Agra Civil Servants 1836 - 1848

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L/F/10/161 IOR Neg 57171-172
C/S and S/L
1 May 1836 Many of the Civil Servants shown served in the Lower Provinces and along with those on leave are shown in coloured ink. Alphabetical Index.
List of the Hon. the United EIC Servants belonging to the Bengal Civil list, specifying their number, name, original and present rank, commencement and term of residence in Bengal, non-residence, offices and date of appt., monthly and annual salaries, amount actually drawn, the amount of salary tenable under the limitation contained in Act 53 of his late Majesty Geo III, Cap 155 as on 1 May 1836
Numbered 1,2,… 487 records completed for North Western Provinces, in Allahabad; listed in order of recruitment date.
Alphabetical Index of Military Officers and others in Civil Dept of N.W.P on 1 May 1836
List of Military Officers and others; headings:-
No, Name, Appt, Specification of allowances, Mthly Amt Company Rupees, Annual amount shown under branches - Secretarial, Ecclesiastical Principal and Junior Assts in Nerbudda Territories, Canal Dept, Supt of Roads, Provincial Battalion, Pol. Branch, Revenue Surveyors, e.g.
No 18, Capt R Low, Princ. Asst to Lt Gov'r's Agent in Saugor/Nerbudda Terr., Jubbulpore from 15 Oct 1835, salary at 2000 R p.m.
No 92, Lt J K McCausland, Asst to Pol Agent ,Subathoo, 19 Mar 1833, salary 209 R per month. Salaries varied widely.
Total of Military Officers, Chaplains and Surgeons and others: 117.
1 Aug 1836 As above, both Alphabetical Index and list: 491 and 117
1 Nov 1836 As above, both Alphabetical Index and list.
L/F/10/162 IOR Neg 57172
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1837 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List, compiled from Agra: 499 and 125
1 May 1837 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List, compiled from Agra
1 Aug 1837 As above
1 Nov 1837 As above
L/F/10/163 IOR Neg 57172-173
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1838 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List, compiled from Agra: 480 and 138
1 May 1838 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List, compiled from Agra
1 Aug 1838 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List, compiled from Agra
1 Nov 1838 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List, compiled from Agra : 466 and 118
L/F/10/164 IOR Neg 57173
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1839 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List, compiled from Agra. Military officers list includes several Postmasters.
1 May 1839 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List, compiled from Agra.
1 Aug 1839 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List.
1 Nov 1839 As above, both Alphabetical Index and List. For Postmasters, see e.g:-
No 124, Capt H S Nisbett, Postmaster Jeypore, Salary 50 R p.m. (part-time duty)
L/F/10/165 IOR Neg 57173-174
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1840 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants: total 451. Alphabetical Index and List of Military Officers and others: total 132
1 May 1840 As above.
1 Aug 1840 As above.
1 Nov 1840 As above, totals now 459 and 140
L/F/10/166 IOR Neg 57174
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1 Feb 1841 As above, totals now 466 and 136
1 May 1841 As above.
1 Aug 1841 As above.
1 Nov 1841 As above, totals now 460 and 143
L/F/10/167 IOR Neg 57174-175
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1842 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants: 458
Alphabetical Index of Military Officers and others, holding appts in the Civil Dept of N.W.P. (see list of 128 below)
List of chaplains specifically requested by Lt Gov'r of N.W.P. dated 1 Jan 1842: total 17
List of 128 Military Officers and others, holding appts in the Civil Dept of N.W.P. e.g:-
No 29, Major W H Sleeman, Commissioner for Suppression of Thuggee and Dacoity in N.W.P., as from 24 Jan 1839, 3,000 R p.m.
1 May 1842 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants; same of Military Officers, Chaplains, Surgeons and others
1 Aug 1842 As above; 442 listed by Class precedence; Alphabetical Index and List of Military Officers, etc: total 119
1 Nov 1842 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants: total 446; same of Military Officers and others holding appts in Civil Dept in N.W.P.: total 128
L/F/10/168 IOR Neg 57175
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1843 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants: total 457; same of Military Officers, etc.
1 Jan 1843 Separate List of Chaplains
Alphabetical Index and List of Military Officers and others, including Chaplains: total 110
1 May 1843 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants; same of Military Officers and others
1 Aug 1843 As above
1 Nov 1843 As above BUT numbers of Civil Servants are 161 - it appears that those in Lower Provinces and on leave are not in this total
Alphabetical Index and List of Military Officers and others: total 131
L/F/10/169 IOR Neg 57175-176
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1844 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers, Chaplains and others - 461 and 126
Separate List of N.W.P. Chaplains (21), at Agra, Allahabad, Bareilly, Benares, Cawnpore, Chunar, Delhi, Futtehghur,Ghazeepore, Kurnaul, Goruchpore,Loodianah and Ferozepore, Lucknow, Meerut, Nusserabad, Neematch, Saugor, Subathoo, Umballah.
1 May 1844 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers, Chaplains and others: totals 457 and 144; the latter now including Military Police Battalions and Customs.
1 Aug 1844 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals: 460 and 151
1 Nov 1844 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 466 and 160
L/F/10/170 IOR Neg 57176
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1845 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 467 and 162
List of 28 Chaplains, their locations and salaries.
1 May 1845 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 468 and 155
1 Aug 1845 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 462 and 158
1 Nov 1845 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 459 and 162
L/F/10/171 IOR Neg 57176-177
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1846 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 473 and 159
1 Jan 1846 Separate List of Chaplains at 1 Jan 1846 - 27
1 May 1846 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 468 and 173
The List of Military Officers and others are from the following Depts:-
Ecclesiastical (Nos.1-28), Surgeons, including postmasters (29-60), Agent for Gov'r Gen,. N.W.P. (61), Cis Sutlej States (62-66), Trans Sutlej States (67-69), Comm'r and Deputy Comm'r in Saugor Div'n, Lt Col W H Sleeman (70), 1st class Deputy Comm'r (71-74), 2nd class Deputy Comm'r (75-78), 3rd class Deputy Comm'r (79-87), Military Police Battalions (88-96), Political and Misc (97-115), Postmasters (116-164), Customs 165-173
1 Aug 1846 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 469 and 171
1 Nov 1846 As above: totals 477 and 190
L/F/10/172 IOR Neg 57177
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1847 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants: total 479
1 Jan 1847 List of Chaplains: total 31 at 1 Jan 1847
Alphabetical Index and List of Military Officers and others including Chaplains and Surgeons, etc: total 192
1 May 1847 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 476 and 203
1 Aug 1847 As above: totals 480 and 198
1 Nov 1847 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants and the same of Military Officers and others: totals 486 and 205
L/F/10/173 IOR Neg 57178
C/S and S/L
1 Feb 1848 Alphabetical Index and List of Military Officers and others: total 202 (N.B. order reversed)
1 Jan 1848 Separate List of Chaplains
1 Feb 1848 Alphabetical Index and List of Civil Servants: total 492
1 May 1848 Alphabetical Index and List of Military officers and others: total 211; same of Civil Servants: total 489
1 Aug 1848 Alphabetical Index and List of Military Officers and others -211- and same of Civil Servants: total 488
1 Nov 1848 Alphabetical Index and List of Military Officers and others: totals 218 and 487 Civil Servants
Classed as: Council (Nos. 1-7), 1st class >35 yrs (8-27); 2nd class >20 yrs (28-159); 3rd class >12 yrs (160-281); 4th class >8 yrs (282-322); 5th class >4 yrs (323-407) and 6th class <4 yrs (408-487): total 487.
Note a similar Bengal Civil List appears in the Bengal and Agra Directory and Annual Register of 1848, pp 29-50