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London: Archetype, 2006
This large, beautifully illustrated book would make an excellent present or self-indulgence for someone with an indigo planter ancestorcontains information that is difficult to find elsewhere. While only six pages focus exclusively on indigo production in India, there are many relevant sections throughout the entire text which will repay such a readersomeone with an indigo planter ancestor. The role of the East India companies in supplying what was then a highly desirable commodity and the development of a synthetic blue dye with its impact on the production of natural indigo are two examples.
The author is an authority in her subject and this history of indigo worldwide will help provide context for a family historian. The variety of plants and animals which are a source of indigo, the means of production where they are still known, dyers' methods, the range of textiles and distinctive patterns created both today and in the past by countries as diverse as Mali and Japan are all covered. There are endnotes and a bibliography.
This would make an excellent present or self-indulgence for someone with an ancestor involved in indigo production.

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