Morappur-Dharmapuri-Hosur Railway

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Morappur-Dharmapuri-Hosur Railway

Constructed 1906 by Madras Railway as a 2ft 6in/762mm narrow gauge(NG) famine protection line from Morappur to Dharmapuri; extended to Hosur 1913 and renamed Morappur-Hosur Railway. The line is the property of the Government of India(GoI). [1]

The Morappur-Dharmapuri section was worked on behalf of GoI by the former Madras Railway Company up to 31st December 1907. Then made over to the Southern Indian Railway Company for maintenenance and working.[1]

The Dharmapuri-Hosur section was constructed by the SIR who are responsible for maintenenance and working.[1]
