- ADC Aide de Camp
- APAC Asia, Pacific and Africa Collection (at the British Library)
- BCR - Bengal Central Railway
- EBR - East Bengal Railway
- EIC - East India Company (abbreviation of HEIC)
- EIR - East India Railway
- FRC - Family Records Centre (Islington, London)
- GIP - Great India Peninsula Railway
- G.O.C.C. - General Orders by Commander-in-Chief
- G.O.G - General Orders by Government
- GRO - General Register Office (Southport)
- HEIC - Honourable East India Company
- HEICS - Honourable East India Company's (Civil) Service
- ICS - Indian Civil Service
- Indian NCO - Indian Non-Commissioned Officer
- IOR - India Office Records
- NAM - National Army Museum
- NCO(s) - Non-Commissioned Officer(s)
- NMM - National Maritime Museum
- OIOC - Oriental and India Office Collection (British Library)
- PRO - Public Records Office (now called TNA, The National Archives)
- RN - Royal Navy
- S.C. - Sick Certificate
- SIR - South Indian Railway
- TNA - The National Archives (formerly PRO, Public Records Office) at Kew
- VCO(s) - Viceroy's Commissioned Officer(s)
- WAC(I) - Womens Auxillary Corp (India)