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The Governor-General of India was the head of the administration in British India. Between 1858 and 1947 the position was titled Viceroy and Governor-General of India.

Warren Hastings - First Governor-General of India from 1773 to 1785

History of the position

  • 1833 The newly designated Governor-General of India was granted authority over all of British India.
  • 1858 After the Indian Mutiny the Crown took control of India and the Governor-General was the head of the government in India. To reflect his further role as the monarch's representative to the Princely states, the office was retitled Viceroy and Governor-General of India.
  • 1947 The Governor-General was kept after Independence until India and Pakistan became republics in the 1950s, although the term Viceroy was abandoned.

FIBIS Resources


See Category:Governors-General of India as well as a full list on Wikipedia (link below).

External links

  The FIBIS Google Books Library
has books tagged:
Governors General Government

Historical books online

Viceroys House New Delhi
  • Divide and Quit by Penderel Moon c 1961 Contains references to Mountbatten.