The Army of Retribution March to Kabul

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Maj Gen George Pollock’s March from Peshawar to Kabul in the 1st Afghan War


Jamrud to Jalalabad
At the end of 1841 General Robert Sale was besieged in Jalalabad and asking for assistance. Forces were sent from British controlled territory to Peshawar then under Sikh rule. General George Pollock was appointed commander and started for Peshawar from Agra. In the meantime Brigadier Wild, in command at Peshawar, attempted and failed to establish a strong garrison at Ali Masjid.

Pollock arrived at Peshawar on 5 February and found the regiments unfit for departure due to sickness and low morale. It took all of February and March to overcome these difficulties but finally, on 5 April, the Army of Retribution set out. They successfully forced the Khyber Pass and reached Jalalabad on 14 April.

The new Governor-General Lord Ellenborough was firmly in favour of withdrawing from Afghanistan and on 29 April General Pollock was instructed to return to Peshawar. Subsequent communications seemed to allow him some discretion and he was reluctant to withdraw while the hostages were in the hands of Akbar Khan. He was unable to advance towrds Kabul however due to lack of transport animals.

Ellenborough was under pressure from public opinion and the press which wanted to see a British victory over the Afghans. On 4 July 1842 he wrote to saying he had not changed his mind about withdrawal but, if General Nott wanted to direct his retreat through Kabul and General Pollock wished to assist the withdrawal but advancing to Kabul, they could use their discretion.

Jalalabad to Kabul
It took some time before correspondence between the two generals confirmed that both were of the same mind. Nott left Kandahar on 9 August and Pollock set out from Jalalabad on 20 August. Pollock's force reached Gundamak on 23 August and on the following day defeated two local chiefs at Mamoo Khail. General Pollock remained at Gundamak gathering supplies and waiting for letters from General Nott. On 7 September he, accompanied by General Sale, moved out with the 1st Division of the Army. The 2nd Division under General M'Caskill left the following day.

On 8 September the Ghilzies were defeated at Jugdulluk. The army then advanced to Tezeen which was reached on 11 September.

External Links

Wikipedia - 1st Afghan War
Somerset Record Office - 1st Afghan War

Historical books on-line

Memorials of Affghanistan - Pollock's march from Peshawar by J H Stocqueler 1863 (Google Books)
History of the War in Afghanistan Vol III (1841-1842) - Pollock sets out by John William Kaye Revised Edition (1858)