60th Regiment of Foot

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Also known as The 60th Rifles and King's Royal Rifles


  • 1756 four battalions raised as 62nd (Royal American) Regiment
  • 1757 renamed 60th (Royal American) Regiment of Foot
  • 1797 fifth battalion raised
  • 18?? renamed The Duke of York's Own Rifle Corps
  • 1830 renamed King's Royal Rifle Corps
  • 1958 became 2nd Green Jackets (The King's Royal Rifle Corps)
  • 2007 became 4th Btn Royal Green Jackets

Service in India

1st Battalion.[1]

  • 1845 - Arrived in India
  • 1848 - Sikh War
  • 1857-58 - Indian Mutiny (where 2nd Battalion also present)
  • 1860 Returned to Uk.

A post from the Victorian Wars Forum provided the following details in respect of the 4th Battalion[2]

  • "2 Nov 1876 - 4th Bn sailed from Queenstown (having been serving in Dublin) on HMS Serapis
  • 6 Dec 1876 - Arrived Bombay and then moved to Agra (I think that is some 600 miles, by train ?)
  • 14 Feb 80 - left Agra for Dagshai
  • 15 Oct 81 - left Dagshai to march to Ferozopore arrived 3 Nov (some 200 miles in 18 days)
  • 12 Dec 84 - left Ferozepore to march to Peshawar arrived 21 Jan 85 (some 350 miles in 40 days) (the history notes that these long marches were enjoyed by the troops)."

British Library holdings

  • Annals Of The King’s Royal Rifle Corps in seven volumes and an Appendix (total 8 volumes), published from 1913. Volumes 1-3 by Lewis Butler. The first seven volumes are available at the British Library UIN: BLL01001096753 .
    • Appendix by S. M. Milne and Major-General Astley Terry, published 1913 dealing with uniform, armament and equipment.
    • Volume 3 1830-1873, published 1926.
    • Annals Of The King’s Royal Rifle Corps: Vol 4 'The K.R.R.C.' 1873-1914 by Major-Gen. Sir Steuart Hare. Originally published 1929. The Fourth Battalion took part in colonial campaigns in India and Burma in the 1890s.
    • Volume 5 The Great War by Sir Steuart Hare, published 1932.
    • Volume 6 1921-1943 by G.H. Mills and R.F. Nixon, published 1971.
    • Volume 7 1943-1965 by Major General G H Mills. Published by Celer Et Audax Club 1979. ISBN: 0950667609. (Details [3]). Does not appear in the British Library catalogue.
Volume 1 and 2, the Appendix and Volume 7 are available online, in some form, see below.

Regimental journal

The King’s Royal Rifle Corps Chronicle
Editions from 1901 are available online at Archive.org, see below.
Restricted access: Available from 1901 to viewers in North America and some other countries from Hathi Trust, and Google Books, see below.
Also available on the pay website Findmypast 1900-1920, see below.

External links

"Bygones: Dramatic escape from Indian assassination bid" February 10, 2014 Derby Telegraph, now an archived webpage. An accounts of the attempted assassination of Lord Hardinge on the occasion of his state entry into Delhi in 1912 from a letter written by Bugler George King of the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifles, brother of Albert King, above.

Historical books online

Restricted access: Available from 1901 to viewers in North America and some other countries from Hathi Trust, catalogue entries 1 and 2, and Google Books
Findmypast, pay website, includes a database "King's Royal Rifle Corps Chronicle 1900-1920",[4] located in Armed Forces & Conflict/Regimental & Service Records, 1901 to 1920 with gaps for 1915 and 1919. This database is searchable, (by name or keyword) with the search result showing a page of the Chronicle (and if required adjoining pages). It is possible browse the various editions, although it is a slow process. From the findmypast page, "Browse Title" and select a year, then click on Search (leaving all details blank). This will bring up a long list of all pages for that year. Once you have selected a page, you can scroll to the previous, or next page, using buttons located near the top of the findmypast page. If you need to increase the size of the pages in order to read them you may need to download (button near the top of the findmypast page) but this must be done page by page.
From the Findmypast database, which you must be signed in to view the following article from the 1914 Chronicle.
"Shikar in India" by various officers of the 4th Battalion, in India from December 1909. Commences page 27 and describes Shooting in the Sunderbunds;
A Day with the Peshawar Vale Hounds page 33
Falconry and Hawking page 38
Pig-sticking page 43
Markhor page 47. Mountain wild goat/sheep
Big Game Shooting in Burma page 52
Blackbuck page 57
Urial and Chinkara page 60. Urial=wild sheep
Chakor page 65. Chakor=type of bird.
“Small Game” page 67
The Annals of the King's Royal Rifle Corps. Volume 2 “The Green Jacket” [to 1830] by Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis Butler 1923 Archive.org.
The Annals of the King's Royal Rifle Corps. Appendix dealing with Uniform, Armament and Equipment by S M Milne and Major-General Astley Terry 1913 Archive.org.
Sample pages Volume 3 1830s to 1873 first published 1926, Google Books reprint edition, including Contents pages.
Sample pages Volume 4 1872-1913 first published 1929, Google Books reprint edition, including Contents pages. Principally the 1899-1902 Boer War.
Volume 5 The Great War by Sir Steuart Hare 1932. Volume 6 1921-1943 by Mills and Nixon 1971.
Volume 7 1943-1965 by Giles Mills 1979 Archive.org Texts to Borrow
A Brief History of the King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1755 to 1915 2nd edition 1917. Archive.org.


  1. Archived website regiments.org
  2. No longer available Victorian Wars Forum post dated 18 July 2012 http://www.victorianwars.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=7269#p31207
  3. Worthpoint.com, archived.
  4. King's Royal Rifle Corps Chronicle 1900-1920 findmypast