Toposi Colliery Branch Lines

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Toposi and its nearby coal mines where connected to the East Indian Railway(EIR) by the ‘Ondal Loop Line’ which passed through Toposi, this line had opened in 1863.
The coal mine at Toposi in 1861 was reported to have produced 300,000 maunds (12,000 tonnes) of coal from a 22 feet(7 metre) seam [1].

The ‘Toposi Colliery Branch Lines’ were the EIR branch lines from Toposi to Kharabad, from Nundi to Paruria, and from Salunpur to Shamdee (as reported in 1893)[2].

In 1896 it was recorded that “within the last three or four years, owing to the number of new mines opened in the district north of Raniganj, the Toposi line has been extended and divided into two branches, the northern running to Alipur, 25 miles from Toposi, and the southern to Domohani, 11¼ miles from the same place.”
