British India

Scope of FIBIS' Interest
The main focus of FIBIS activities is the ‘sub-continent’ of India but we are also interested in all areas and activities of the British in South Asia including the following between the founding of the East India Company in 1599 to Indian Independence in 1947:
- Afghanistan
- Aden
- Andaman Islands
- Bangladesh
- Benkulen (Sumatra)
- Burma (Myanmar)
- Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
- China, Macao & Hong Kong
- Indonesia (Borneo, Labuan etc.)
- Malaysia
- Mauritius
- Persia
- Singapore
- Straits Settlements
Also included are the activities of the East India Company in London and St. Helena.
See also
External links
Historical online books
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The FIBIS Google Books Library has books tagged: History of India |
Some general histories available as online books. Please note the dates that these have been written in order to be aware that some of the content may be outdated or incompatible with modern sensibilities.
- Early English Adventurers in the East by Arnold Wright 1917
- A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies by Abbé Guillaume-Thomas-François Raynal 1804 edition, first published in an English translation 1783 Volume 1, Volume 2 (out of 6 volumes) Google Books
- Transactions in India, from the commencement of the French War in seventeen hundred and fifty-six, to the conclusion of the late peace, in seventeen hundred and eighty-three: Containing a history of the British interests in Indostan, during a period of near thirty years; distinguished by two wars with France, several revolutions and treaties of alliance, the acquisition of an extensive territory, and the administration of Governor Hastings by John Moir 1786 Google Books
- British India analyzed: The provincial and revenue establishments of Tippoo Sultaun and of Mahomedan and British conquerors in Hindostan, stated and considered. In Three Parts by Charles Francis Greville 1795 Google Books
- Part 1 The Object and Principles Of The New Act; The Revenue Regulations of Tippoo Sultaun; and The Provincial Establishments Of Mahomedan Conquerors In British India
- Part 2 Provincial and Revenue Establishments Of British Conquerors
- Part 3 Deductions From The History Of Mahomedan and European Conquerors
- The History of British India Vol 1, by James Mill (1817) Vol 2 (1708-84), Vol 3 (1784-1805) Google Books
- The History of British India 1805 to 1835 Vol 1, by Horace Hayman Wilson (1848), Vol 2 from 1813, Vol 3 from 1823 Google Books
- The History of the British Empire in India Vol 1, by Edward Thornton (1841) Vol 2, 1766-98, Vol 3, 1797-1805, Vol 4, 1805-19, Vol 5, 1823-33, Vol 6, 1833-43 2nd edition 1859 with an “entirely new and enlarged glossary", chronological index, and index Google Books
- The History of the British Empire in India...1844 to 1862: Forming a Sequel to Thornton's History of India Vol 1, by Lionel James Trotter (1866) Google Books, Vol 2 (
- Political and Military Events in British India: From the Years 1756 to 1849: Vol 1 (to 1814) by William Hough (1853) and Vol 2 (1814-49) Google Books
- A comprehensive History of India, civil, military and social, from the first landing of the English, to the suppression of the Sepoy revolt by Henry Beveridge 1862 editions (first published 1858) Google Books Volume 1( -1767) (Books 1, 2, 3), Volume 2 (1762 -1803) (Books 4, 5, 6), Volume 3 (1808-) (Books 7, 8,9), Index to all Volumes
- India in 1858: A Summary of the Existing Administration, Political, Fiscal, and Judicial, of British India, Together with the Laws and Public Documents Relating Thereto, from the Earliest to the Present Time by Arthur Mills 1858 Google Books
- The Administration of India from 1859-1868: the First Ten Years of Administration under the Crown by Iltudus Thomas Prichard 1869 Volume 1,Contents; Volume 2, Contents Google Books
- The Englishman in India by Charles Raikes 1867 (Google Books)
- History of India published 1906-07 (
- Volume 1 From the earliest times to the sixth century B.C., by R.C. Dutt.
- Volume 2 From the sixth century B.C. to the Mohammedan conquest, including the invasion of Alexander the Great, by V.A. Smith.
- Volume 3 Mediaeval India from the Mohammedan conquest to the reign of Akbar the Great, by S. Lane-Poole.
- Volume 4 From the reign of Akbar the Great to the fall of the Moghul empire, by S. Lane-Poole
- Volume 5 The Mohammedan period as described by its own historians, by Sir H.M. Elliot.
- Volume 6 From the first European settlements to the founding of the English East India company, by Sir W.W. Hunter
- Volume 7 The European struggle for Indian supremacy in the seventeenth century, by Sir W.W. Hunter.
- Volume 8 From the close of the seventeenth century to the present time, by Sir A.C. Lyall.
- Volume 9 Historic accounts of India by foreign travellers, classic, oriental, and occidental, by A.V.W. Jackson
- Dictionary of British-Indian dates: being a compendium of all the dates essential to the study of the history of British rule in India 1866 Google Books
- Slave Trade (East India). [Also] Slavery in Ceylon. Correspondence between the Directors of the East India Company and the Company's Government in India, on the subject of Slavery. Communications relating to Slavery in the Island of Ceylon. House of Commons Parliamentary Papers 31 July 1838. Google Books
- Slavery and the slave trade in British India: with notices of the existence of these evils in the islands of Ceylon, Malacca, and Penang, drawn from official documents Published 1841 Google Books
- India in 1880 by Sir Richard Temple Second Edition1881 Contents
- The Administration of the Marquis of Lansdowne as Viceroy and Governor-general of India, 1888-1894 by George W Forrest 1894
- "Ancient and Modern Political Divisions" page 170 The History of India by Sir Roper Lethbridge September 1900 edition, with corrections 1898 (First edition 1875)
- The Economic History of India under early British rule, from the rise of the British power in 1757 to the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837 by Romesh Dutt 6th edition 1920 First published c 1902.
- The Economic History of India in the Victorian Age: From the Accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.... Original title was India in the Victorian Age; an Economic History of the People 1904 edition, 3rd edition 1908
- England's Debt to India: a Historical Narrative of Britain's Fiscal Policy in India by Lajpat Rai 1917
- British India from Queen Elizabeth to Lord Reading by an Indian Mahomedan 1926 Catalogued as British India
- The Rt. Hon. Mr. E. S. Montagu on Indian Affairs, published 1917. Mr Montagu was Secretary of State for India, in Britain. Includes the Indian Budgets 1910-1913 and Mr Montagu’s views of the inefficiencies of the structure of Indian Government, as revealed by the Mesopotamian Commission.
- Sedition Committee 1918 Report Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta. 1918. There was also a Secret Edition ref: IOR/V/26/262/1 British Library. One of the aims of the Committee was to “investigate and report on the nature and extent of the criminal conspiracies connected with the revolutionary movement in India.”
- Sedition Committee 1918 Appendices Pdf download, Digital Library of India.
- Histories Of The Non-Co-Operation And Khilafat Movements by P C Bamford 1925. Pdf download, KrishiKosh: An Institutional Repository of Indian National Agricultural Research System. Also available as pdf downloads, Digital Library of India.
- The Indian Year Book. A Statistical and Historical Annual of the Indian Empire. With an explanation of the principal topics of the day. First issued 1914. Edited by Sir Stanley Reed. 1919: Sixth year of issue Contents, Index; 1920, Contents, Index The Indian Year Book: Pdf downloads, Digital Library of India, filtered to show author Reed. There may be additional volumes showing other authors.
- India in 19**-19**: A statement prepared for presentation to Parliament. Government of India Central Publication Branch
- India in 1922-23 (1923), Contents; India in 1923-24 (1924), Contents; India in 1930-1931 (1932), Contents.
- The following books on may require either a DjVu or Torrent (BitTorrent) plug-in: India in 1917-18; India in 1925-26; India in 1934-35
- Editions for most years from 1917 to 1935 are available to read online on the Digital Library of India website, in TIFF format. The following are also available as pdf downloads: India in 1931-32 1933; India in 1934-35 1937.
- Indian Recorder April-June 1932. The Indian Recorder was intended to be a reference book for the period.
- Turmoil & Tragedy in India 1914 and After by Lt Gen Sir George MacMunn 1935 is available as a pdf download on the Digital Library of India.
- Budget For 1941-1942
- The British In India by Sir Percival J Griffiths 1946. Pdf download, Digital Library of India
- The British In Asia by Guy Wint 1947
- India and the Passing of Empire by Sir George Dunbar 1951. Pdf download, Digital Library of India
- The British Impact on India by Sir Percival J Griffiths 1952. Pdf download, Digital Library of India
- The Men Who Ruled India, published in three volumes, The Founders (1953), The Guardians, Volume I and The Guardians, Volume lI (1954) by Philip Woodruff (pseudonym) are available as pdf downloads on the Digital Library of India. The author was Philip Mason who joined the Indian Civil Service in 1928.
- The Last Years Of British India by Michael Edwardes 1963 Also available on the Digital Library of India as pdf downloads (multiple files) including Pdf download 1 and Pdf download 2