McLeod's Light Railways

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McLeod's Light Railways
[[Image:|150px| ]]
System timeline
1915 First line opened
1967 Last line nationalised
Constituent companies / lines
1915 Burdwan-Katwa Railway
1916 Bankura-Damodar Railway
1917 Kalighat-Falta Railway
1917 Ahmadpur-Katwa Railway
Key locations
Headquarters Calcutta
Major Stations
Successor system / organisation
Some lines taken over by Indian Railways
System mileage
2' 6" NG 152 miles (estimated)
Associated auxiliary force
How to interpret this infobox

McLeod & Company was the subsidiary of a London company of managing agents, McLeod Russell & Co. Ltd, formed to build and operate four 2ft 6in/762mm narrow gauge(NG) narrow gauge railways McLeod's Light Railways in and around Calcutta. Each railway was created as a separate Company.

The lines continued to operate independently after the Independence in 1947, the last being transferred to Indian Railways in 1967.

McLeod’s Light Railways

Lines operated and worked by McLeod's Light Railways

Other Railways taken over by McLeod's Light Railways
