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<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #adc687; background-color:#d3e5b8; padding:0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold;">'''About Fibiwiki'''</div>
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Fibiwiki is a wiki where you can share information useful to people researching ancestors in India. It not only contains guides to help you research, but also lists sources, and general background information about the culture, society and history of India during the period from 1600 to 1947. If you don't have information to contribute, please enjoy learning about others.
[[fred's page|Fred's Page]]
To get started [[Quick Start|learn how to contribute]] then  [[Special:AddPage| add a page]]. The [[Help:Contents|Help]] page has more detailed instructions.
[[Lorem ipsum]] dolor sit amet, '''consectetuer''' adipiscing elit. ''Maecenas'' congue, mauris et tincidunt auctor, mi ipsum porttitor quam, id congue enim eros vitae ligula. Donec pretium, eros eget porta facilisis, urna dolor fermentum erat, in porttitor magna arcu vel sapien. Sed libero augue, tristique a, feugiat ac, mollis eu, elit. Nulla facilisi. Morbi ac lorem ac pede sollicitudin ornare. [[Lorem ipsum]] dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce et est. Curabitur dolor arcu, scelerisque vitae, eleifend sed, cursus a, ligula. Maecenas egestas pede eget purus. Proin porttitor dapibus orci. Donec et velit quis sapien eleifend gravida. Donec pharetra, purus ac rhoncus consequat, nunc augue interdum est, in malesuada enim libero et '''neque'''. Duis placerat. Duis sed lectus sit amet magna ullamcorper pulvinar. Proin lorem ipsum, imperdiet non, ultricies nec, fermentum consectetuer, dui. Praesent ullamcorper bibendum lacus. ''Vivamus'' ante. Phasellus a risus vitae nibh laoreet commodo. Sed varius congue metus.  
If you would like to add data of value to the wiki and feel that you are able to do this, but would like us to do it for you, please contact the FIBIS webmaster.
===The second paragraph===
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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In dignissim magna id ante. Fusce bibendum. Donec orci dui, scelerisque vel, ultrices et, iaculis a, purus. Fusce ullamcorper viverra quam. '''Fusce''' non mauris. Nulla laoreet velit rhoncus est. Vestibulum sit amet nibh nec ante laoreet blandit. Morbi posuere mi sit amet mi. Donec in velit. Vivamus eros dolor, porta vel, egestas vel, elementum in, enim. Vivamus lobortis pede non urna vestibulum ornare. ''''Curabitur'''' ultricies consequat nisi. Donec augue.
<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #adc687; border-top:1px solid #adc687;background-color:#d3e5b8; padding:0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold;">'''Finding Information'''</div>
===And another===
*Duis sit amet tellus.
*Suspendisse dui est, vestibulum vitae, lacinia nec, pellentesque luctus, lacus.
*Nullam massa pede, fermentum quis, commodo non, faucibus non, pede. Nullam tellus.
*Morbi pharetra imperdiet sapien. Maecenas sit amet lectus sed tellus convallis vestibulum.
Mauris tincidunt, elit et euismod posuere, nunc risus sodales enim, a adipiscing mauris mauris sed orci. Suspendisse interdum. Nam at nisl. Aliquam nec orci. Nullam iaculis ipsum non nulla. Aenean nec neque id felis volutpat blandit. Aenean sit amet arcu sit amet turpis pharetra sollicitudin. Vivamus sed ante nec nisl iaculis bibendum. Sed et est ut lectus convallis tempor. Nulla ipsum purus, pulvinar et, porta a, dapibus eget, eros. Maecenas cursus adipiscing eros. Aliquam est. Cras eu diam sit amet libero sagittis dignissim. Nulla facilisi.  
<div style="margin:10px 10px">
The FIBIwiki is like an encyclopaedia. The best way to find things is to type your subject of interest into the Search Box in the left-hand navigation panel and see what data is available on our site.  
Maecenas leo.
:*Clicking on '''Go''' will take you to the page of that name, if there is one
Nam venenatis interdum mi. Nunc vel lectus. Nulla eu libero id sapien dictum imperdiet. In bibendum diam vel enim. Proin non quam. Donec tempus iaculis lacus. Proin varius congue quam. Duis nec pede nec enim laoreet placerat. Vivamus dolor est, suscipit pulvinar, placerat nec, feugiat at, tellus. Aenean tincidunt hendrerit pede. Sed et leo non nisi ullamcorper mollis. Fusce ullamcorper dictum orci. Morbi vel ligula. Etiam at turpis. Etiam suscipit magna sed dui.  
:*Clicking on '''Search''' will show you a list of pages that mention that search term
====Yet more====
Alternatively, you can browse content by using the [[Main Page#Browse Content|section below]].
Maecenas tempus nulla. Vestibulum dapibus condimentum elit. Aenean euismod nulla eu ipsum. Morbi luctus. Nulla purus. Donec suscipit velit eget enim. Phasellus mi ligula, ultrices ut, viverra sed, auctor a, nisi. Ut faucibus sagittis elit. Nunc vulputate mi eu purus imperdiet porttitor. Ut lacinia, purus vel auctor consectetuer, nunc libero ultrices orci, id molestie turpis velit in felis. Phasellus arcu diam, porttitor molestie, dapibus et, sagittis sed, erat. Donec sit amet nunc. Duis est. Curabitur quis sapien. Vestibulum congue mauris quis dolor pharetra rhoncus. Maecenas leo nisl, aliquam ac, dictum at, venenatis eu, nunc. Aliquam eget magna eget orci tempus volutpat. Fusce id orci.
</div><br clear="all" />
<!-- *********************** CONTENT *****************  -->
<div align="center" style="border-bottom:1px solid #adc687; border-top:1px solid #adc687;background-color:#d3e5b8; padding:0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold;">'''Browse Content'''</div>
<div style="margin:10px 10px">
*[[Beginners' Guide]]
*[[:Category:Historical Events|Historical Events]]
*[[Maritime Service]]
*[[:Category:Non-British Ancestors|Non-British Ancestors]]
<categorytree>Research methods</categorytree>
*[[Special:Categories|All categories]]
<div style="margin:10px 10px">
* [[Nunc metus]]
<div style="white-space:nowrap;font-size:110%">'''[[Special:Categories|View all Categories...]]'''</div><div style="height:-1em; clear:both;"></div>
* [[lorem, cursus quis]]
* [[condimentum a]]
* [[cursus sollicitudin]]
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<!-- *********************** FEATURED IMAGE*****************  -->
<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #adc687; background-color:#d3e5b8; padding:0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold;">'''Featured Image: Edwardian Splendour'''</div>
<div style="margin:5px 10px">
{| valign="top" align="left" style="margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;"
# ''Donec tempor'' (1960).
# ''Aliquam arcu'' (1901).  
|[[Image:GIPR Bombay Mail.jpg|Edwardian Splendour circa 1910 |200px]]
# ''Phasellus hendrerit lorem pretium pede'' (1896).  
# ''Nam ligula sem, aliquam in, volutpat eu, ultrices eu, velit'' (1965).
''Edwardian Splendour'' circa 1910. The Royal Mail leaving Bombay on the [[Great Indian Peninsula Railway]]
<br clear="all" /></div>
<!-- *********************** FEATURED ARTICLE *****************  -->
<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #adc687; border-top:1px solid #adc687;background-color:#d3e5b8; padding:0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold;">'''{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}'s Featured Articles'''</div>
*[[The Batta Mutiny of 1766]]
*[[Railways|Railways in India, 1845-1947]]
<!-- *********************** FEATURED PROJECT *****************  -->
<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #adc687; border-top:1px solid #adc687;background-color:#d3e5b8; padding:0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold;">'''Featured Project:  [[FibiwikiProject Locations|Locations Project]]'''</div>
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The aim of this project is to improve the Fibiwiki content and coverage on locations in British India. If you would like to join the project please add your name to the [[FibiwikiProject Locations/Members|list of project members]]. </div>
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<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #adc687; border-top:1px solid #adc687;background-color:#d3e5b8; padding:0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold;">'''Useful resources'''</div>
<div style="margin:10px 10px">
*[[Beginners' Guide]]
*[[FIBIS Google Books Library]]
*[[:Category:Research methods|Research Methods]]
*[[:Category:Irish Townlands]]
*[http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/user?uid=100728124718257260360&hl=en&gl=uk Fibiwiki Battle Maps]</div>
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* Add or edit pages in [[FibiwikiProject Locations|the locations project]].
<br clear="all" />
* Many [[:Category:Locations|location pages]] need the location information box template adding. <br />'''<nowiki>{{Locations_Infobox}}</nowiki>'''
<div style="height:-1em; clear:both;"></div>

Revision as of 13:34, 13 October 2009

About Fibiwiki

Fibiwiki is a wiki where you can share information useful to people researching ancestors in India. It not only contains guides to help you research, but also lists sources, and general background information about the culture, society and history of India during the period from 1600 to 1947. If you don't have information to contribute, please enjoy learning about others.

To get started learn how to contribute then add a page. The Help page has more detailed instructions.

If you would like to add data of value to the wiki and feel that you are able to do this, but would like us to do it for you, please contact the FIBIS webmaster.

Finding Information

The FIBIwiki is like an encyclopaedia. The best way to find things is to type your subject of interest into the Search Box in the left-hand navigation panel and see what data is available on our site.

  • Clicking on Go will take you to the page of that name, if there is one
  • Clicking on Search will show you a list of pages that mention that search term

Alternatively, you can browse content by using the section below.

Browse Content
Featured Image: Edwardian Splendour
Edwardian Splendour circa 1910

Edwardian Splendour circa 1910. The Royal Mail leaving Bombay on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway

June's Featured Articles
Featured Project: Locations Project
The aim of this project is to improve the Fibiwiki content and coverage on locations in British India. If you would like to join the project please add your name to the list of project members.
Useful resources
Things you can do to help

Get involved!

Help us improve

  • Many location pages need the location information box template adding.