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Action on the March to Gundamak

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'''See main article [[General Sale's March from Kabul to Jalalabad]]'''
== Synopsis ==
On 30 October General Sale's brigade left Jugdulluk and experienced little opposition on a long winding climb over the pass. At the crest however the main body began the descent without waiting for the baggage and rearguard. These were immediately attacked and 120 men fell including Captain Wyndham and the wounded had to be abandoned. The force reached Gundamak, a post of Shah Shuja's regiments, where they remained for ten days. News from Kabul was scarce but on 7 November a message came to say that the British had overcome an uprising. Sale determined to press on to Jellalabad and hold it until more definite information was available. The brigade therefore broke camp on 11 November.

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