Joseph Bonus

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Joseph Bonus (1836-1926); Major Gen. (1888); Major R.E.(1872)

His full biography is given in "Major General Joseph Bonus,Royal Engineers and Bombay Sappers and Miners" by Lieut.Col. Edward De Santisnnn [1] and relating to railways in section [23] "Railway Engineering In Northern India After The Indian Mutiny, 1858-1878".

Railway Acheivements

  • 1861 Sept, Deputy Consulting Engineer for Railways in the Sind Public Works Department(PWD) [2].
  • 1870 Mar, Offg. Deputy Consulting Engineer N.W.Provinces [2]
  • 1870 Sept, Indus Valley State Railway(IVSR) Executive Engineer 1st Class, on deployment from the Bengal Public Works Department (PWD) [3].
  • 1872 Civil List, IVSR Executive Engineer 1st Class [3].
  • 1873 Jul 14, IVSR Superintending Engineer 3rd Class - Kotree District [1].
  • 1876 Sept, Sindia State Railway Engineer-in-Chief [2].
  • 1877, IVSR Superintending Engineer 2nd Class - Kotree District [1].
  • 1877, Punjab Northern State Railway (PNSR) transferred from IVSR [2]
  • 1878 Jul-Oct, Offg. Consulting Engineer for Guaranteed Railways, Lahore [2]
  • 1879 Oct, PNSR, Engineer-in-Chief for the construction from Rawalpindi(Pindi) to Peshawar [2]
  • 1879-80, service in 2nd Afghan War [1].
  • 1880, PNSR, Engineer-in-Chief for the construction from Rawalpindi(Pindi) to Peshawar; on deployment from PWD with promotion to Superintending Engineer 1st Class. This section of the PNSR was opened for traffic on the 1st of January 1881 [1].
  • 1881-86, Joint Secretary for Railways and Consulting Engineer to the Government of Bombay [2] [1].
  • 1886 Nov 25, promoted to Major-General and retired [1].
