Oudh Civil Establishments 1870-1877 and Uncovenanted Servants 1866-1879

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Oudh Civil Establishments

Date range Record details
1870-1871 L/F/10/208 Not filmed
C/S and Unc/S
1 Apr 1870 Abstract of the General Establishment of Oudh Province with 'A' forms 1-30 and 31-55
The Use of Abstracts: the costs of each office were listed on a Detailed Statement of Salaries and Establishment (often called Form 'A') and totalled at the foot of the form. These were then transferred to a form and annotated as No.(of 'A' form), Office and Amount. The total cost of the Establishment was then derived by adding the amounts of all the 'A' forms - of interest to the Accountant-Gen'l but of no interest to family history researchers. However, if one knows that a particular ancestor worked in a particular office, one can use the 'A' form number of that office and so find out the names and details of all who worked at that office. Hence if we wanted to locate details of a Mr Harrington who worked in the General Establishment of Oudh and specifically for the Chief Commissioner of Oudh we could look down the abstract and note that No 1, Office of the Commissioner of Oudh is the likely listing. Form 'A' No.1 lists:-
H B Harrington Esquire MA., the Acting Secretary along with details of his Appt and Salary.( See also Vol 211, 1 May 1879)
Abstract of the Judicial Establishment of Oudh Province with 'A' forms 1-31
Abstract of the Revenue Establishment of Oudh Province with 'A' forms 1-60
Abstract of the Police Establishment of Oudh Province with 'A' forms 1-27
1 Apr 1871 Oudh Abstracts:- General 1-57, Revenue 1-49, Judicial 1-32 and Police 1-27
C/S and Unc/S
1 Apr 1872 Oudh Abstracts:- General 1-55, Judicial 1-30, Police 1-30 and Revenue 1-45
1 Apr 1873 Oudh Abstracts:- General 1-49, Revenue 1-40, Judicial 1-32 and Revenue 1-33
1 Apr 1874 Oudh Abstracts:- General 1-54, Judicial 1-32, Police 1-24, Revenue 1-40 and Customs (inland) 1-5
C/S and Unc/S
1 Apr 1875 This is a collection of Detailed Statements of Salaries and Establishment, with headings as follows:-
Dept & date of post creation, Date of appt of each incumbent, Name, Appt, monthly Salary and Allowances, Total.
An Abstract relates A' form pages/offices/amounts. Once one knows the offices, one can locate the 'A' form pages
The forms are arranged as General 1-52, Revenue 1-38, Judicial 1-32 and Police 1-28
1 Apr 1876 This collection of Detailed Statements, marked 'A', is similar to the Statements of Vol 208 but with the addition of a column for 'Age'.
Imperial Services: Revenue, Settlement, Abkari, Judicial.
Provincial Services: These include Prisons, Jails, Dispensaries and Cemeteries. Forms show ages.
1 Apr 1877 Imperial Services: include Settlement Establishment, Meteorological Observatory, Civil and Military Churches, Military Cemetery, Medical pupils
Provincial Services: Deputy Commissioners and Abkari (1-46), Civil Secretariat and Commissioners (47-52), Judicial Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners (53-66), Small Cause Court, Jail, Registration, Zillah and Female Schools, Cemetery, Vaccination, Dispensary, Sanitary Comm'rs, Local Funds.

Oudh Uncovenanted Servants

Date range Record details
1866-1879 L/F/10/211
C/S and Unc/S
1 May 1866 Dated 1 May each year. Alphabetical Index of Uncovenanted Civil Servants (European and E Indian) with 41 ‘C’ forms
52 forms for 1867; 54 (unnumbered) for 1868; none for 1869-70; 50 for 1871 and 1872; 45 for 1873
1 May 1873 Example: - Name, Appt, Salary, Years in Govt employ
(page 43 ) W. Glynn,Esq., Dy Comm'r (Sultanpore) 1666.10.8 33 years in Govt employ
52 forms for 1874; 49 for 1875; none for1876; 41 for 1877; none for 1878 C forms; 35 for 1879
1 May 1879 N.B. compare Vol 208, 1 Apr 1870 for Harrington details, also available in this volume on p.33 as follows:-
Mr H B Harrington, M.A., Dy Comm'r, Salary 1666.10.8., plus Acting allowance; Service 22 years