Rangoon Town Reclamation Light Railways

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Rangoon Town Reclamation Light Railways

The records have identified that the reclamation project for Rangoon Town in 1911-12 required two Light Railways to be constructed:-

  • Mayangyoung Quarries at Mokalpin, where a quarry was operated by a Mr S P Das for the supply of 400,000 cubic feet (11,300 cu metres) of stone for road metalling for town roads. A light railway was laid between the quarries and the Burma Railway(BR) Pagu-Moulmein line. The gauge and motive power of the line are unknown [1].
  • Zingyaik Quarries. In 1911 quarries were opened at this site by the 'Rangoon Town Reclamation Project'. A 2ft/610mm narrow gauge(NG) line was laid to convey the stone to Rangoon, they ceased operations in 1912. The quarry was taken over by the 'Rangoon Port Commissioner'in 1912-13 for the extraction of stone for river training purposes, it is assumed that thr railway was taken over. It is unknown if any locomotives were used on this line [2].

No further information has been found.


  1. “Industrial Railways and Locomotives of India and South Asia” compiled by Simon Darvill. Published by ‘The Industrial Railway Society’ 2013. ISBN 978 1 901556 82-7. Available at http://irsshop.co.uk/India. Reference: Entry MO01 page ....
  2. “Industrial Railways and Locomotives of India and South Asia” compiled by Simon Darvill. Published by ‘The Industrial Railway Society’ 2013. ISBN 978 1 901556 82-7. Available at http://irsshop.co.uk/India. Reference: Entry MO02 page ....