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Date range 'Record details
1868; 1875 L/F/10/104 IOR Neg 57122
Unc/S; (also a few C/S)
Detailed Statement of Establishment (printed), indexed by office and page. Odd senior memberrs suffixed C.S. (Covenanted Servant?)
1868 records show no ages but 1875 do. Printed copy.
Typical hdgs - No & date of G.O., Date of Appt into Postal Dept., Name, Age (1875), Date of entry present grade (1868)
H.D No3121 30.3.67 20.3.67 AM Monteath Esq C.S
20 May 1867
designation, salary scale, salary now drawn, total cost of each office
D.G.of P.O India - 3,000R 3000R
Areas listed alphabetically:-
Assam(1875), Bengal D'n (1868 & 1875), similarly Bombay (1868), Brit. Burmah(1868), C. Provinces (1868), Madras (1875), NWP (1868 & 1875), Oudh (1875), Punjab (1868 & 1875), Rajpootana (1875), Scind (1875), Travelling P.O.,(1875) [covering Bengal, Madras, NWP and Punjab]
1871-1874 L/F/10/105 IOR Neg 57122-124
Unc/S; also a few C/S
1871 Index by office & page. Printed copy. Ages not shown.
1871 areas include Frontier Sorting Dept., Bengal, NWP, Punjab, Central Provinces and Berar, Oude (sic), British Burma, Madras, Bombay and Sind
1872 1872 areas include 1871 areas except British Burma, but also include Bullock Train Dept (Bengal). Ages are shown.
1874 1874 areas include 1871 areas except Frontier Sorting Dept, but includes Travelling P.O., Punjab Bullock Train, Rajpootana & Assam
1878-1880 L/F/10/106 IOR Neg 57124-125
Index by office & page for each area. Printed copy. All years show ages.
1878 1878 areas include Travelling P.O.,(Bengal, Bombay, NWP, Oudh and Punjab), Bengal, Bullock Train Bengal, NWF, Bullock Train NWF, Punjab, Central Provinces, Oudh, Brit Burmah, Rajpootana, Assam, Behar, Madras, Bombay and Sind
1879 1879 areas include 1878 areas plus Eastern Bengal, Bullock Train Punjab & Persian Gulf.
1880 1880 areas include 1878 areas, except Bullock Train (Bengal and NWP) & Sind but also includes E Bengal, Bullock Train Punjab and Central India.
1881-1888 L/F/10/107 IOR Neg 57125-126
Index by office & page. Printed copy. Ages shown. Distinction European/Eurasian not shown
1881 1881 areas include Assam, S. Afghanistan & Sind, Behar, E Bengal, Brit. Burmah, Bombay, Bengal, C.Provinces, C. India, Madras, NWP, Oudh, Punjab, Rajputana, Railway Mail Service (RMS)
1882; 1884; 1888 Cover 1881 areas. Most area lists now have an additional list, titled Combined Telegraph & Post Office
The 1888 list shows British.Burma split as Burma and separately Upper Burma
1890-1891 L/F/10/108 IOR Neg 57127-129
Index by office & page. Year or date of birth shown. Both years include Bengal, E. Bengal, Bombay, Madras, NWP, Oudh, Punjab, Central Provinces, Central India, Assam, Burma,RMS Burma, RMS Upper Burma, Rajputana Circle, Sind & Baluchistan, Behar & RMS. Printed copy.
N.B. No lists of PWD Civil Engineers seen in this volume
1894-1897 L/F/10/109 IOR Neg 57129
1894 Shows a List of European & E Indian Civil Officers, not members of the Civil Service of India, attached to the D.G. and Comptroller of Postal Dept. Thence, the areas, Assam, Bengal, Bihar, Bombay (incl Aden), Burma, Central India, Central Provinces, East Bengal, Madras, NWP and Oudh, Punjab, Rajputana ,RMS., Sind and Baluchistan are listed.
Within each area, B type forms (not numbered) are shown for each post office (arranged in alphabetical order): -
Name, Position held, Salary drawn, Length of Service, European or Eurasian, (No ages) - e.g.(in D.G.'s office)
B Groves, offg Dy. Dir.Gen., 1350R, 24yr 11mths 0 days, European.
1895 Same content as 1894.
1896 As 1894, but RMS listed before Rajputana
1897 As 1894
1898-1900 L/F/10/110 IOR Neg 57129-130
List of E & E.I. Civil Officers (not members of the Civil Service of India) attached to Postal Dept, 1 Apr 1898. Similar to 1894.
Areas thereafter listed alphabetically.
1899 List of Civil Officers (D.G.'s office & Comptroller's Office) merged with Bengal list.
1900 A rather mixed -up list. Some 'cover' pages missing.