Featured articles

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Revision as of 11:30, 7 April 2010 by Valmay (talk | contribs) (update)
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The page lists the current and past featured articles and images on the Main Page of the FIBIwiki.

Please list/discuss candidates for future featured articles/pictures on the talk page.

Current and past features

Date Featured article Featured image
October 2009 Apothecary
Batta Mutiny 1766
Edwardian Splendour
November 2009 Irish Townlands Karachi War Cemetery
December 2009 Bengal Pilot Service Lansdowne Bridge
January 2010 Nurse Bahawal Victoria Hospital
February 2010 East Indian Railway Major Hector Alfred Richardson
March 2010 Norperforce Groves Meppen Warburton Walter
April 2010 Bengal Infantry Finder Kannur fort chapel