I.B.D.V.S. Indian Base Depot Veterinary Stores I.B.V.S. Indian Brigade Veterinary Section I.C.S.S. Indian Cattle Stock Section ICC Imperial Camel Corps I.F.B. Indian Field Butchery I.F.D.V.S. Indian Field Depot Veterinary Stores I.F.V.H. Indian Field Veterinary Hospital I.F.V.L. Indian Field Veterinary Laboratory I.M.A.- S.U. Indian Mobile Anti-Surra Unit I.M.V.H. Indian Military Veterinary Hospital I.M.V.S. Indian Mobile Veterinary Section I.O.R.I.A.V.C. Indian Other Ranks Indian Army Veterinary Corps I.R.B.D.V.S. Indian Reserve Base Depot Veterinary Stores I. REMT. D. Indian Army Remount Department, pre-1947 I.R.V.C. Indian Remount & Veterinary Corps I.V.C.S. Indian Veterinary Conducting Section I.V.C.H. Indian Veterinary Convalescent Hospital I.V.D. Indian Veterinary Detachment I.V.R.H. Indian Veterinary Reception Hospital I.W.G.C. Imperial War Graves Commission I.W.M. Imperial War Museum KC King’s Crown, style of crown depicted on a badge K.R. King’s Regulations L.H. Light Horse L.O.C. Line of Communication, L. of C. troops belonged to units performing non-battle functions such as ordnance, supply, medical and veterinary duties L.R.C.V.S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons MACEDONIAN.MULE.C. Macedonian Mule Corps, Indian Army M.F.D. Military Farms Department M.I.D. Mentioned In Despatches, this the mentioning by name of an individual for services rendered in an official communication related to a battle, normally written by the officer commanding Mil. Att. Military Attaché: a military expert who is part of a diplomatic mission; this post is normally filled by a high-ranking officer

Mob Vet Sec Mobile Veterinary Section M.R. Mounted Rifles M.R.C.V.S. Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons M.U. medically unfit MULE CPS. Indian Army Mule Corps Muleteer Indian Army term for a member of the Mule Corps MULTR. Abbreviation for a member of the Mule Corps M.V.D. Mobile Veterinary Detachment M.V.H. Military Veterinary Hospital Notations of Death: The following abbreviations are used to note the manner of death on official records: DAS Died At Sea DOD Died Of Disease DOI Died Of Illness DOW Died Of Wounds during the conduct of war NOK next of kin, the blood next of kin of the deceased at the time of distribution of memorials of war related death in WW1. The order of next-of-kin is laid down as follows: (a) widow; (b) eldest surviving son; (c) eldest surviving daughter; (d) father; (e) mother; (f) eldest surviving brother, and so on, to; and (s) eldest surviving aunt on mother's side. N.Y.D. Not Yet Diagnosed, the medical term written on labels attached to casualties waiting for a diagnosis O.C.T.U. Officer Cadet Training Unit Orbat Order of Battle ORs Other Ranks, all military personnel below commissioned officer’s rank, includes Warrant Officers, NCOs, and Privates OSD Officer's Service Dress – bronzed badges worn P. & S.: Abbreviation referring to the Memorial Plaque (Dead Man’s Penny) and Scroll, which were issued to the next of kin as a commemoration of the soldier's sacrifice in the service of the King in WW1.3

P. BTY. F. F. Indian Army Pack Battery Frontier Force P. BTY. Indian Army Pack Battery Royal Garrison Artillery P. CPS. Indian Army Pony Corps P.R.V.F.C. Pakistan Remount, Veterinary & Farm Corps P.V.O. Principal Veterinary Officer Q.M. Quartermaster Qmr. Quartermaster Q.M.G. Quartermaster General Q.M.S. Quartermaster Sergeant, a NCO attached to each regiment, with duties of providing quarters for the soldiers, laying out the camp, and providing rations, ammunition, and other supplies for the regiment, holds the rank of Staff Sergeant QVC style on badges of the Royal Crown as worn by Queen Victoria from 1837-1901 R.A.V.C. Royal Army Veterinary Corps R.H.M.S. Royal Hibernian Military School R.I.A.S.C. Royal Indian Army Service Corps R.L.A. Relay Dressing Station, for dressing wounds on the way to the rear R.M.A. Royal Military Academy (Woolwich) RMT. Dept. Remount Department R.P.C. Remount Purchasing Commission R.Q.M.S. Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant, senior ranking NCO (Warrant Officer) in a regiment with Quartermaster responsibilities R.S. Remount Squadron R.S.M. Regimental Sergeant Major, the senior most ranking NCO (Warrant Officer) in a regiment, the most powerful man in the battalion after the C.O. R.V.F.C.C. Remount, Veterinary & Farms Corps Centre, Indian Army R.V.H. Reserve Veterinary Hospital R.V.O. Regimental Veterinary Officer S. & C. Smith British Army abbreviation for Shoeing and Carriage Smith Serg. Sergeant, a NCO above the rank of Corporal, may hold specialty positions, as Farrier Sergeant Sergt. Sergeant Serj. Sergeant Serjt. Sergeant SERN serial or service number Sjt. Sergeant Sh/Sm Shoeing Smith, another name for the farrier S.I.W. Self Inflicted Wound Sillidar Cavalry a system in the British-Indian Army where the trooper owns his horse, arms, tent, baggage pony, and equipment, except his carbine which is supplied by the Government, and he received a higher rate of pay than the non-sillidar personnel S.M. Sergeant-Major SO Standing Order/s (Dress or Clothing) S.O. Staff Officer S.O.S. Struck Off Strength S.V.O. Senior Veterinary Officer S.V.R.O. Senior Veterinary & Remount Officer Syce A noun (Hindi sais, from the Arabic sa’is) that first appeared in usage in 1653, meaning a groom or attendant of horses, especially in India; a non-combatant member of an Indian regiment that functioned as a groom, whose duty was to groom the horses of the Officers and non-commissioned officers and of the men on duty and those who were sick in the hospital. Tpr. Trooper V.C. the Victoria Cross V.C.P. Veterinary Collecting Posts V.D.I.A.V.C. Veterinary Detachment, Indian Army Veterinary Corps V.E.S. Veterinary Evacuation Station Vet. Veterinarian; Veterinary, Veterinaries Vety. British abbreviation for Veterinarian; Veterinary, Veterinaries V.H. Veterinary Hospital V.M.D. Veterinary Medical Doctor V.O. Veterinary Officer; Victorian Order Vol. Volunteer V.R. Victoria Regina (Queen Victoria) V.R.C.S. Veterinary & Remount Conducting Section V.R.O. Veterinary Research Officer V.S. Veterinary Surgeon W.D. War Department W.I.A. Wounded In Action W.O. War Office; Warrant Officer WO 329 Series reference for the World War One original formal Medal Rolls, to which the Medal Cards (held in WO 372) are the index WO 372 Series reference for the World War One Medal Cards Index W.S.B. War Service Badge