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Pole Blagojevich\\\'s sentencing reading has broken for the day, with the safety emphasizing the damage a long prison phrase would have on Blagojevich\\\'s family.

Attorney Aaron Goldstein also read a notice read to the court from Blagojevich\\\'s partner, Patti. \\\'Your recognition, I question you humbly with the life of my husband and the childhood of my daughters in your fingers, be merciful,\\\' she wrote to U.S. Area Judge Wayne Zagel.

Her husband\\\'s worst fear was that he\\\'d not be able to see his daughters increase up, Goldstein said, forcing as they listened in the courtroom equally Patti and Rod Blagojevich to rip up.

Goldstein also examine messages published by Blagojevich to his now-teenage child, Amy, in 2005 when she went out on a class vacation. The lawyer repeated the safety report that the Blagojevich women could be ruined by having their father go to prison for more than a decade.

Goldstein then read an excerpt from Amy Blagojevich\\\'s notice to the judge. One of the several great things about her father\\\'s difficulties was that he has been property a lot, she wrote.

\\\'He is been here to help me with my homework,\\\' she wrote. \\\'He is been here to teach me life lessons.

She asked the court for mercy for her father. A long word might be also significantly for her, she said.

\\\'It is also severe a change. I want my father,\\\' she wrote. \\\'I need him there for my large college graduation. If I don\\\'t get into college i\\\'ll require him there.

When my center gets damaged \\\'i will need him.

The reading is set to continue at 10 a.m. on Tuesday with prosecutors approaching the judge. Then Blagojevich will make his record to Zagel.

Before the hearing ended, Blagojevich attorney Sheldon Sorosky continued to tell Zagel he didn\\\'t consider anything Blagojevich did warranted 15 to 20 years in prison.

Such a punishment could be also harsh also for the central demand that Blagojevich wanted plan contributions from supporters of U.S. Distributor. Jeremy Garcia Jr. in change for employing him to the bare Senate chair, Sorosky said.

The many frightening record Blagojevich made on undercover tracks was \\\'if, in fact, this is probable, then some of this material has to begin occurring now,\\\' significance the strategy efforts, Sorosky said.

\\\'He is wondering for a contribution here. And that is wrong and he\\\'s accountable, but I don\\\'t know that that is everywhere near offering a Senate chair for $1.5 million\\\' Sorosky said. \\\'And yet again this does not call for a word of 15 years in prison.

The safety also performed snippets from a couple of wiretapped calls that Goldstein said he thought could shed light on what occurred from Blagojevich\\\'s perspective.

In the first contact, advisor Doug Scofield told Blagojevich to leverage his power over the U.S. Senate session, saying it was \\\'a good place to be\\\' to have Barack Obama interested in as senator who Blagojevich picked.

\\\'It was replicated over and over,\\\' Goldstein said. \\\'From Mr.Blagojevich\\\'s perspective, it\\\'s every single individual rooting this on.

Another call showed he was seeking to do what was best for Illinois, lowering a political deal with the Madigans to get a package of proposals through the legislature, Goldstein said. He needed a cash bill passed to increase health treatment, develop tasks and block tax increases, Blagojevich can be seen to say on one recording enjoyed by the security.

Counter to what prosecutors feel, Goldstein explained, \\\'there are factors to him that are not criminal, that are respectable.

To try to travel that point home, Goldstein also performed a videotaped statement of a woman who benefitted from Blagojevich\\\'s force to provide free rides to elderly people on public travel. After he was priced the person had seen Blagojevich on television.

\\\'I could say in my heart, \\\'I am wishing for you, Governor,\\\'\\\' she said on the video as Blagojevich appeared on in judge with an unfortunate look on his face. God could support him since he helped people, \\\'also little old me,\\\' she said.

Blago lawyer: \\\'We accept the fact that is a crime

4:02 p.m. CST, December 6, 2011

Lawyers for Rod Blagojevich look to have transformed strategies this morning, conceding the former governor determined offenses but fighting that a 15-year prison sentence could be much too severe for such wrongdoing.

U.S. Center Judge James Zagel has seen from three Blagojevich attorneys this afternoon, including one who informed the judge to test to believe about what Blagojevich was charged of and seem past all of the technical arguments on sentencing tips.

Sheldon Sorosky informed the judge Blagojevich determined four errors, primarily the attempted sales of the Senate seat used by Barack Obama until his election as leader. Blagojevich made a mistake by wondering for a job in return for perhaps employing Obama\\\'s friend, Valerie Jarrett to the Senate, Sorosky said.

\\\'We recognize the fact that is an offense. It\\\'s illegal. He shouldn\\\'t have performed it,\\\' Sorosky said. \\\'That crime doesn\\\'t call for a 15-year jail sentence.

A next Blagojevich attorney, Aaron Goldstein, then argued that standard prevention should not factor into the consequence given the former governor.

\\\'I would recommend your honor that it does work,\\\' explained Goldstein, rattling off a collection of public corruption cases in which politicians who pocketed tens of thousands of dollars received shorter sentences than what the government is proposing for Blagojevich.

Blagojevich doesn\\\'t justify punishment everywhere near the 15 to 20 years in prison that the government is seeking, Goldstein said. No different politician is going to think he got away with a free move actually if Blagojevich gets a 5-year jail expression, he said.

Prosecutors have reported Blagojevich\\\'s advertising activities as something the court might consider in giving down a sentence. But Goldstein said Blagojevich said issues he was entitled to say in the press and some other activities that perhaps he should not have mentioned, but in no way did or the court process Blagojevich intend to strike Zagel as a judge.

Goldstein also prompted Zagel to consider certain figures in the analysis who were never charged despite their wrongdoing, citing Rajinder Bedi and Raghu Nayak, who allegedly presented $1.5 million in change for employing U.S. Rep. Jeremy Jackson Jr. to the Senate chair.

As a shark the government feels of Blagojevich, he said.

\\\'But he wasn\\\'t skating with guppies,\\\' Goldstein told the court.

Another lawyer for Blagojevich, Carolyn Gurland, asked Zagel not to phrase Blagojevich to a hard expression to send a wider communication to different politicians. Since it seems that prosecutions of open crime situations have done little to stop selected representatives from crossing the point blagojevich should not be provided more years, she said.

Blagojevich must be not sentenced for the \\\'famous political corruption in Illinois or everywhere else, and considered alone\\\' she said. \\\'He is as a specific an individual who has and will experience his abuse.

All of it must be assessed against what\\\'ll be sustained by \\\'a person and his family,\\\' Gurland said.

Zagel asked the lawyers exactly what sentence they were advocating since a particular demand for probation was not part of defense filings also although that is what the former governor\\\'s appropriate staff had been calling for months.

Goldstein prevented wondering for probation, showing the judge the defense tries \\\'the cheapest phrase possible.

Long sentence could \\\'ruin\\\' Blago family

2:38 p.m. CST, December 6, 2011

Arguing for a light word for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, his lawyer asked U.S. Section Judge James Zagel to consider \\\'the devastation that his lack could cause to his family.

Blagojevich is and after his remarkable fall a supportive dad who put his two girls first when he was on top of as a politician the world. A long jail period would damage them, said Blagojevich\\\'s attorney, Carolyn Gurland.

\\\'It could break their bears and take the warm and safe property they have had around them apart,\\\' Gurland said as she resumed her debate after lunch.

Gurland described a number of words prepared to the court by these who have observed Blagojevich with his children. He joined college features often, selecting to stand in point with all of the other parents, the authors said.

Patti Blagojevich also wrote to the judge, showing how her man turned aside the social features of his practices and set his family first. His election as governor, the family didn\\\'t go to Springfield, and after Blagojevich did not go to Washington, instead keeping in Chicago to maintain their family cloth together, she wrote when he was selected to Congress.

\\\'Being with his family every moment he might was usually his top priority,\\\' Gurland said. He looked to have been effective, and wanted a down-to-earth childhood for his women, Amy and Annie.

Gurland said the family is today trying to market their home and their lives have been permanently altered. Aspect of that was due to Blagojevich\\\'s relentless appearances in the media, why that was Blagojevich\\\'s method she said, but tried to explain.

\\\'The advertising was not going to go away,\\\' she said. \\\'Mr.Blagojevich wanted to maintain his strength, and recognition\\\' so his children and partner might keep their brains up.

Did that work? Zagel asked.

\\\'I believe, your recognition, it did help them dealing with this case,\\\' Gurland said.

Zagel brought up that prosecutors think when considering a phrase Blagojevich\\\'s media activities might be frustrating components, thus he expected Gurland why the former governor\\\'s repeated difficulties to prosecutors on tv wouldn\\\'t be a concern.

\\\'I think it would not be infuriating relying upon what Mr.Blagojevich situation might be on that today with some hindsight,\\\' she said. Besides, there\\\'s a distinction between pre- and post-jury comments, she said.

After the jury verdict,\\\' Gurland said \\\'i do not know of any really good hearings by Mr.Blagojevich.

As for the more spectacular TV looks, such as Patti\\\'s appearance on \\\'I am a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here,\\\' that was for the money, Gurland said, and the Blagojeviches knew they were being mocked.

\\\'They allowed this. They did not appreciate this,\\\' Gurland said. And while they became laughingstocks, they were ready to keep their family house and keep their ladies in individual college, she said.

-- William Section, Rob Coen

Lawyer: \\\'Powerful fights for leniency

1:13 p.m. CST, December 6, 2011

His lawyer Carolyn Gurland started relating as factors in job and the former governor\\\'s life that disagree against a long prison sentence what she sees before Rod Blagojevich\\\'s sentencing hearing broke for lunch.

Before Gurland spoke, Blagojevich\\\'s legitimate staff also produced Chicago pediatrician Deanna Monroe to the stay to talk about what she saw as the importance of the All Kids insurance system that Blagojevich presented as governor to broaden health insurance protection for children for people that make too much to qualify for Medicaid.

Monroe said she is seeing an increasing range of small people covered by All Kids since of the long tough economy. \\\'It is good for the kid and it is good for the community,\\\' she said.

In her demonstration, Gurland spoke as \\\'powerful fights for leniency in sentencing\\\' She called the government\\\'s recommendation of 15 to 20 years in jail \\\'higher than necessary consequence of what she indicated. Repeating a regular defense chorus, she stressed that nothing of the shakedowns was accomplished and that Blagojevich pocketed no income from the plans for which he was charged.

More to the position, she continued, Blagojevich didn\\\'t think he was breaking the legislation also if jurors determined that he did. Blagojevich didn\\\'t pocket bribes but instead sought strategy advantages or discovered the concept of securing new tasks for herself as part of the conversations over calling a new U.S. senator, all by themselves appropriate acts.