The Governor-General of India was the head of the administration in British India. Between 1858 and 1947 the position was titled Viceroy and Governor-General of India.

History of the position
- 1773 The office of Governor-General of the Presidency of Fort William was created. The holder administered Fort William and supervised the East India Company officials in India.
- 1833 The newly designated Governor-General of India was granted authority over all of British India.
- 1858 After the Indian Mutiny the Crown took control of India and the Governor-General was the head of the government in India. To reflect his further role as the monarch's representative to the Princely states, the office was retitled Viceroy and Governor-General of India.
- 1947 The Governor-General was kept after Independence until India and Pakistan became republics in the 1950s, although the term Viceroy was abandoned.
FIBIS Resources
See Category:Governors-General of India as well as a full list on Wikipedia (link below).
External links
The FIBIS Google Books Library has books tagged: Governors General Government |
- Governor-General of India Wikipedia
Historical books online
- Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington, K. G. India 1797-1805 Google Books
- Volume 1: April 11, 1797- June 6, 1800 1858, Volume 2: June 6, 1800 to December 11, 1801 1858,
- Volume 3: December 14, 1801 to February 14 1803 1859, Volume 4: February 15 1803 to March 1805 1859
- 'Up the country': letters written to her sister from the upper provinces of India by Hon. Emily Eden 2nd Edition 1867 (contains what in some editions are 2 separate volumes) Google Books
- Letters From India Vol-I and Letters From India Vol-II by Hon Emily Eden 1872
- Golden Interlude: The Edens In India 1836-1842 by Janet Dunbar (1956) recounts the experiences of Governor-General George Eden and his sisters during their time in India.
- Life of the Marquis of Dalhousie by Captain L. J. Trotter. 1889 A book in the Statesmen series (1848-1856)
- Earl Canning by Sir H S Cunningham 1891 A book in the series Rulers of India. (1856-1862)
- Lord Lawrence by Sir Charles Aitchison, formerly Lieutenant -Governor of the Punjab. 1892 A book in the series Rulers of India (1864-1869)
- The Administration of the Marquis of Lansdowne as Viceroy and Governor-general of India, 1888-1894 by George W Forrest 1894
- Speeches of Lord Curzon of Kedleston, Viceroy and Governor General of India [Volume I]: 1898-1901, Volume II: 1900-1902 Lord Curzon was in this position 1899-1905.
- Lord Curzon in India, 1898-1903 by H Caldwell Lipsett 1903
- India under Curzon & after by Lovat Fraser 1911
- British Government In India: The Story of the Viceroys and Government Houses by the Marquis Curzon of Kedleston, K.G. , Viceroy and Governor General of India, Jan.1899-May 1904, and Dec. 1904-Nov.1905. 1925 Volume One, Volume Two
- Lord Minto, A Memoir John Buchan 1924. Lord Minto was Viceroy from 1905
- India, Minto and Morley 1905-1910 compiled by Mary, Countess of Minto, published 1934. Hathi Trust Digital Library. It is also available to read online on the Digital Library of India website.
- The Viceroy at Bay: Lord Linlithgow in India 1936-1943 by John Glendevon 1971
- Wavell: The Viceroy’s Journal, edited by Penderel Moon. 1973 Lord Wavell was Viceroy October 1943 to March 1947.