Madras Army

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The Madras Army was one of the three Presidency Armies of the East India Company. In 1859, following the Indian Mutiny, the armies were restructured when India was brought under the control of the British Government. The Madras Army ceased to exist when the official Indian Army was formed in 1895.

A list of Madras Army regiments can either be found in the Madras Army Category or alphabetically, by type, in Madras Army Regiments.


External links

  • Madras Army Victorians at War (Google books)
  • Officers from the Bengal and Madras Armies from Macquarie University’s Seringapatum 1799
  • Alphabetical list of the officers of the Madras army : with the dates of their respective promotion, retirement, resignation or death, whether in India or in Europe; from the year 1760, to the year 1834 inclusive, corrected to September 30, 1837 – by Edward Dodwell, 1838
  • This India List link is about a card index at the National Army Museum, London for Officers of the Madras and Bombay Armies prepared by Major V.C.P.Hodson (who published Hodson’s List of Officers of the Bengal Army) Note that there is no mention on the National Army Museum’s website regarding these index cards.