Henry Peveril Le Mesurier

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Henry Peveril Le Mesurier (1828-1889)

The following extracted from Grace's Guide [1].

Railway Achievements in India

  • 1854-56, East Indian Railway(EIR) Assistant Engineer, worked on the surveys and construction between Benares and Cawnpore. In Sept 1854 promoted to Resident Engineer. He ran the traverse of the original line between Futtehpore and Cawnpore, and set out the centre line from Mogul Serai to Allahabad station, including the site of the present bridge over the Jumna at Allahabad. In Nov. 1856, the work of construction being in a forward state on the length between Mogul Serai and the River Tonse, he was sent to the Punjab to examine the River Sutlej, with a view to selecting a site for a railway-bridge.
  • 1857, fully involved with the Indian Mutiny - see Grace's Guide [1] for full account of his involvement.
  • 1858-59, survey of the proposed EIR line from Allahabad to Jubbulpore. In the beginning of the cold season of 1859, confirmed ias Chief Engineer of the EIR Jubbulpore line.
  • 1860-62, returned to UK due to ill health
  • 1863-1868, Chief Engineer of the EIR Jubbulpore line
  • 1868 Chief Engineer for Government of India, for surveys of the railway from Lahore to Rawal Pindee
  • 1868 Sept, Chief Engineer, Presidency Division,,Great Indian Peninsula Railway (GIPR)
  • 1869 May, Acting Agent of the GIPR
  • 1869 Oct - 1877, Agent GIPR
  • 1877 Feb, resigned as Agent and took appointment with Egyptian Railways
