Charles Lingard Stokes

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Charles Lingard Stokes (1826-1864)

Locomotive Superintendent of East Indian Railway (EIR) 1857-63 [1] following tragic death of John Hodgson, the first EIR Locomotive Superintendent.

Railway Achievements

  • 1855, appointed EIR Locomotive Superintendent [2], the Locomotive Workshops at this time were at Howrah.
  • 1856, a further Locomotive Workshop was at Allahabad
  • 1857, he 'afforded the government important assistance during the Indian mutiny by his unwearied devotion in working the railway from Calcutta during that eventful period. At the instigation of the Governor General, Lord Canning, he constructed two steam vessels on the Ganges for the conveyance of troops on that occasion: the first vessel was built with extraordinary rapidity, and was worked by two locomotives with their engines and boilers complete, adapted with great ingenuity to the purpose' [2] .
  • 1862, resigned from EIR.'The mental anxiety and exposure suffered during the mutiny, combined with the insidious effects of the climate, caused his health to give way; and he was ultimately compelled to resign his appointment, and returned home in 1862' [2].
