Greathed's Movable Column

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Greathed's Movable Column
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Following the Recapture of Delhi in September 1857 a movable column was formed under Colonel Edward Greathed to pursue rebels retreating from the city. The column left Delhi on 23 September and fought several actions. Greathed was summoned to relieve Agra and then directed to assist in the relief of Lucknow. General Sir James Hope Grant took command at Ferozabad and the column reached the Alumbagh on 6 November.

Movable Column

European Infantry (450 men)

Punjab Infantry (1,200 men)

British Cavalry (300 men)

Indian Cavalry (400 men)

Total: 930 European and 1,860 Native troops

External Links

Greathed's March to Agra and Cawnpore Google Books
Col Borchier's Account Google Books