Pandu Ghat-Gauhati Railway

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Pandu Ghat-Gauhati Railway

Pandu Ghat-Gauhati Railway

A short metre gauge(MG) line constructed by Eastern Bengal Railway(EBR) linking Pandu Ghat with Gauhati to join with the Assam-Bengal Railway(ABR) main line. Opened c.1908 and worked by ABR, finally transferred to ABR, 1922 .

It completed the Gauhati Branch Railway connecting the EBR main line at Golakganj with the ABR main line at Gauhati and included the Amingaon-Pandu Train Ferry crossing of the Brahmaputra River.


An on-line search of the India Office Records (IOR) records held at the British Library relating to this railway [1] gives the following:-

  • L/F/8/20/1652; "Assam-Bengal Railway Company Limited, Contract as to transfer to the company of Pandu-ghat-Gauhati section and as to yearly accounts and rate of exchange" 3 May 1922

Further Information

See Eastern Bengal Railway - Lines owned and worked
and Amingaon-Pandu Train Ferry
