Gauhati Branch Railway

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Gauhati Branch Railway

Gauhati Branch Railway
Gauhati Branch Railway

Part of Assam Section of Eastern Bengal Railway(EBR) incorporating part of Kaunia Dharle Railway connecting Golakganj with Gauhati, a distance of 147 miles (235km).

Joseph Elston from the Public Works Department was the Engineer-in-Chief for the Survey in 1898 [1].

This Metre Gauge(MG) line was opened in 1906 and extended to reach Armingoan by 1909; where it linked to EBR’s Amingaon-Pandu Train Ferry; crossing the Brahmaputra River to the Pandu Ghat-Gauhati Railway connecting to Assam-Bengal Railway(ABR) at Gauhati.

Further Information

See Eastern Bengal Railway - Lines owned and worked
and Amingaon-Pandu Train Ferry
