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Colin Campbell
Field Marshal Colin Campbell, 1st Baron Clyde GCB KSI (1792-1863) was a British soldier who served with the 9th Regiment of Foot in the Peninsular War before becoming lieutenant colonel in the 98th Regiment of Foot. In 1842 the regiment joined Hugh Gough's army in the 1st China War and in 1847 it was posted to India where Campbell commanded the brigade at Lahore. In the 2nd Sikh War he served with distinction and was made KCB. A period on the North West Frontier followed before he returned to England in 1853. He was then a distinguished commander in the Crimea War which brought him many honours. At the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny he accepted the post of Commander-in-Chief in India. After organising the troops he led the Army of Oude in the Oude Campaign which succeeded in the Second Lucknow Relief. He became colonel of the 93rd Regiment of Foot and was made Baron Clyde of Clydesdale. He left India in 1860.
External links
Colin Campbell
Colin Campbell, 1st Baron Clyde Wikipedia
Historical books on line
The Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde Vol I by Lt-Gen Shadwell CB 1881 (
The Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde Vol II by Lt-Gen Shadwell CB 1881 (