1780 Europa Act
Annno Vicesimo Georgii III. Regis
An act for granting further time for allowing the Drawback on the exportation of coffee imported by the East India Company, in the ship Europa in the year One thousand seven hundred and seventy-five. Whereas great part of coffee imported by United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, in the Ship Europa in the Year One thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, which re- mained unsold on the sixth Day of May One thousand seven hundred and eighty, and other Parts of such coffee which hath been sold by the said United Company yet remains uncleared in their Warehouses belonging to the buyers thereof, and which, by a reason of the interruption given to Trade, by the Rebellion and Disturbances subsisting in several of the British Colonies in North America, the Proprietors of such Coffee may not be able to export within the Term of Three Years from the importation thereof, being the Time limited by Law to entitle them to receive the Drawback of the duties thereon; and it is reasonable and necessary that some further Time should be granted for the exportation of such Coffee; may it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That if the said coffee, imported by the said Ship Europa, in the year One thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, and now remaining un- cleared in the said Company’s Warehouses shall be ex- ported to any Parts beyond the Seas at any Time within Seven Years, to be computed from the impor- tation thereof, there shall be drawn back and allowed for the same, to the Exporter or Exporters thereof, such and the same Drawbacks or Allowances, and under such Rules, Regulations, Securities, Penalties, and Forfei- tures, as such exporter or Exporters would have been entitled to in case such Coffee have been exported within the Term of Three Years from the Importation thereof; any Law, Custom, or Usage, to the contrary notwith- standing