Burma, Bassien Municipality Tramway

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Burma, Bassien Municipality Tramway

In 1889 the Municipality of Bassien (now known as Pathein), Burma purchased ½ mile(0.8km) of 'John Fowler' portable tramway that was used for road repair work. The Municipal Committee cosidered the line a sucess and ordered a further 3 miles(4.8km) of track and rolling stock which they intended to use for road repairs, conservancy and watering the streets during the dry season. A wood cut illustration of the line appeared in the 14 March 1891 edition of 'Indian Engineering' showing the wagons being hand worked. It was reported in the 4 Jul 1891 edition of 'Indian Engineering' that tramway had moved over 5,000 wagon loads of earth for road widening to date as well as conservancy work [1].


  1. “Industrial Railways and Locomotives of India and South Asia” compiled by Simon Darvill. Published by ‘The Industrial Railway Society’ 2013. ISBN 978 1 901556 82-7. Available at http://irsshop.co.uk/India. Reference: Entry AY01 page ....