Siege and Relief of Chitral

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Siege and Relief of Chitral
Part of Chitral Campaign 1895
Date: 4 March- 20 April 1895
Location: Chitral, NWF
Presidency: Bengal
Co-ordinates: 35.884157°N 71.795963°E
Result: Siege relieved
British Army Chitralis
Political Agent: Surgeon Major George Robertson
Garrison Commander:
Capt Charles Townshend
Commanding Relief Force:
Col James Kelly
Sher Afzal
Umra Khan
Garrison: 419 fighting men
Relief Force: 616 men & 2 guns
3-5,000 men

Chitral Garrison

Surg Maj G.S.Robertson, Political Agent
Capt C.Campbell, Central India Horse, Inspecting Officer Kashmir Imperial Service Troops
Captain C.V.F.Townshend, Central India Horse, Commanding Political Agent's Escort then Fort Commander
Lieut B.E.M.Gurdon Assistant to British Agent
Surg Capt Whitchurch, 24th Punjab Infantry
Lieut H.K.Harley, Commanding 14th Sikhs
24th Sikhs (99 men)
Kashmir Infantry (301 men)
109 Non-combatants incl 52 Chitralis

Relief Force

32nd Pioneers (382 men)
Kashmir Infantry (100 men)
Kashmir Sappers & Miners (34 men)
Kashmir Mountain Artillery (2 guns)
Hunza and Punial Levies (100 men)


  • Beynon, William George Lawrence, With Kelly to Chitral Arnold, 1896. Available on Gutenberg
  • Harris, John, Much sounding of bugles: The siege of Chitral, 1895. Reprint Hutchinson, 1975 ISBN 0091245907
  • Henty, George Alfred, Through Three Campaigns: A Story of Chitral, Tirah and Ashanti. Available on Gutenberg.
  • Robertson, Sir George, Chitral: Story of a Minor Siege, Methuen & Co. 1898. Reprint: Oxford University Press, 1978, ISBN-10: 0195772482, ISBN-13: 978-0195772487
  • Thompson, H. C., The Chitral Campaign: A Narrative Of Events In Chitral, Swat, And Bajour. Reprints: Naval and Military Press, 2009.
  • Younghusband, G.J., The Relief of Chitral, MacMillan & Co Ltd, 1895
  • Younghusband, G.J., The Story of the Guides Available on Gutenberg

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