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Bellawillinbeg to Bolandstown
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A list of townlands of Ireland from Bellawillinbeg to Bolandstown, together with alternative possibilities for the parish and county in which it is located. See Irish Townlands Category for further lists of townslands.
Townland | Parish | County | Remarks |
Bellawillinbeg | Calry | Sligo | |
Bellayarha North | Bullaun | Galway | |
Bellayarha South | Bullaun | Galway | |
Bellcotton | Termonfeckin | Louth | |
Bellee | Kirkinriola | Antrim | |
Belleek | Loughgilly | Armagh | |
Belleek | Omey | Galway | |
Belleek | Kilmoremoy | Mayo | |
Belleek | Loughcrew | Meath | |
Belleek T. | Loughgilly | Armagh | |
Belleek T. | Belleek | Fermanagh | |
Belleen Lower | Monsea | Tipperary | |
Belleen Upper | Monsea | Tipperary | |
Bellegrove | Lea | Laois | |
Belleisle | Cleenish | Fermanagh | |
Bellemont More | Ballyaghran | Derry | |
Bellemont North | Ballyaghran | Derry | |
Bellemont South | Ballyaghran | Derry | |
Belleville | Templemore | Tipperary | |
Belleville | Affane | Waterford | |
Belleville Demesne | Monivea | Galway | |
Bellevue | Kilbarron | Tipperary | |
Bellevue Demesne | Kilcoole | Wicklow | |
Bellevue Demesne | Delgany | Wicklow | |
Bellew | Rathfeigh | Meath | |
Bellewstown | Trim | Meath | |
Bellewstown | Rataine | Meath | |
Bellewstown | Duleek | Meath | |
Bellfield | Kilcolman | Mayo | Clanmorris Barony |
Bellfield or Brannockstown | Enniscoffey | Westmeath | |
Bellgrove | Finnoe | Tipperary | |
Bellgrove | Duncormick | Wexford | |
Bellgrovecross | Duncormick | Wexford | |
Bellhill | Seirkieran | Offaly | |
Bellia | Moyarta | Clare | |
Bellia T. | Moyarta | Clare | |
Bellina | Tullaghobegly | Donegal | |
Belline & Rogerstown | Fiddown | Kilkenny | |
Bellisk or Waterford | Layd | Antrim | |
Bellisle | Derrykeighan | Antrim | |
Bellmount | Clonmore | Carlow | |
Bellmount | Galloon | Fermanagh | |
Bellmount alias Ballynagowan Upper | Ballyclog | Tyrone | |
Bellmount or Cloggernagh | Lissonuffy | Roscommon | |
Bellmount or Curristown | Mullingar | Westmeath | |
Bellmount or Lisderg | Tisaran | Offaly | |
Bellmount Lower | Moviddy | Cork | |
Bellmount Upper | Moviddy | Cork | |
Bellpark | Finnoe | Tipperary | |
Bellpark | Dunganstown | Wicklow | |
Bellsgrove | Ballymachugh | Cavan | |
Bellsgrove alias Ballynagowan Lower | Ballyclog | Tyrone | |
Bellshill | Clonmore | Carlow | |
Bellspark | Boyle | Roscommon | |
Bellspark | Urney | Tyrone | |
Bellurgan | Ballyboys | Louth | |
Bellurgan | Castletown | Louth | |
Bellury | Desertoghill | Derry | |
Bellview | Mullingar | Westmeath | |
Bellville | Kilmore | Cavan | |
Bellville or Gartan | Gartan | Donegal | |
Belmont | Liskeevy | Galway | |
Belmont Demesne | Delgany | Wicklow | |
Belmount | Kilculliheen | Waterford | |
Belmullet | Kilcommon | Mayo | Erris Barony |
Belmullet T. | Kilcommon | Mayo | Erris Barony |
Belnaclogh | Clogher | Tyrone | |
Belnagarnan | Donacavey | Tyrone | |
Belpatrick | Collon | Louth | |
Belpere | Killeen | Meath | |
Belpere | Skreen | Meath | |
Belra | Achonry | Sligo | |
Belragh | Carnteel | Tyrone | |
Belraugh | Errigal | Derry | |
Belrea | Drum | Roscommon | |
Belrose | Knockavilly | Cork | |
Belrose Lower | Kinneigh | Cork | |
Belrose Upper | Kinneigh | Cork | |
Belshamstown | Rathregan | Meath | |
Beltacken | Templepatrick | Westmeath | |
Beltany | Raphoe | Donegal | |
Beltany | Clogher | Tyrone | |
Beltany | Cappagh | Tyrone | |
Beltany Lower | Tullaghobegly | Donegal | |
Beltany Mountain | Tullaghobegly | Donegal | |
Beltany Upper | Tullaghobegly | Donegal | |
Beltichburne | Beaulieu | Louth | |
Beltonanean | Kildress | Tyrone | |
Beltoy | Glynn | Antrim | |
Beltoy | Raloo | Antrim | |
Beltra | Islandeady | Mayo | |
Beltra | Kilcummin | Mayo | |
Beltra | Lackan | Mayo | |
Beltrim | Bodoney Lower | Tyrone | |
Belturbet T. | Annagh | Cavan | |
Belvelly | Clonmel | Cork | |
Belvidere | Knockmourne | Cork | |
Belvidere | Moylisker | Westmeath | |
Belview | Kilberry | Kildare | |
Belview | Diamor | Meath | |
Belview or Drumcoo | Enniskillen | Fermanagh | |
Belview or Lissareaghaun | Kiltormer | Galway | |
Belville | Garranamanagh | Kilkenny | |
Belville | Kilmacshalgan | Sligo | |
Belville | Ballyloughloe | Westmeath | |
Belvoir | Clonlea | Clare | |
Belvoir Demesne | Clonlea | Clare | |
Ben | St. Feighin's | Westmeath | |
Benagh | Newry | Down | |
Benagh | Carlingford | Louth | |
Benagh Lower | Kilkeel | Down | |
Benagh Upper | Kilkeel | Down | |
Benalbit & Derryroe | Castletownkindalen | Westmeath | |
Benamore | Roscrea | Tipperary | |
Ben Beg | Grange | Galway | |
Benburb | Clonfeacle | Tyrone | |
Benburb T. | Clonfeacle | Tyrone | |
Bendinstown | Ballyellin | Carlow | |
Bendooragh | Ballymoney | Antrim | |
Benduff | Ross | Cork | |
Beneden | Clondagad | Clare | |
Benedin | Nenagh | Tipperary | |
Benfield | Clonyhurk | Offaly | |
Bengeery | Crossmolina | Mayo | |
Bengour East | Murragh | Cork | |
Bengour West | Murragh | Cork | |
Benisonlodge or Bratty | St. Feighin's | Westmeath | |
Benjerstown | Siddan | Meath | |
Ben More | Grange | Galway | |
Benmore | Rattoo | Kerry | |
Benmore | Kiltullagh | Roscommon | |
Bennarees | Dunboe | Derry | |
Bennekerry | Ballinacarrig | Carlow | |
Bennekerry | Urglin | Carlow | |
Bennetsbridge | St. John's | Kildare | |
Bennetstown | Dunboyne | Meath | |
Bennettsbridge | Treadingstown | Kilkenny | |
Bennettsbridge | Danesfort | Kilkenny | |
Bennettsbridge T. | Treadingstown | Kilkenny | also in Danesfort parish. |
Bennettsbridge T. | Danesfort | Kilkenny | also in Treadingstown parish. |
Bennettsknock | St. Mary's | Wexford | Bantry Barony |
Bennettsmeadow | Callan | Kilkenny | |
Bennettstown | Tacumshin | Wexford | |
Benone | Magilligan | Derry | |
Benraw | Drumgooland | Down | |
Bentra | Templecorran | Antrim | |
Benvardin | Dunluce | Antrim | |
Benvoy | Dunhill | Waterford | |
Benwilt | Drumgoon | Cavan | |
Beragh | Clogherny | Tyrone | |
Beragh | Cappagh | Tyrone | |
Beragh T. | Clogherny | Tyrone | |
Berger's Island | Killadysert | Clare | |
Berkeley | Ballyanne | Wexford | |
Bernagh | Killyman | Tyrone | |
Bernagh | Kiltegan | Wicklow | |
Bernardsgrove or Ballypickas Lower | Ballyroan | Laois | |
Bernards Island | Calry | Sligo | |
Berneens | Rathborney | Clare | |
Bernyhill | Scrabby | Cavan | |
Berrillstown | Trevet | Meath | |
Berrings | Inishcarra | Cork | |
Berrymount | Tomregan | Cavan | |
Berrysfort | Urney | Tyrone | |
Bert Demesne | Kilberry | Kildare | |
Beshellstown | Clonalvy | Meath | |
Bessborough | Ballymackey | Tipperary | |
Bessbrook | Annagh | Cavan | |
Bessmount | Monart | Wexford | |
Bessville | Killare | Westmeath | |
Bestfield or Dunganstown | Carlow | Carlow | |
Bestfield or Dunganstown | Painestown | Carlow | |
Betaghstown | Clane | Kildare | |
Betaghstown | Termonfeckin | Louth | |
Betaghstown | Colp | Meath | |
Betaghstown | Ardbraccan | Meath | |
Betaghstown | Balrathboyne | Meath | |
Betal | Kiltullagh | Roscommon | |
Bethlehem | Kilkenny West | Westmeath | |
Bettyfield or Ricketstown | Kineagh | Carlow | |
Bettyspark | Dunmore | Galway | |
Bettyville | Clondulane | Cork | |
Bettyville | Castlemagner | Cork | |
Bettyville | Lusk | Dublin | |
Bettyville | Raheny | Dublin | |
Bewley | Kilmolash | Waterford | |
Bey Beg | Colp | Meath | |
Bey More | Colp | Meath | |
Bicketstown or Tirnagushoge | Donaghmore | Donegal | |
Biddyford | Killeenagarriff | Limerick | |
Bigbog | Castledermot | Kildare | |
Bigbog | Ballycallan | Kilkenny | |
Bigbog | Dysartenos | Laois | |
Bigfurze | Rathconrath | Westmeath | |
Biggera Beg | Annaghdown | Galway | |
Biggera More | Annaghdown | Galway | |
Big Glebe | Dunboe | Derry | |
Bigg's-Lot & Owen's | St. John Baptist | Tipperary | |
Bighouse | Culfeightrin | Antrim | |
Bigisland | Meelick | Galway | |
Big Island | Killannin | Galway | |
Big Island | Ross | Galway | |
Bigisland | Killyon | Meath | |
Big Island | Kilcowan | Wexford | |
Big Island | St. Margaret's | Wexford | |
Big Isle | Raymoghy | Donegal | |
Bigmarsh | Aghadown | Cork | |
Bigmeadow | Callan | Kilkenny | |
Bigmeadow | Killaloe | Kilkenny | |
Bigmeadow and Athlone | St. Peter's | Roscommon | |
Bigpark | Drumhome | Donegal | |
Bigpark | Latteragh | Tipperary | |
Bigsland | Smarmore | Louth | |
Bigstown | Siddan | Meath | |
Big Venture | Kilmaleery | Clare | |
Bigwood | Drumkeeran | Fermanagh | |
Bigwood | Templecarn | Fermanagh | |
Bigwood | Kilcolman | Offaly | |
Bigwood | Lickbla | Westmeath | |
Bigwood | St. Mullin's | Wexford | |
Bilberry | Inchinabacky | Cork | |
Bilberry Island | Devenish | Fermanagh | |
Bilberry Island | Cleenish | Fermanagh | |
Bilberry Island | Kilcummin | Galway | |
Bilberry Island | Cloonclare | Leitrim | |
Bilboa | Doon | Limerick | |
Billa | Ballysadare | Sligo | |
Billary | Templecarn | Donegal | |
Billary | Clones | Monaghan | |
Billary | Longfield West | Tyrone | |
Billeady | Clontibret | Monaghan | |
Billeragh | Kilnamanagh | Cork | |
Billeragh | Kilshenane | Kerry | |
Billeragh East | Macroney | Cork | |
Billeragh West | Macroney | Cork | |
Billis | Killinkere | Cavan | |
Billis | Annagelliff | Cavan | |
Billis | Donagh | Monaghan | |
Billises | Tedavnet | Monaghan | |
Billistown | Castletowndelvin | Westmeath | |
Billoos | Lackan | Mayo | |
Billy or Curramoney | Billy | Antrim | |
Billymore or Carrowntober | Kilcummin | Galway | |
Billywood | Moynalty | Meath | |
Bin | Killygarvan | Donegal | |
Binbane | Kildrumsherdan | Cavan | |
Binbawn | Curraclone | Laois | |
Binbunniff | Donaghedy | Tyrone | |
Bindoo | Kildrumsherdan | Cavan | |
Bindoo | Kilteevoge | Donegal | |
Bing | St. Helen's | Wexford | |
Binganagh | Drumrat | Sligo | |
Bingarra | Monivea | Galway | |
Bingfield or Gortnashangan Lower | Kilmore | Cavan | |
Binghamstown | Kilmore | Mayo | |
Binghamstown T. | Kilmore | Mayo | |
Bingorms | Gartan | Donegal | |
Binkeeragh | Kinawley | Cavan | |
Binmore | Kilteevoge | Donegal | |
Binmore | Aghnamullen | Monaghan | |
Binmore Glebe | Inishmacsaint | Fermanagh | |
Binmuck | St. John's | Roscommon | |
Binn | Monivea | Galway | |
Binn | Cumber Upper | Derry | |
Binnafreaghan | Bodoney Lower | Tyrone | |
Binnawooda | Ardstraw | Tyrone | |
Binnelly | Donaghedy | Tyrone | |
Binnion | Clonmany | Donegal | |
Binnion | Taughboyne | Donegal | |
Binroe | Killaghtee | Donegal | |
Binroe | Killybegs Upper | Donegal | |
Binvoran | Kilmurry | Clare | Clonderalaw Barony |
Birbeg Island | Moyrus | Galway | |
Birchfield | St. Patrick's | Kilkenny | |
Birchfield | Kilcolman | Mayo | Clanmorris Barony |
Birchgrove | Corbally | Tipperary | |
Birchgrove | Doon | Tipperary | |
Birchhall or Curraveha | Kilcummin | Galway | |
Birch Hill | Antrim | Antrim | |
Birchhill | Donegal | Donegal | |
Birchhill | Templebeg | Tipperary | |
Birchpark | Clonrush | Galway | |
Birchwood | Tullahought | Kilkenny | |
Birchwood | Rearymore | Laois | |
Birchwood | Killiskey | Wicklow | |
Bircog | Templecarn | Donegal | |
Birdhill | Drumcondra | Meath | |
Birdhill | Kilcomenty | Tipperary | |
Bird Island | Kilmoe | Cork | |
Bird Island | Ardkeen | Down | |
Bird Island | Tullynakill | Down | |
Bird Island | Tuosist | Kerry | |
Bird Island | Ballintober | Mayo | |
Birds Island | Reynagh | Offaly | |
Birdstown | Clonleigh | Donegal | |
Birdstown | St. Margaret's | Wexford | Forth Barony |
Birdstown Demesne | Fahan Upper | Donegal | |
Birmingham Demesne | Tuam | Galway | |
Birmore Island | Moyrus | Galway | |
Birnaghs | Ardstraw | Tyrone | |
Birra | Drumhome | Donegal | |
Birragh | Enniskeen | Cavan | |
Birrinagh | Killoe | Longford | |
Birr or Parsonstown T. | Birr | Offaly | |
Bishopland | Lusk | Dublin | |
Bishopland | St. Nicholas | Wexford | |
Bishops Court | Dunsfort | Down | |
Bishopscourt | Kilcaragh | Waterford | |
Bishopscourt Lower | Oughterard | Kildare | |
Bishopscourt North | Rattoo | Kerry | |
Bishopscourt South | Rattoo | Kerry | |
Bishopscourt Upper | Oughterard | Kildare | |
Bishops Demesne | St. Canice | Kilkenny | |
Bishopsfield | Emlygrennan | Limerick | |
Bishopsfurze | St. Canice | Kilkenny | |
Bishopshall | Gaulskill | Kilkenny | |
Bishopshill Commons | Ballymore Eustace | Kildare | |
Bishop's Island | Kilfearagh | Clare | |
Bishops-island | Ardnageehy | Cork | |
Bishop's Island | Kilquane | Cork | |
Bishop's Island | Clondahorky | Donegal | |
Bishopsknock | The Rower | Kilkenny | |
Bishopsland | Ballymore Eustace | Kildare | |
Bishopsland | Kildare | Kildare | |
Bishopsland | Clonamery | Kilkenny | |
Bishopsland | St. Mary's | Wexford | Bantry Barony |
Bishopslane | Ballymore Eustace | Kildare | |
Bishopslough East | Tullaherin | Kilkenny | |
Bishopslough Newtown | Tullaherin | Kilkenny | |
Bishopslough South | Tullaherin | Kilkenny | |
Bishopslough West | Tullaherin | Kilkenny | |
Bishopsmeadows | Odagh | Kilkenny | |
Bishopsmeadows | St. Canice | Kilkenny | |
Bishop's-mill-lands | St. Finbar's | Cork | |
Bishopsmountain | Rossinan | Kilkenny | |
Bishopsquarter | Drumcreehy | Clare | |
Bishopstown | Mothel | Waterford | |
Bishopstown or Ballinaspick | Killare | Westmeath | |
Bishopswood | Finglas | Dublin | |
Bishopswood | Clonyhurk | Offaly | |
Bishopswood | Kilmore | Tipperary | |
Blabreenagh | Drumhome | Donegal | |
Black | Lismore & Mocollop | Waterford | |
Black Abbey | Greyabbey | Down | |
Blackabbey | Adare | Limerick | |
Blackacre | Tuam | Galway | |
Blackbog | Kilmaganny | Kilkenny | |
Blackbog | Clashmore | Waterford | |
Blackbottom | Killahy | Kilkenny | |
Blackbull | Reynagh | Offaly | |
Black Bull or Gallonbulloge | Denn | Cavan | |
Blackcastle | Dunmanoge | Kildare | |
Blackcastle | Donaghmore | Meath | |
Blackcastle | Twomileborris | Tipperary | |
Blackcastle | Inishlounaght | Tipperary | |
Blackcastle | St. Patricksrock | Tipperary | |
Blackcastle Demesne | Donaghmore | Meath | |
Blackcave North | Larne | Antrim | |
Blackcave South | Larne | Antrim | |
Blackchurch | Kilteel | Kildare | |
Blackcommon | Ballingarry | Tipperary | Slievardagh Barony |
Blackcommon | Kilcooly | Tipperary | |
Blackcut | Galtrim | Meath | |
Blackditch | Ballyfermot | Dublin | |
Blackditch | Nurney | Kildare | Offaly West Barony |
Blackditch | Duleek | Meath | Lower Duleek Barony |
Blackditch | Duleek | Meath | Upper Duleek Barony |
Blackditch | Castlerickard | Meath | |
Blackditch | Drumkay | Wicklow | |
Blackditch | Killiskey | Wicklow | |
Blackditch | Newcastle Lower | Wicklow | |
Blackditches Lower | Boystown | Wicklow | |
Blackditches Upper | Boystown | Wicklow | |
Blackdown | Kilteel | Kildare | |
Blackfallow | Ardcarn | Roscommon | |
Blackford | Churchtown | Kildare | |
Blackford | Curraclone | Laois | |
Blackfort | Killodiernan | Tipperary | |
Blackfort | Donacavey | Tyrone | |
Blackfriary (1st Division) | Trim | Meath | |
Blackfriary (2nd Division) | Trim | Meath | |
Blackgarden | Kilconickny | Galway | |
Blackgardens | Killarga | Leitrim | |
Blackhall | Balrothery | Dublin | |
Blackhall | Bodenstown | Kildare | |
Blackhall | Rathmore | Kildare | |
Blackhall | Davidstown | Kildare | |
Blackhall | Termonfeckin | Louth | |
Blackhall | Whitechurchglynn | Wexford | |
Blackhall | Bannow | Wexford | |
Blackhall Big | Ballymaglassan | Meath | |
Blackhall Little | Ballymaglassan | Meath | |
Black Hill | Templecorran | Antrim | |
Blackhill | Clonmore | Carlow | |
Blackhill | Enniskillen | Fermanagh | |
Blackhill | Oughterard | Kildare | |
Blackhill | Dunlavin | Wicklow | |
Blackhills | Abbeyleix | Laois | |
Blackhills Lower | Moybolgue | Cavan | |
Blackhills Upper | Moybolgue | Cavan | |
Blackhorse | Drinagh | Wexford | |
Blackhorsefield | Kinsale | Cork | |
Black Island | Ballinchalla | Mayo | |
Black Island | Muckno | Monaghan | |
Black Island | Ematris | Monaghan | |
Blackislands or Windmill | Enniscoffey | Westmeath | |
Blackknock | Kilmeadan | Waterford | |
Blackland | Tullyfern | Donegal | |
Blackland | Lusk | Dublin | |
Blacklands | Clogher | Tyrone | |
Blackmiles | Stonehall | Westmeath | |
Blackmillershill | Dunmurry | Kildare | |
Blackmoor | Kilmannan | Wexford | |
Blackmoor | Donard | Wicklow | |
Black Mountain | Shankill | Antrim | |
Blackmountain | Cloonclare | Leitrim | |
Blackneys or Atateemore | Kilcolumb | Kilkenny | |
Blackories | Kilcleagh | Westmeath | |
Blackparks | Lisselton | Kerry | |
Blackparks | St. John's | Kildare | |
Blackpatch | Killasser | Mayo | |
Blackpits | Donaghmore | Wicklow | |
Blackpool | Mogeely | Cork | Kinnatalloon Barony |
Blackrath | Narraghmore | Kildare | |
Blackrath & Athgarvan | Greatconnell | Kildare | |
Blackraw | Drumsnat | Monaghan | |
Blackrepentance | Raphoe | Donegal | |
Blackrock | Clonleigh | Donegal | |
Blackrock | Monkstown | Dublin | |
Blackrock | Booterstown | Dublin | |
Blackrock | Kilthomas | Galway | |
Blackrock | Kiltoghert | Leitrim | |
Black Rock | Kilmore | Mayo | |
Black Rock | Inishbofin | Mayo | |
Blackrock | Moyne | Wicklow | |
Blackrock | Blessington | Wicklow | |
Blackrock T. | St. Finbar's | Cork | |
Black Rock T. | Monkstown | Dublin | Dublin Barony |
Black Rock T. | Monkstown | Dublin | Rathdown Barony |
Black Rock T. | Haggardstown | Louth | |
Blacksessagh | Drumragh | Tyrone | |
Black's Glen | Tullyfern | Donegal | |
Blackshade | Killyon | Meath | |
Blackslee | Inishmacsaint | Fermanagh | |
Blackstaff | Callan | Kilkenny | |
Blackstairs | Toem | Tipperary | |
Blackstairs Commons | Killann | Wexford | |
Blackstep | Knockbride | Cavan | |
Blackstick | Ardee | Louth | |
Blacksticks | Clonfert | Galway | |
Blackstone | Killag | Wexford | |
Blackstoops | St. Mary's Enniscorthy | Wexford | |
Blackthorn | Tully | Dublin | |
Blackthorn Island | Killadysert | Clare | |
Blackthorn Island South | Killadysert | Clare | |
Blacktown | Tullyniskan | Tyrone | |
Blacktrench | Oldconnell | Kildare | |
Blackwater | St. Patrick's | Clare | |
Blackwater | Crickstown | Meath | |
Blackwater T. | Ballyvaldon | Wexford | also in Killila parish. |
Blackwater T. | Killila | Wexford | also in Ballyvaldon parish. |
Blackwatertown or Lisbofin | Clonfeacle | Armagh | |
Blackwatertown T. | Clonfeacle | Armagh | |
Black Weir | Kinvarradoorus | Galway | |
Blackwell | Tullaherin | Kilkenny | |
Blackwood | Downings | Kildare | |
Blackwood | Timahoe | Kildare | |
Blackwood | Kilberry | Kildare | |
Blackwood | Rathbeagh | Kilkenny | |
Blackwood | Rahan | Offaly | |
Blagh | Coleraine | Derry | |
Blainroe Lower | Kilpoole | Wicklow | |
Blainroe Upper | Kilpoole | Wicklow | |
Blairstown | Donaghmore | Donegal | |
Blakefield | Aghnameadle | Tipperary | |
Blakes Lower | Dunboe | Derry | |
Blakesmountain | Killonaghan | Clare | |
Blakestown | Clonsilla | Dublin | |
Blakestown | Feighcullen | Kildare | Connell Barony |
Blakestown | Laraghbryan | Kildare | |
Blakestown | Feighcullen | Kildare | Offaly East Barony |
Blakestown | Shanlis | Louth | |
Blakestown Lower | Hollywood | Wicklow | |
Blakestown Upper | Hollywood | Wicklow | |
Blakes Upper | Dunboe | Derry | |
Blanchardstown | Castleknock | Dublin | |
Blanchardstown T. | Castleknock | Dublin | |
Blanchfieldsbog | Tubbridbritain | Kilkenny | |
Blanchfieldsland | St. John's | Kilkenny | |
Blanchville Demesne | Blanchvilleskill | Kilkenny | |
Blanchvilleskill | Gowran | Kilkenny | |
Blanchvilleskill | Tiscoffin | Kilkenny | |
Blanchvillespark | Gowran | Kilkenny | |
Blanchvillestown | Blanchvillestown | Kilkenny | |
Blanchvillestown | Gowran | Kilkenny | |
Blane | Donaghmore | Wicklow | |
Blaney East | Inishmacsaint | Fermanagh | |
Blaney West | Inishmacsaint | Fermanagh | |
Blanket Nook (Intake) | Burt | Donegal | |
Blanket Nook (Intake) | Allsaints | Donegal | |
Blaris | Blaris | Down | |
Blarney | Garrycloyne | Cork | |
Blarney T. | Garrycloyne | Cork | |
Blasket Island Great | Dunquin | Kerry | |
Blastknock | Taghmon | Wexford | |
Bleach | St. John's | Kildare | |
Bleach | Aglish | Waterford | |
Bleachgreen | St. John's | Kilkenny | |
Bleachgreen | Ballysadare | Sligo | |
Bleachlands | Ballynaslaney | Wexford | |
Bleachlawn | Drumraney | Westmeath | |
Bleachyard | Burrishoole | Mayo | |
Blean | Killadysert | Clare | |
Blean | Athenry | Galway | |
Blean | Aghnameadle | Tipperary | |
Bleanahouree | Affane | Waterford | |
Bleanavoher | Rathcline | Longford | |
Bleanbeg | Kilnarath | Tipperary | |
Bleancup | Kilmore | Cavan | |
Bleanish Island | Galloon | Fermanagh | |
Bleankillew or Furnace | Annaduff | Leitrim | |
Bleanmore | Kilmurry | Clare | Clonderalaw Barony |
Bleanmore Island | Kilcommon | Mayo | Erris Barony |
Bleannagloos | Killian | Galway | |
Bleanoran or Burnthouse | Killannin | Galway | |
Bleanphuttoge | Kilkenny West | Westmeath | |
Bleantasour | Seskinan | Waterford | |
Bleantasour Mountain | Seskinan | Waterford | |
Bleary | Tullylish | Down | |
Bleenaleen Lower | Garrangibbon | Tipperary | |
Bleenaleen Upper | Garrangibbon | Tipperary | |
Bleerick | Antrim | Antrim | |
Blennerville T. | Annagh | Kerry | |
Blessington | Columbkille | Kilkenny | |
Blessington | Inistioge | Kilkenny | |
Blessington | Kilfane | Kilkenny | |
Blessington | Blessington | Wicklow | |
Blessington Demesne | Blessington | Wicklow | |
Blessington T. | Blessington | Wicklow | |
Blessingtown | Kilmainemore | Mayo | |
Blindennis | Hacketstown | Carlow | |
Blindwell | Kilconla | Galway | |
Blindwood | Redcross | Wicklow | |
Blittoge | Donaghmoyne | Monaghan | |
Bloomfield | Robeen | Mayo | |
Bloomfield | Kilcooley | Roscommon | |
Bloomfield | St. John's | Wexford | Bantry Barony |
Bloomhill | Errigal Keerogue | Tyrone | |
Bloomhill | Rathmacknee | Wexford | |
Bloomhill or Cloncraff | Clonmacnoise | Offaly | |
Bloomhill Demesne | Tullyniskan | Tyrone | |
Bloomry | Ardstraw | Tyrone | |
Bloomsberry | Donaghpatrick | Meath | |
Bloomsberry | Kells | Meath | |
Blossomfort | Ballyclogh | Cork | |
Blossomgrove | Ballydeloher | Cork | |
Blossomhill | Dunkitt | Kilkenny | |
Blossomhill | Rathkeale | Limerick | |
Blossomhill | Kilcornan | Limerick | |
Bluebell | Drimnagh | Dublin | |
Bluebell | Naas | Kildare | |
Blueford | Clonfert | Cork | |
Bluepool | Castlemagner | Cork | |
Bluid East | Castlehaven | Cork | |
Bluid West | Castlehaven | Cork | |
Blundelstown | Clondalkin | Dublin | |
Blundelstown | Templekeeran | Meath | |
Blunnick | Killesher | Fermanagh | |
Blunsheens | Ballybrennan | Wexford | |
Blyry Lower | St. Mary's | Westmeath | Brawny Barony |
Blyry Upper | St. Mary's | Westmeath | Brawny Barony |
Boadaun | Kilconla | Galway | |
Boagh | Drumgoon | Cavan | |
Boardee | Tracton | Cork | |
Boardsland | Kilkenny West | Westmeath | |
Boardstown | Mullingar | Westmeath | |
Boarheeny | Doon | Limerick | |
Boarmanshill | Abington | Limerick | |
Boarmona | Templeshanbo | Wexford | |
Boat Island | Templecarn | Donegal | |
Bobsgrove | Kilbride | Cavan | |
Bobsville | Diamor | Meath | |
Bocade Glebe | Kildallan | Cavan | |
Bocarnagh | Kilcaskan | Cork | |
Bockagh | Kilcolman | Mayo | Costello Barony |
Bockagh | Offerlane | Laois | |
Bockan Island | Kinawley | Fermanagh | |
Bockets | Killeeshil | Tyrone | |
Bocks Lower | Donaghmoyne | Monaghan | |
Bocks Middle | Donaghmoyne | Monaghan | |
Bocks Upper | Donaghmoyne | Monaghan | |
Bocombra | Seagoe | Armagh | |
Boconnell | Seagoe | Armagh | |
Bocullin | Kilmeena | Mayo | |
Bodal | Dungarvan | Kilkenny | |
Bodalmore | Outrath | Kilkenny | |
Bodarra Big | Rossorry | Fermanagh | |
Bodarra Little | Rossorry | Fermanagh | |
Bodeen | Kilbrew | Meath | |
Bodenstown | Bodenstown | Kildare | |
Boderan | Killesk | Wexford | |
Bodingtown | Clonalvy | Meath | |
Bodoney | Dromore | Tyrone | |
Bodoney | Kilskeery | Tyrone | |
Bodorragha | Kilbryan | Roscommon | |
Bodorragha | Kilronan | Roscommon | |
Boeeshil | Templecarn | Donegal | |
Boeeshil | Drumreilly | Leitrim | |
Boeeshil | Mohill | Leitrim | |
Bofara | Aghagower | Mayo | |
Bofealan | Templeport | Cavan | |
Bofeenaun | Addergoole | Mayo | |
Bofickil | Kilcatherine | Cork | |
Bog | Kilbarrymeaden | Waterford | |
Bogagh | Raphoe | Donegal | |
Bogagh | Clondermot | Derry | |
Bogagh Glebe | Kilcar | Donegal | |
Bogare | Kilcrohane | Kerry | |
Bogay | Aghanunshin | Donegal | |
Bogay Glebe | Allsaints | Donegal | |
Bogbane | Killyman | Tyrone | |
Bog Commons | Coolaghmore | Kilkenny | |
Bogderries | Eglish | Offaly | |
Bog East | Mayglass | Wexford | |
Bogesky | Lavey | Cavan | |
Boggagh | Lismore & Mocollop | Waterford | |
Boggaghbaun | Lismore & Mocollop | Waterford | |
Boggagh (Conran) | Kilcleagh | Westmeath | |
Boggaghduff | Lismore & Mocollop | Waterford | |
Boggagh Eighter | Kilcleagh | Westmeath | |
Boggagh (Fury) | Kilcleagh | Westmeath | |
Boggagh (Malone) | Kilcleagh | Westmeath | |
Boggan | Ballon | Carlow | |
Boggan | Barragh | Carlow | |
Boggan | Tullaroan | Kilkenny | |
Boggan | Moybolgue | Meath | |
Bogganfin | Kilmeane | Roscommon | |
Bogganfin | Kiltoom | Roscommon | |
Bogganfin | St. Peter's | Roscommon | |
Bogganfin T. | St. Peter's | Roscommon | |
Bogganstown | Dunboyne | Meath | |
Bogganstown | Culmullin | Meath | |
Bogganstown Lower | Drinagh | Wexford | |
Bogganstown Upper | Drinagh | Wexford | |
Boggaun | Kilchreest | Galway | |
Boggaun | Oughteragh | Leitrim | |
Boggaun | Cloonlogher | Leitrim | |
Boggaun | Killavinoge | Tipperary | |
Boggaunreagh | Reynagh | Offaly | |
Boggauns | Kilbegnet | Galway | |
Boggauns | Killian | Galway | |
Boggra | Templemartin | Cork | |
Boggy | Addergoole | Mayo | |
Boggyheary | Killossery | Dublin | |
Boghadoon | Addergoole | Mayo | |
Boghall | Harristown | Kildare | |
Boghil | Kilfenora | Clare | |
Boghilboy | Desertoghill | Derry | |
Boghill | Coleraine | Derry | |
Boghilmore Island | Moycullen | Galway | |
Boghlone | Clonenagh & Clonagheen | Laois | |
Boghouse | Fennagh | Carlow | |
Boghtaduff | Castlemore | Mayo | |
Bogland | Arklow | Wicklow | |
Bogpark | Clontuskert | Galway | |
Bogside | Killaghtee | Donegal | |
Bogstown or Moydrum | Clonard | Meath | |
Bogtown | Dunboe | Derry | |
Bogtown | Mapastown | Louth | |
Bog and Warren | Donaghmore | Wexford | |
Bog West | Mayglass | Wexford | |
Bogwood or Carrowntogher | Kilgefin | Roscommon | |
Bohaboy | Killeenadeema | Galway | |
Bohacogram | Kilcrohane | Kerry | |
Bohacullia | Templenoe | Kerry | |
Bohadoonmountain | Kilgobnet | Waterford | |
Bohadoon North | Kilgobnet | Waterford | |
Bohadoon South | Kilgobnet | Waterford | |
Bogtown | Ballykean | Offaly | |
Bohagh | Ballintober | Roscommon | |
Bohalas | Castlemore | Mayo | |
Bohammer | Balgriffin | Dublin | |
Bohamore | Bohola | Mayo | |
Bohanboy | Donaghmore | Donegal | |
Bohard | Kilmeedy | Limerick | |
Bohard | Aghaloo | Tyrone | |
Boharnamoe | Ardee | Louth | |
Bohasset | Galloon | Fermanagh | |
Bohateh North | Inishcaltra | Galway | |
Bohateh South | Inishcaltra | Galway | |
Bohattan | Aghalurcher | Fermanagh | |
Bohaun | Ross | Galway | |
Bohaun | Knock | Mayo | |
Bohaun North | Ballintober | Mayo | |
Bohaun South | Ballintober | Mayo | |
Boheeshal | Moyrus | Galway | |
Boheeshil | Knockane | Kerry | |
Boheh | Aghagower | Mayo | |
Boheh | Oughaval | Mayo | |
Bohehs | Islandeady | Mayo | |
Boheolan | Conwal | Donegal | |
Boher | Killaconenagh | Cork | |
Boher | Abington | Limerick | |
Boher | Kilbeheny | Limerick | |
Boher | Kilmastulla | Tipperary | |
Boher | St. Helen's | Wexford | |
Boheradurrow | Reynagh | Offaly | |
Boheragaddy | Tullaherin | Kilkenny | |
Boheragh | Cappagh | Tyrone | |
Boherard | Dunbulloge | Cork | |
Boherard | Killallon | Meath | |
Boherard | Aghaboe | Laois | |
Boherard | Dungarvan | Waterford | |
Boheraroan | Tomfinlough | Clare | |
Boheraroan T. | Tomfinlough | Clare | |
Boherascrub East | Buttevant | Cork | |
Boherascrub West | Buttevant | Cork | |
Boherash | Glanworth | Cork | |
Boheravendrum | Tipperary | Tipperary | |
Boherawarraga | Coolaghmore | Kilkenny | |
Boherawillin | Modelligo | Waterford | |
Boherbannagh | Killian | Galway | |
Boherbaun Lower | Harristown | Kildare | |
Boherbaun Upper or Monapheeby | Harristown | Kildare | |
Boherboy | Killilagh | Clare | |
Boherboy | Saggart | Dublin | |
Boherboy | Caher | Kerry | |
Boherboy | Currans | Kerry | |
Boherboy | Birr | Offaly | |
Boherboy | Kilcornan | Limerick | |
Boherboy | Kilvemnon | Tipperary | |
Boherboy | Lismore & Mocollop | Waterford | |
Boherboy | Ardmore | Waterford | |
Boherboy | Dunlavin | Wicklow | |
Boherboyrea | Lismore & Mocollop | Waterford | |
Boherboy T. | Kilmeen | Cork | Duhallow Barony |
Boherbrack | Kinard | Kerry | |
Boherbraddagh | Clonshire | Limerick | |
Boherbullog | Rath | Clare | |
Bohercarron | Galbally | Limerick | |
Boherclogh | St. John Baptist | Tipperary | |
Bohercreen | Carn | Wexford | |
Bohercrow | Tipperary | Tipperary | |
Bohercuill | Kilcoona | Galway | |
Boherdeel | Birr | Offaly | |
Boherderroge | Kilcrumper | Cork | |
Boherdotia | Oola | Limerick | |
Boherduff | Dunleckny | Carlow | |
Boherduff | Kilconickny | Galway | |
Boherduff | Caherelly | Limerick | |
Boherduff | Kilcolman | Mayo | Clanmorris Barony |
Boherduff | Cullen | Tipperary | |
Boherduff | Rathronan | Tipperary | |
Bohereen | Donaghmore | Limerick | |
Bohereen | St. Nicholas | Limerick | |
Bohereenkyle | Ballingarry | Limerick | Coshlea Barony |
Bohereens | Molahiffe | Kerry | |
Boherfadda or Parkaree | Lemanaghan | Offaly | |
Bohergar | Abington | Limerick | |
Bohergarve | Roscommon | Roscommon | |
Bohergoy Lower | Ballysax | Kildare | |
Bohergoy Upper | Ballysax | Kildare | |
Boherhallagh | Toomore | Mayo | |
Boherhole | Mainham | Kildare | |
Boherkill | Rathangan | Kildare | |
Boherkyle | Freshford | Kilkenny | |
Boherkyle | Powerstown | Kilkenny | |
Boherlea | Kilmainham | Meath | |
Boherleigh | Finnoe | Tipperary | |
Boherload | Cahervally | Limerick | |
Boherlody | Dolla | Tipperary | |
Bohermeen T. | Ardbraccan | Meath | also in Martry parish. |
Bohermeen T. | Martry | Meath | also in Ardbraccan parish. |
Bohermore | Dunleckny | Carlow | |
Bohermore | Graiguenamanagh | Kilkenny | |
Bohermore | Ardagh | Longford | |
Bohernabredagh | Dromdaleague | Cork | |
Bohernabreena | Tallaght | Dublin | |
Bohernacross | Ardagh | Longford | |
Bohernaghty | Offerlane | Laois | |
Bohernagore | Ballingaddy | Limerick | |
Bohernagore East | Tullaghorton | Tipperary | |
Bohernagore West | Tullaghorton | Tipperary | |
Bohernagraga | Oola | Limerick | |
Bohernagraga | Tuoghcluggin | Limerick | |
Bohernagrisna | Rahan | Offaly | |
Bohernameeltoge | Killoe | Longford | |
Bohernamona | Thurles | Tipperary | |
Bohernarnane | Tubbrid | Tipperary | |
Bohernarude | Killea | Tipperary | |
Bohernasear | Killeshin | Laois | |
Bohernastrekaun or Killure | Wells | Kilkenny | |
Bohernoe | Killaconenagh | Cork | |
Boherphilip | Kill | Kildare | |
Boherquill | Street | Westmeath | |
Boherroe | O'Dorney | Kerry | |
Boherroe | Aglishcormick | Limerick | |
Boherroe | Grean | Limerick | |
Boherroe | Creeve | Roscommon | |
Boherstooka | Ballyanne | Wexford | |
Boherygeela | Glenogra | Limerick | |
Boherygeela | Tullabracky | Limerick | |
Bohevny | Cleenish | Fermanagh | |
Bohevny | Inishmacsaint | Fermanagh | |
Bohilla | Inistioge | Kilkenny | |
Bohillane | Bohillane | Cork | |
Bohirril | Conwal | Donegal | |
Bohirril Park | Conwal | Donegal | |
Bohoge | Manulla | Mayo | |
Bohogerawer | Bekan | Mayo | |
Bohola | Bohola | Mayo | |
Bohona | Castleventry | Cork | |
Bohonagh | Ross | Cork | |
Bohoona East | Killannin | Galway | |
Bohoona West | Killannin | Galway | |
Bohora | Killashandra | Cavan | |
Bohora | Galloon | Fermanagh | |
Bohulkin | Enniskillen | Fermanagh | |
Bohullion or Glack | Inch | Donegal | |
Bohullion Lower | Burt | Donegal | |
Bohullion Upper | Burt | Donegal | |
Bohyodaun | Killofin | Clare | |
Boihy | Drumlease | Leitrim | |
Boira North | Kiltrisk | Wexford | |
Boira South | Kiltrisk | Wexford | |
Bo Island | Tullaghobegly | Donegal | |
Bolabaun | Killurin | Wexford | |
Bola Beg | Templeshanbo | Wexford | |
Bolaboy Beg | Castle-ellis | Wexford | |
Bolaboy Beg | Meelnagh | Wexford | |
Bolaboy More | Meelnagh | Wexford | |
Bolabradda | Inch | Wexford | |
Bolacaheer | Ballyanne | Wexford | |
Bolacaheer | Ferns | Wexford | |
Bolacreen | Kilnahue | Wexford | |
Bolacreen | Kilbride | Wexford | |
Boladurragh | Templeshanbo | Wexford | |
Bolag | Ballynakill | Galway | Leitrim Barony |
Bolagh Lower | Dunganstown | Wicklow | |
Bolaght | Ardstraw | Tyrone | |
Bolagh Upper | Dunganstown | Wicklow | |
Bolakeale | Ballingarry | Tipperary | Slievardagh Barony |
Bola More | Templeshanbo | Wexford | |
Boland | Clonfeacle | Tyrone | |
Bolandstown | Castletowndelvin | Westmeath |