Bombay Civil Establishments 1870 - 1877

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Date range Record details
1 Apr 1870 L/F/10/149 IOR Neg 57160-161 (LDS microfilms 218 6875 and 218 6876)
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial and Provincial. Index of Book of Establishment listing all offices in numerical order 1-747 followed by 747 'A' forms listing staff at each office. Headings:-
date of G.O., date of Appt, name , appt, monthly salary.
1 Apr 1871 L/F/10/150 IOR Neg 57162 (LDS microfilm 218 6876)
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial. Covers General, Political, Ecclesiastical, Revenue, Forest and Judicial Depts. 493 'A' forms
'A' form, No. 351, lists 7 C/S and 8 Unc/S. Elsewhere a chaplain in Surat is quoted as a Gazetted officer.
1 Apr 1871 L/F/10/151 IOR Neg 57162-163 (LDS microfilms 218 6877 and 218 6922)
C/S and Unc/S
Provincial. Covers Medical, Education, Registration, Jails and Police. 295 'A' forms
1 Apr 1872 L/F/10/152 IOR Neg 57163-164 (LDS microfilms 218 6922 and 218 6923)

C/S and Unc/S
Imperial. Covers Land Revenue, Revenue Surveys, Forest, Excise, Assessed Taxes, Customs, Salt, Opium, Stamps, Mint, Administration, Minor, Law and Justice, Courts and Small Causes, Eccles., Medical Services, Pol. Agencies and Misc.
Revenue Dept shows 9 Covenanted staff, all suffixed Esquires.
Poona Collectorate shows 7 C/S and 2 Unc/S. 480 'A' forms
1 Apr 1872 L/F/10/153 IOR Neg 57164 (LDS microfilm 218 6923)
C/S and Unc/S
Provincial. Covers Jails, Police, Education, Medical, Printing, Misc., Insp. Gen. of Prisons is C/s but Insp. Gen. of Registration is Unc/S. 406 'A' forms
1 Apr 1874 L/F/10/154 IOR Neg 57165-166 (LDS microfilms 218 6924 and 218 6925)
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial. Covers 4 (head) Land Revenue, 5 Forest, 6 Excise, 8 Customs, 9 Salt, 10 Opium, 11 Stamps,15 Admin., 16 Minor (including Bombay Observatory and Meteor. Observatory, Poona), 17 Law and Justice, Ecclesiastical, Med., Pol., Misc., Telegraph. 530 'A' forms
1 Apr 1874 L/F/10/155 IOR Neg 57166 (LDS microfilm 218 6925)
C/S and Unc/S
Provincial. Covers Jails, Registration, Police, Education, Medical, Printing, Minor . 365 'A' forms
( J Cruickshank, M.D., Insp. Gen of Prisons now shown as Gazetted Officer)
1 Apr 1875 L/F/10/156 IOR Neg 57167-8 (LDS microfilms 218 6984 and 218 6985)
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial. Land Revenue, Forest, Excise, Customs, Salt, Opium, Stamp, Mint, Admin., Minor, Law and Justice, Ecclesistical, Medical, Misc. 557 'A' forms
Collectorate of Ahmedabad has 5 C/S, all addressed as Esquire.
1 Apr 1875 L/F/10/157 IOR Neg 57168 (LDS microfilm 218 6985)
C/S and Unc/S
Provincial. Jails, Registration, Police,Education, Medical, Printing, Minor, Cemeteries, Misc. 384 'A' forms
1 Apr 1877 L/F/10/158 IOR Neg 57168-169 (LDS microfilms 218 6985 and 218 6986)
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial I. Land Revenue, Forest, Excise, Customs, Salt and Opium. 1 - 295 'A' forms
Hdgs - G.O creating post, Date of Appt to present post, Promotion to present pay, Name of post, Age of each incumbent on birthday last before 1 Apr 1877, Name, pay of Post - Min/Max., Pay of present Incumbent.
1 Apr 1877 L/F/10/159 IOR Neg 57169-170 (LDS microfilms 218 6985 (from LDS library catalogue, but may be incorrect) and 218 6986 and 218 6987)
C/S and Unc/S
Imperial II Stamps, Mint, Admin., Minor, Law & Justice, Eccles., Political Agencies. 296 -508 'A' forms
1 Apr 1877 L/F/10/160 IOR Neg 57170-1 (LDS microfilms 218 6987 and 218 6988)
C/S and Unc/S
Provincial. Jails, Registration, Police, Education, Medical, Printing, Minor, Misc. 511-693 'A' forms.