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Pages in category "Battles"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 794 total.
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- Aden Hinterland 1900
- Seizure of Aden 1839
- Battle of Aden 1890
- Battle of Afzulgurh
- Retreat to Agra 1804
- Battle of Agra 1803
- Battle of Agra 1857
- Battle of Aherwa
- Battle of Ahmad Khel
- Battle of Ahmadabad
- Battle of Ahmednuggur 1803
- Battle of Ahmednuggur 1804
- Battle of Ahwaz
- Massacre at Ajnala
- Battle of Akarabad
- Battle of Akoukton
- Battle of Alambagh (Lucknow) Nov 1857
- Battle of Alambagh (Lucknow) Sept 1857
- Defence of Alambagh (Lucknow)
- Bombardment of Alexandria
- Attempt to hold Ali Masjid Fort
- Battle of Ali Masjid Fort 1878
- Occupation of Ali Masjid Fort
- Battle of Alighur
- Battle of Aliwal
- Relief of Allahabad
- Battle of Allygunge
- Battle of Allygurh August 1857
- Battle of Allygurh October 1857
- Battle of Almora
- Capture of Amara
- Battle of Amboor
- Siege of Amboor
- Capture of Amboyna 1810
- Seizure of Amboyna
- Battle of Ameerapore
- Battle of Amorah 25 April 1858
- Battle of Amorah 31 May 1858
- Battle of Amorah 5 March 1858
- Battle of Amoy
- Capture of Annantpore
- Battle of Aong
- Battle of Arass
- Surrender of Arcot 1780
- Siege of Arcot 1751
- Battle of Argaum
- Battle of Bullum
- Battle of Arikera
- Battle of Arnee 1751
- Battle of Arnee
- Siege of Arrah
- Battle of Arroghee
- Battle of Ashtee
- Battle of Asmai Heights
- Battle of Assaye
- Battle of Asseer Eelmee
- Siege of Asseerghur
- Battle of Atrowlee
- First Relief of Azimgurh
- Battle of Azimguhr 1857
- Second Relief of Azimguhr
- Battle of Baba Wullee 1842
- Battle of Baba Wullee 1880
- Siege of Badami
- Battle of Badarpur
- Occupation of Badhowal Fort
- Battle of Badli-ki-Serai
- Battle of Bagawalla
- Fall of Baghdad
- Battle of Bahur
- Battle of Bameean
- Capture of Banda 1810
- Seizure of Banda
- Battle of Bangalore
- Battle of Bankia
- Battle of Bansha
- Campaign in Baramahal
- Battle of Baree
- Battle of Bareilly
- Battle of Barharwa
- Siege of Baroach
- Barrackpore Mutiny
- Battle of Basra
- Siege of Bassein Fort 1780
- Battle of Bassein 1852
- Battle of Batavia
- Battle of Bawnpore
- Surrender of Beana
- Battle of Bedmanai Pass
- Battle of Bednore
- Loss and Recapture of Beeling
- Battle of Beesa
- Battle of Begum Kothi (Lucknow)
- Siege of Belgaum
- Battle of Belindah
- Occupation of Belur
- Battle of Belwar Fort
- Battle of Bemaru
- Battle of Benee Budam
- Bani-Bu-Ali Expedition 1821
- Battle of Beorora
- Battle of Betive Fort
- Battle of Betwa River
- Battle of Bewarree
- Battle of Bhagalpur
- Occupation of Bhamo
- Battle of Bhitaura
- Battle of Bhogwalla
- Battle of Bhowragarh
- Battle of Bhumore Ghaut
- Siege of Bhurtpore 1805
- Siege of Bhurtpore 1826
- Battle of Bhyspore
- Battle of Biddera
- Battle of Bikrampur
- Battle of Binna Candy
- Battle of Biona
- Battle of Birwa Fort
- Battle of Biswa Dec 1858
- Battle of Biswah Nov 1858
- Battle of Bithur
- Battle of Bogue Forts, Pearl River
- Battle of Bommongaon
- Battle of Boogtie Hills
- Battle of Boolundshuhur
- Battle of Boorhiya
- Action at Boothak
- Capture of Bourbon
- Battle of Bozdari Territory 1853
- Battle of Bunass River
- Battle of Bunkagaon
- Battle of Bunkussia Fort
- Battle of Bunnai Fort
- Battle of Burhampoor
- Battle of Burrurah Pass
- Battle of Busseerutgunge
- Battle of Buxar
- Loss of Calcutta 1756
- Recapture of Calcutta 1757
- Battle of Calicut 1789
- Battle of Calicut 1790
- Capture of Cannanore
- Surrender of Cannanore
- Capture of Canton 1857
- Battle of Canton
- Siege of Canton
- Capture of Carangoly
- Cawnpore (Bibigarh)
- Cawnpore (Satichaura Ghat)
- Recapture of Cawnpore July 1857
- Siege of Cawnpore Nov 1857
- Siege of Cawnpore June 1857
- Battle of Chakdara
- Battle of Chanda
- Capture of Chanda
- Battle of Chandeepore
- Siege of Chandernagore
- Action at Chandernagore
- Battle of Chang-chia-wan
- Battle of Changama
- Relief of Chansu
- Battle of Chapoorah
- Battle of Chapu
- Battle of Charasia
- Siege of Charikar
- Battle of Chauk Kiawang
- Battle of Cheekawutne
- Battle of Chelaree
- Battle of Chicacole
- Battle of Chikamagloor
- Battle of Chillianwallah
- Battle of Chinglee
- Capture of Chingleput
- Battle of Chingpoo
- Battle of Chinhai
- Battle of Chinhut
- Battle of Chinkiang
- Battle of Chinpoorah
- Battle of Chirgong
- Battle of Chitpur
- Siege and Relief of Chitral
- Action at Chokalwat
- Battle of Chowpoo - April 1862
- Battle of Chowpoo - May 1862
- Battle of Chuckees Kotee
- Battle of Chundehree
- Battle of Chunkeandan
- Battle of Chunkee Awan
- Battle of Chunkiehwan
- Battle of Churda Mujeedia
- Battle of Chusan
- Battle of Coel
- Siege of Coimbatore
- Battle of Colaba
- Occupation of Colombo
- Loss of the Commissariat Fort
- Battle of Conagul
- Battle of Condore