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101st Grenadiers
(Redirected from 1st or Grenadier Regiment of Bombay Infantry)
Known as 1st or Grenadier Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry in the Bombay Army
Known as 101st Grenadiers in the Indian Army
- 1778 raised as the 8th Battalion, Bombay Sepoys
- 1783 became the Bombay Grenadiers
- 1784 became the Bombay Grenadier Battalion
- 1788 became the 1st Bombay Battalion
- 1796 became the Grenadier Battalion, 1st Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry
- 1824 became the Grenadier Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry
- 1885 became the 1st Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry (Grenadiers)
- 1901 became the 1st Grenadier Bombay Infantry
- 1903 became the 101st Grenadiers
- 1922 became the 1st Battalion 4th Bombay Grenadiers
- 1947 allocated to India on Partition
Battle Honours
Regimental Histories
- Historical Record of the Services of the First Regiment Bombay Infantry, Grenadiers, published at Poona, 1885, is available at the British Library UIN: BLL01016627496 . This history appears to have been incorporated into the following history.
- Historical Record of the 101st Grenadiers, 1778-1923 2nd edition 1928. Available at the BL UIN: BLL01010653799 . Includes WW1 service in East Africa and Egypt and Palestine.
- The Grenadiers : a Tradition of Valour by Col. R.D. Palsokar. Jabalpur : Grenadiers Regimental Centre, [1980]. Available at the BL UIN: BLL01011840970. For more details see 4th Bombay Grenadiers.
External Links
- Grenadier Wikipedia
- 101st Grenadiers Wikipedia
- 101st Grenadiers British Empire website
- 4th Bombay Grenadiers Wikipedia
- Page 75 Valour and Sacrifice: Famous Regiments of the Indian Army by Gautam Sharma Google Books
- 2 Guards’ Raising Day celebrations Chandigarh Tribune Online 17 November 2003. The regiment traces its history to 1778 when it was ised in by Capt James Stewart at Mumbai as an ad hoc Grenadiers battalion by taking two Grenadiers companies each from the three sepoy battalions of the Bombay Army. Refer 1st Maratha War.
- "Somaliland 1920: The Final Campaign against the “Mad Mullah”". Includes 1½ companies of the 101st Grenadiers, who were garrisoning the Protectorate. "Harry's Africa".
Historical books online
- Lists of the officers of His Majesty's and the Hon. Company's troops serving under the Presidency of Bombay from Adjutant General's Office January 1st 1798 Officers' muster roll in Malabar Google Books