The Governor-General of India was the head of the administration in British India. Between 1858 and 1947 the position was titled Viceroy and Governor-General of India.

History of the position
- 1773 The office of Governor-General of the Presidency of Fort William was created. The holder administered Fort William and supervised the East India Company officials in India.
- 1833 The newly designated Governor-General of India was granted authority over all of British India.
- 1858 After the Indian Mutiny the Crown took control of India and the Governor-General was the head of the government in India. To reflect his further role as the monarch's representative to the Princely states, the office was retitled Viceroy and Governor-General of India.
- 1947 The Governor-General was kept after Independence until India and Pakistan became republics in the 1950s, although the term Viceroy was abandoned.
FIBIS Resources
See Category:Governors-General of India as well as a full list on Wikipedia (link below).
External links
The FIBIS Google Books Library has books tagged: Governors General Government |
- Governor-General of India Wikipedia
- Note it appears that the Earl Of Elgin arrived in January 1894, not the date 11 October 1894 stated in the Wikipedia article.
Historical books online
- See Warren Hastings, who was the first Governor-General of India 20 October 1773 (originally joined on 28 April 1772) to 8 February 1785.
- Cornwallis, the Imperial Years by Franklin and Mary Wickwire 1980. Lending Library. The 2nd book on his life by the authors. Cornwallis was Governor General 12 September 1786 to 28 October 1793 and reappointed 30 July 1805 until he died 5 October 1805.
- The life and correspondence of Charles, Lord Metcalfe: late governor-general of India, governor of Jamaica, and governor-general of Canada, from unpublished letters and journals preserved by himself, his family, and his friends by John William Kaye 1854. Volume I, Volume II (20 March 1835 to 4 March 1836).
- The life of Charles, Lord Metcalfe by Edward John Thompson 1937 Lending Library. Also available Central Secretariat Library (CSL) [Delhi] Digital Repository version.
- 'Up the country': letters written to her sister from the upper provinces of India by Hon. Emily Eden 2nd Edition 1867 (contains what in some editions are 2 separate volumes) Google Books
- Letters From India Vol-I and Letters From India Vol-II by Hon Emily Eden 1872
- Golden Interlude: The Edens In India 1836-1842 by Janet Dunbar (1956) recounts the experiences of Governor-General George Eden and his sisters during their time in India.
- The letters of the first Viscount Hardinge of Lahore to Lady Hardinge and Sir Walter and Lady James, 1844-1847 edited by Bawa Satinder Singh 1986. Lending Library.
- Hardinge Papers Relating To Punjab edited and annotated by Dr Kirpal Singh 2002 Includes papers relating to both the Hardinge Governor General and Viceroy.
- Life of the Marquis of Dalhousie by Captain L. J. Trotter. 1889 A book in the Statesmen series (1848-1856)
- Lord Dalhousie's administration of the conquered and annexed states by Muhammad Abdur Rahim 1963. Lending Library. [1848-1856]
- Earl Canning by Sir H S Cunningham 1891 A book in the series Rulers of India. (1856-1862)
- Lord Lawrence by Sir Charles Aitchison, formerly Lieutenant -Governor of the Punjab. 1892 A book in the series Rulers of India (1864-1869)
- A Life of the Earl of Mayo, Fourth Viceroy of India by W W Hunter 2nd edition 1876 Volume I, Volume II
- The Earl of Mayo by Sir William Wilson Hunter 1892 A book in the series Rulers of India (1869-1872)
- Our Viceregal Life in India: Selections from my Journal, 1884-1888 by the Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava 1890. Volume I, Volume II (The Earl of Dufferin was Viceroy 13 December 1884 - 10 December 1888)
- The Administration of the Marquis of Lansdowne as Viceroy and Governor-general of India, 1888-1894 by George W Forrest 1894
- Private Secretary to the Marquess of Lansdowne, Viceroy of India [from 1888] page 233 The life of Major-General Sir John Ardagh, by his wife Susan, Countess of Malmesbury (Lady Ardagh) 1908 HathiTrust Digital Library.
- Lord Lansdowne: a Biography by Lord Newton 1929. Also available Central Secretariat Library (CSL) [Delhi] Digital Repository.
- "The Viceroy’s Daughter. Elizabeth Bruce" page 153 The Fishing Fleet : Husband-Hunting in the Raj by Anne De Courcy 2013 edition, first published 2012. Books to Borrow/ Lending Library. Daughter of the Earl of Elgin, she was sixteen and a half (born September 1877) when she arrived in January 1894 and commenced comprehensive diaries. She married in India in September 1898.
- Speeches of Lord Curzon of Kedleston, Viceroy and Governor General of India [Volume I]: 1898-1901, Volume II: 1900-1902 Lord Curzon was in this position 1899-1905.
- Lord Curzon in India, 1898-1903 by H Caldwell Lipsett 1903
- The Failure Of Lord Curzon 1903. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Full title : The Failure of Lord Curzon. A study in “Imperialism.” An open letter to the Earl of Rosebery by “Twenty-eight years in India” [elsewhere stated to be Charles J. O'Donnell].
- India under Curzon & after by Lovat Fraser 1911
- British Government In India: The Story of the Viceroys and Government Houses by the Marquis Curzon of Kedleston, K.G. , Viceroy and Governor General of India, Jan.1899-May 1904, and Dec. 1904-Nov.1905. 1925 Volume One, Volume Two Volume Two, Lending Library, with better images.
- The Life of Lord Curzon : being the authorized biography of George Nathaniel, Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, K.G. by The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Ronaldshay 1928. Volume One, Volume Two: Viceroy of India December 1898 to November 1905; Volume Three All
- The Glorious Fault : the Life of Lord Curzon by Leonard Mosley 1960. Books to Borrow/ Lending Library
- High Noon of Empire : India under Curzon by Michael Edwardes 1965. Lending Library
- Below the Peacock Fan : First Ladies of the Raj by Marian Fowler 1987 Lending Library. Emily Eden, Charlotte Canning, Edith Lytton, Mary Curzon.
- Lord Minto, A Memoir John Buchan 1924. Also available mirror version, originally from Digital Library of India. Lord Minto was Viceroy from 1905
- India, Minto and Morley 1905-1910 compiled by Mary, Countess of Minto, published 1934. Hathi Trust Digital Library. It is also available version, originally from Digital Library of India.
- India Under Morley And Minto by M N Das 1957. version, originally from Digital Library of India. Full title: India under Morley and Minto. Politics behind revolution, repression and reforms.
- Lord Minto and the Indian Nationalist Movement 1905 to 1910 by Syed Razi Wasti. 1964. Lending Library.
- Morley and India, 1906-1910 by Stanley A. Wolpert 1967 Lending Library. Morley was Secretary of State in charge of the India Office.
- My Indian Years 1910-1916 by Lord Hardinge 1948. version, originally from Digital Library of India. Also available to read online on Academy of the Punjab in North America (Lord Hardinge was Viceroy 23 November 1910- 4 April 1916)
- Hardinge Papers Relating To Punjab edited and annotated by Dr Kirpal Singh 2002 Includes papers relating to both the Hardinge Governor General and Viceroy.
- The Viceroyalty of Lord Irwin, 1926-1931 by Sarvepalli Gopal 1957. Lending Library.
- Halifax: The Life Of Lord Halifax by the Earl of Birkenhead 1965. Digital Library of India Collection. Edward Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax(Wikipedia), styled Lord Irwin from 1925 until 1934 and Viscount Halifax from 1934 until 1944, was Viceroy of India for 5 years from 1926 (appointed 1925).
- Lord Willingdon In India by Victor Trench 1934. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Author’s name is a pseudonym (Freeman Freeman Thomas, Marquis of Willingdon) who was Viceroy 18 April 1931-18 April 1936.
- The Viceroy at Bay: Lord Linlithgow in India 1936-1943 by John Glendevon 1971
- Linlithgow and India : a study of British policy and the political impasse in India, 1936-43 by Gowher Rizvi 1978. Lending Library
- Speeches by the Marquess of Linlithgow Volume I [from 17 April 1936 to 23rd April 1938] 1940; Volume II [to 16 October 1943] 1944.
- Wavell: The Viceroy’s Journal, edited by Penderel Moon. 1973 Books to Borrow/Lending Library version better quality digital file. Lord Wavell was Viceroy October 1943 to March 1947.
- See British India - Historical books online for the publication The Transfer of Power 1942-7, in 12 volumes.
- Mission With Mountbatten by Alan Campbell-Johnson 1951 “Specially revised and abridged by the author for Indian readers”. The author was Press Attache to Mountbatten when he was Viceroy.
- Freedom At Midnight by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre c 1975. version, mirror from Digital Library of India. The events in India in 1947
- Mountbatten And The Partition Of India by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre 1960 version mirror from Digital Library of India. Publication date elsewhere is given as 1982. Also available to read online on Academy of the Punjab in North America.
- Mountbatten And Independent India by Larry Collins and Dominique Laouerre 1960 version, mirror from Digital Library of India. Publication date elsewhere is given as 1982.
- Last Viceroy : the life and times of Rear-Admiral, the Earl Mountbatten of Burma by Ray Murphy 1949, first published 1948., Public Library of India Collection.
- Lord Mountbatten : the Last Viceroy by David Butler 1986. Lending Library
- Divide and Quit by Penderel Moon c 1961 Contains references to Mountbatten.
- Shameful Flight: The Last Years of the British Empire in India by Stanley A. Wolpert 2006 Lending Library. Wolpert places the blame for the catastrophe largely on Mountbatten.
- The Princely India I knew, from Reading to Mountbatten by Sir Conrad Corfield, former Political Adviser to the Viceroy. 1975 Books to Borrow/Lending Library. Published by the Indo British Historical Society. The author was the last official head of the Indian Political Service, which he had joined in 1925 after preliminary service in the Punjab Province from 1921.
- The Viceroys and Governors-General of India, 1757-1947 by Viscount Mersey 1949. Books to Borrow/ Lending Library version with better images. version
- The Viceroys of India by Mark Bence-Jones 1982. Books to Borrow/ Lending Library.