Bengal Uncovenanted Servants 1849 – 1900

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Date range Record details
May1849-1852 L/F/10/70 IOR Neg 57101-2
Feint but still legible
Alphabetical index of European & East Indian Uncovenanted Servants
These appear to be genuine Uncov.Servants, salaries mostly under 500R p.m with the highest ones up to 1000R
Coverage:- General, Judicial, Revenue, Marine, Customs, Salt, Opium & Native Officers
Information given:-
No, Name, Age, Yrs of residence in India, Years of Service, Marr'd /Unmarried, Prev. Appt., Present Appt., Date, Salary, Total incl. allowances for month
General. Finance Offices, Asiatic Soc, Lithographic Press, Geological Survey, Pol. Agencies, Thuggee Dept., Singapore, Penang & Malacca, Eccles., Native Colleges, GPO
Judicial. Individuals incl. Deputy Magistrate., Writer & Magistrate., Constable & Overseer of roads; Civil Assistant Surgeon; Head Asst., Commissioner's Office; Apothecary, Asst Surveyor; Deputy Collector, Preventive Officer.
Revenue. Board of Customs, Salt & Opium, Calcutta Customs House
Marine. Commander of Floating Light Vessel(150R p.m.), Writer Semaphore Dept 15R p.m., Steam Dept, Sea Steamers, Inland Vessels
Native Uncovenanted Servants, e.g. Secretary to Hindoo College
1854-1856 L/F/10/71 IOR Neg 57102
Virtually all Military. Return of Uncovenanted Servants in Military Offices, whose salaries are passed in the Dept of the Military Auditor General
Information given:-
Name, Age, No. of years resident in India, Date & Description of present appt., of previous, Total length of service, present salary, married/unmarried; many born in India. Gives brief history of services, dates enlisted, landed, appointed or transferred.
Lists some as paid via Adjt. Gen of HEIC and others via Adjt Gen H.M.Troops. Stations include Delhi Magazine Office, N.W. and Central Studs, Commissariat Dept, Ferozepore and Allahabad Magazines.
1856 L/F/10/72 IOR Neg 57102
Similar to L/F/10/70
1848-1853 L/F/10/73 IOR Neg 57102-3
Unc/S & C/S
Military. Potted histories of miscellaneous staff in Saugor Commissariat, Allahabad PWD, Roorkhee Canals, Cawnpore & Agra, Cossipore Gun Foundry, Ft Wm Arsenal, Loodianah Magazines.
N.B. Includes printed staff list ‘Distribution of (Covenanted) Civil Service in N.W. Provinces & the Punjab 1851’
1856-1860 L/F/10/74 IOR Neg 57103
Military. Similar to L/F/10/71 and 73
Includes misfiled copies of ‘Disbursements on Account of the Ecclesiatical Dept of the Bengal Presidency’
Also Ecclesiastical Charges relating to Bombay.
1859 L/F/10/75 IOR Neg 57103
Similar to L/F/10/70
Organisations. Alphabetical index at front, relating to 'B' forms.
General Branch. B forms pp1-241. Secretary’s Office, Acct Office, Ecclesiastical Establishment, Geological Survey, Govt Lithographic Press, Hospital , Dispensary, Native Colleges and Schools, G.P.O.
Judicial Branch. B forms pp 242-538
Revenue Branch. B forms pp 539-1004
Marine Dept. Alphabetical List; thence Numerical B forms pp 1005-1305
Native Uncovenanted Servants. Separate alphabetical List, and List 1- 418 B forms.
1863 L/F/10/76 IOR Neg 57103-4
Similar to L/F/10/70
1865-1866 L/F/10/77 IOR Neg 57104-5
1 May 1865, Pt 1 Forms similar to ‘B’ forms. Offices are numbered 1-437, covering General Branch, Judicial, Civil Constabulary. Each office page then shows list of staff, not alphabetical, but usually highest salaries first. Hdgs:- Name, Appt., Mthly Salary; total with expenses
1 May 1865, Pt 2 ‘B’ forms. Board of Revenue, Customs, Salt, Cuttack Prov, Opium, Marine - offices numbered 438-666. Form show period of residence in India but this information rarely supplied.
1 May 1866 ‘C’ forms1. Offices numbered 1-259, covering General, Magistrates, Police, Opium, Survey and Marine. Each C page shows office staff broadly by seniority.
1868, 1870, 1872 L/F/10/78 IOR Neg 57105-6
Index to Offices:- General, Education, Judicial, Commissioners, Judicial Commissioners, Judges, Additional Judges, Magistrates, Small Cause Courts, Police (lists I - V), Deputy Commissioners, Revenue, Collectors, Survey, Marine, Registration Dept, Opium, N.W.P. Customs, Tolls and Salt.
1 Apr 1868 B forms: Name, Appt., Salary, Period of residence in India. All pages stamped 'B' plus page number (1-281)
1870 as 1868 with index & B forms 1-296
1872 as 1868 with index & B forms 1-254
1873, 1874, 1876 L/F/10/79 IOR Neg 57106-7
1 Apr 1873 B forms 1 -297. Form amended to Period of Residence while in service of Govt.
e.g. G W MacLeod, Asst Acct Gen., 800R p.m., 30yrs - 24 days
George Price, Chief Clerk & Acct., 300R p.m., 8 years 9 mth
1 Apr 1874 B forms 1-286
1 Apr 1876 B forms 1-267
1878-1880 L/F/10/80 IOR Neg 57107
Indexed by office; B forms in use
1882, 1884 L/F/10/81 IOR Neg 57108
[also 1880-82] Unc/S
1882 For the year 1882, there is a random listing of offices with against each, the relevant B form numbers. Thereafter the B forms are filed numerically. Each B sheet, arranged generally by salary level.
220 B forms, labelled 'List of Uncovenanted Officers, European & East Indian in the office of………..on 1st April. 1882’. Headings are:-
Name, European or Eurasian, Appt., Salary, Period of Residence in India.
Dept Listings:- Opium, Admin., Minor Depts, Law & Justice, Marine, Eccles., Stationery, Post Office, Pol. Agency,Collectorates, Customs, Stamps, Administration, Minor Depts, Law & Justice, Civil Courts, Courts of Small Causes, Criminal Courts, Jails, Registration, Police, Marine, Education, Medical, Printing, Local Funds, Misc.
[1880-82] [Apparently misplaced PWD Data]
Lists of Uncovenanted Servants, European and E. Indian,in P W Dept, Bengal on 1 Apr 1880, 1881 and 1882. Headings are:-
Names, Appt., salary, period of residence in India, often shows 'born in India'.
Some forms labelled PWD 94. Others show lists of Superior Grades of uncovenanted civil servants, including some personnel on State & Guaranteed Railways, others in Buildings & Roads and P W D (Railway Branch)]
1884 238 B forms similar to 1882 above.
1885-1888. L/F/10/82 IOR Neg 57108-9
1 Apr 1885 Apparently records of Post Office Circles, on a National basis. Bengal, Madras, N.W. Provinces, Assam, Rajputana, Central Provinces, Oudh, Central India, Punjab, British Burma, Bombay, Sind, East Bengal, Bihar, Railway Mail Service Circle.
Records are similar to B forms; salaries range from Rs.1750 down to Rs.20 p.m.
1 Apr 1886 Usual list of organisations with offices, listing B forms Nos 1-453.
Branches [Numbers in brackets are of Heads of Revenue]:- Land Revenue (3), Opium (4), Stamps (6), Excise (7),Registration (12), Post Office (15), Gen. Admin.(18), Law & Justice (19), Jails, Police (20), Marine (21), Educ. 22, Eccles(23), Med. (24).
1 Apr 1887 as 1886 - 475 forms
1 Apr 1888 as 1886 - 435 forms
1889-1890 L/F/10/83 IOR Neg 57109-110
1 Apr 1889 With Index of offices and districts relative to page nos of 463 B forms
1 Apr 1890, Pt 1 List of Uncovenanted Officers, European & E Indian, gazetted or non-gazetted in………….(location). Headings are:-
Name, Appt., Salary, Period of residence in India while in service of Govt.
Upper part of form GAZETTED
Lower part of form Non- GAZETTED
e.g. Henry D Watson, Head Clerk, 245 R.p.m., 29yrs 11mths 18 days.
[No index; B forms are not numbered.]
1 Apr 1890, Pt 2 Index similar to Apr 1889, 465 B forms
1 Apr 1891 L/F/10/84 IOR Neg 57110-111
Usual index of organisations & offices, related to B forms covering all the staff. Typically:-
Land Revenue, Opium, Benares Opium Agency, Stamps, Excise, Customs, Assessed Taxes, Registration, Post Office, General Admin., Law & Justice, POLICE - Railway Police, Presidency Police, District Executive Police - Marine, Education, Eccles, Medical, Med.Schools & Colleges, Lunatic Asylums, Sanitation & Vaccination,Scientific & other Minor Depts,Stationery & Printing.
475 B forms. Headings are:-
Name, Whether European or East Indian, description of Appt, Salary, Period in India in service of Govt.
N.B. Includes Hon Sir Alfred Croft, KCIE; European, Director of Public Instruction - shown as uncovenanted, R.2500 p.m., about 23 yrs in service Others receive as little as 30R p.m.
1 Apr 1892 483 B forms (as 1891)
1 Apr 1893 511 B forms - all shown…’while in service of Govt’ (as 1891)
1 Apr 1894 L/F/10/85 IOR Neg 57111
Index of offices & districts relating to page nos of 509 B forms (as 1891)
1 Apr 1895 Index of offices & districts relating to page nos of 505 B forms headed by:- List of European & E Indian employees other than officers of Covenanted Civil Service & the Army.
1896 523 B forms (as 1891)
1897 L/F/10/86 IOR Neg 57112
499 B forms (as 1891)
1898 473 B forms (as 1891)
1899 L/F/10/87 IOR Neg 57112
239 B forms (as 1891).
1900 255 B forms (as 1891)