Shah Shuja-ul-Mulk

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Shuja Shah Durrani (1785-1842) (also known as Shah Shujah, Shoja Shah, Shujah al-Mulk), was ruler of the Durrani Empire from 1803-09 and from 1839-42. He was deposed in 1809 and went into exile in India where he allied with the Sikhs and was defeated by Dost Mohammed Khan in an unsuccessful attempt to regain his throne. He was then supported by the British who saw him as a means to resist the influence in Afghanistanof the French and Russians. He was restored to power in the 1st Afghan War but was assassinated when the British forces returned to India.

External links

Shah Shuja Dictionary of Indian Biography (1906)
Shuja Shah Durrani Wikipedia

Historical books on-line

Afghanistan's political stability: a dream unrealised by Ahmad Shayeq Qassem 2009 The end of Durrani rule p24 et seq Google Books